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Everything posted by Майкл

  1. Konačno su se egzotične destinacije za pripreme isplatile! Pogledaj taj ten!
  2. Well, yeah, that's why Martina's legend... Poor Vika.
  3. Nakon današnje izjave, sada ovo...
  4. Are you sure? As far as I know she's only ALT #6.
  5. It's yet to be announced who will replace Belinda and Yulia.
  6. Wait, almost forgot about the handshanke incident
  7. She was #103 in 2009 and then her results suddenly collapsed, but now she will finally reach top 100!
  8. Otvaranje OI je nobles Moraju ići državnici...
  9. Nemoj tako, Toma ima mnogo bolji odnos sa sportistima, nego što je Boki ima.
  10. Ah, to je taj stav šampiona Nadam se da će uzeti neku medalju, iako bi to značilo da Neca ostaje na čelu svega.
  11. Both Čičak and Kerber saw the ball was out, but the hawk-eye showed it was in.
  12. What a day for Russian girls in Montreal! I thought Nastya'd choke the whole match away once she wasted those 2 MPs and 3-1 lead in the tie-break - but surprisingly she hadn't! Glad to see her doing well!
  13. On je prošle godine bio prilično dobar za svoje nivo. Igrao je u GŽ sva četiri Slema (uz 2K na USO) i osvojio dva jaka čelindžera.
  14. Bilo bi glupo da ide Filip, još nije u takmičarskoj formi...
  15. It looks like Rafa will take part in the Olympics tournament.
  16. Personally I think she's always been a better option for doubles But, Martina's friends with Belle and she's been helping her throughout her whole career.
  17. Why would she? She can partner up with anyone from as a top 10 player. I think Knoll is available.
  18. It's always been like that in Taipei There are a couple of tennis families, who do not like each other.
  19. Safarova/Strycova were just confirmed by the ITF
  20. It seems that Su-Wei will be able to play singles only if TTA allows her to I guess that could be it for her
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