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Everything posted by Orangehair43

  1. I think this could end up making people demand full boycotts. Not impossible Some important countries will end up doing so. The Nordics and the Netherlands the ones to watch.
  2. Just been confirmed. Chuna has already taken revenge on Lithuania for announcing a diplomatic boycott. Could see revenge here but that could backfire on China and push the USA out of the games entirely.
  3. Demands to cancel the games grow.
  4. The WTA could lose 1.4 billion dollars in a single year. That’s quite a lot.
  5. What happens if no one applies. Or only problematic counties apply. Can the games survive more problematic hosts.
  6. I am not sure any democratic country will bid for a future games. The process for 2030 could well collapse soon.
  7. China must be fearing a total boycott from the USA if they demanding companies speak out against it.
  8. However FIfa is one member one vote and it’s been calculated that it will pass because of everyone else. And those countries won’t accept a u turn. Fifa could split into two.
  9. Professional Sport is fucked full stop.
  10. Did you miss the news that the Scandinavian FA’s are considering quitting Fifa due to the prospect of the World Cup every two years?
  11. The longest term damage is trying to get a games for 2030 and longer. Most people around the world world do not like the IOC.
  12. I am sure NBC has a clause in the contract that says no Americans no broadcast.
  13. Taiwan is completely separate to China. It would really piss Bejing off if they did so.
  14. Tennis could financially suffer badly this coming decade. The next Gen are pretty unpopular and will not bring in no where near as much revenue as the greats have done so. And now this meant the WTA will be in a financial hole as well. If a breakaway tour happens as Djokovic wants to run once retired then even the Grand Slams could be at risk.
  15. I imagine we won’t see a Chinese professional tennis player again for a long time. I am sure Taiwan would be a suitable host for a major tournament.
  16. I think it’s inevitable we will get Countires withdrawing. The IOC will collapse completely if it then tries to ban them from future games.
  17. Major Pressure now on the IOC as the WTA have suspended all tennis tournaments in China. The IOC will really have to justify why the games should be held. Still a fair chance of major boycotts.,
  18. They might be only ones there. UEFA will boycott.
  19. The new Covid variant could really mess up qualification for CAF and in a worse case situation the rest of the world.
  20. Russia is competing at the Davis Cup as RTF.
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