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Everything posted by DaniSRB

  1. Our rower who tested positive among first athletes is recovered, whole team left quarantine and are now in Olympic village
  2. Izasla je finina start lista tako da nasi svi plivaci sa normom su tu 86 (ili 87 ako bude 13 vaterpolista) je izgleda konacno 87 je bilo u Atini......posle toga najmanji broj olimpijaca je bio 1996. ali pitanje je jel smo tada jos uvek mogli ucestvovati u svim kvalifikacijama
  3. +2 for North Macedonia according to Fina start list (just add swimming 2, 8 is number in total of all athletes)
  4. e bas zato me njihove glupave izjave nerviraju
  5. nzm jako me nerviraju oni sa glupavim izjavama ali lepo bi bilo da imamo dubl posto su zaredjale dobre rezultate
  6. za 100 je tesko, ali nikad se ne zna, bar 2028. da bude Salaski se sa jedno 24-25 godina pojavila i njen PB je sasvim pristojan
  7. na wiki pise ko sta hoce....nadam se da ce nam ponuditi i naravno oks prihvatiti
  8. ako bude ovako napredovala ima sanse, videcemo, mozda je Pariz prerano posto je trkacka disciplina
  9. Since Konta is out can Aleksandra Krunic be invited for doubles? (I read somewhere Serbia is first reserve)
  10. Looks like with 7 athletes Athletics 2 Swimming 2 Judo 1 Shooting 1 Taekwondo 1
  11. Which list they will you for seeding, world or olympic?
  12. in our case one team sport less and harder qualification standards in athletics so no chance for tourists
  13. we would use one who is qualified in singles (Stojanovic) and hope for addition just for doubles (Krunic) but i guess that is litlle possible as all doubles are filled
  14. Our NOC did not mention official number but started to present athletes. We still hope for a quota in women's tennis doubles but noone withdrew so far :/ Atm 85 Athletics 5 Basketball 12 3x3 Basket 4 Boxing 1 Canoeing 3 Judo 5 Karate 1 Rowing 3 Shooting 7 Swimming 7 Table tennis 3 Taekwondo 2 Tennis 4 Volleyball 12 Water polo 12 Wrestling 4 Among the smallest teams we send
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