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Everything posted by ChandlerMne

  1. 25 minutes before planed start,nothing new on site,so maybe there is a chance
  2. Nice beginning so far. 3 of them near 90. James didnt impress me in 1st run.
  3. From what i saw,wind is very strong,gates are swaying like mad. Another cancelation is more than likely.
  4. Znam ja za njega,al kako god bio dobar Filip bi trebalo da je bolji. Teska pobjeda na kraju.
  5. Izgleda da ce Filip da izgubi od 168 igraca. A bas sam se nadao da moze da ode daleko. Ne valja ovo. I Aleksandra izgubila,sto i nije neko iznenadjenje kad uzmemo ko je protivnica
  6. Actually,i didnt miss single race from this WC season. He was better than the competition throughout whole season but after i saw today's final i was in shock. When climbing phase started he literally ate Bolshunov. It was like watching experienced senior against competitor in U16 category. Only time will tell but such kind of dominance was seen in cycling and we know what was going on in that sport.
  7. Loch without any medal...tragedy really.
  8. Klaebo is so dominant that man starts to wonder... But still,well done for both him and Stina. Pitty for Weng.
  9. Inace mi imamo takmicare u slopestyle i big air. Cak sasvim dobre. Marko Miladinovic se momak zove.
  10. Za optimist sam znao,napisah Jesseiju. Mislim da je moguce da ide u standard,iako cesce salju u radial. Tako je bilo sa Lukom. Fora je u velicini jedrilice,laksim upravljanjem. Kod standarda je jedro vece,kod ovih ostalih manje. Al nisam.skroz upucen.
  11. Just hope that Natalie wont have Felix's destiny.
  12. Planirali su oni kvote i za London. Slazem se,neka proba laser 4.7 a onda standard. Pa da vidi gdje je.
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