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  • Nation
    Great Britain
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  • Favourite Olympic Games
    Summer Olympic Games
  • Favourite Sports
    Track Cycling
  • Favourite Athletes
    Andy Murray
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    Sales Advisor

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  1. Matthew Richardson 🇦🇺 is going to be representing Team GB going forwards. Game changer!
  2. As much as it’d be nice I would rather we continue the Jack of all trades approach just in case disaster happened in that one sport.
  3. I’ll be more than happy to get in on the para discussions. Couldn’t justify booking it off work as already had the whole of the Olympics off but I’ll be watching on my days off!
  4. 1) Alex Yee - My favourite Team GB gold of the games. Thinking he was out of it, them cutting away from the action and then as soon as they cut back he was right behind Wilde. Amazing. 2) Toby Roberts - I love anytime we get gold in a new sport, shows we are a jack of all trades team and don’t just rely on one or two sports to soak up all the medals. *coughjudoandwrestlingcough* 3) Andy Murray, enough said. I got a new found respect for Dan Evans these games.
  5. We got screwed in the shooting, the windsurfing was a farce, Whitehouse definitely won that floor final and the Argentine was overmarked in the BMX final. Adding those 4 alone nevermind the near misses in the 1500 and 400m men’s track finals and the two swimming finals and we would be lapping it up. It was just an unlucky games and I don’t think questions need to be asked. We move on. Would be great if Finucane can get the sprint title and one of the pentathlon girls can win their title tomorrow to end the games on a good note.
  6. Choong 50 seconds behind on the leader. Frustrating he had such a bad fencing round that’s carried over to today bc he’s smashed both his swims and yesterdays lazer run. Hopefully they all shoot as bad as French did earlier
  7. I thought a combo that had MHS/Dobson in it would be a potential gold medal shout but they looked well off the pace in the heats but hopefully there is something left in the tank from them both.
  8. Yeah Japan just got a breaking gold and about to grab a wrestling gold as well so go two golds ahead on the table and still have a lot of wrestling chances to come. Don’t tell a certain somebody but I think we will come 6th on the table.
  9. Choong despite the bad fencing round yesterday makes the final! 8th place. So close for Brown finishing in 10th
  10. Wow wow wow! A surprise gold. Definitely something we needed! Superb performance!
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