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Everything posted by tigersay

  1. Do you really believe that if he would have found changed test of someone of top athletes, he wouldn't say about that? If he gave the names privately just to someone, where are the confirmations of it from these "recievers"? There were no words about it.
  2. That picture can be found in the report. How did they count it? Maybe, we can know just couple of names? When were these tests covered? Just something more than Chivas and FSB; people who did the report make FSB at first so clever to think of all that strategy, and after that so stupid to not to clean out all the possible proofs and let Rodchenkov to go out to the USA(if you didn't know, any person except the highest people in Russia who get the access to all secret deals is not allowed to go out of the country).
  3. It's interesting that people discuss there only the fact of possible disqualification and don't mention any real facts that were said on the conference. Have you mentioned that there were NO names of athletes? It seems that they are afraid to do this, because sportsmen can reply just after that. Rodchenkov had said some months ago that Legkov was one of the dopers - and what's next? Just days later there were all documents from Alexander that he was(and is) clean. I think it would be easy for not-dopers to proof their innocence, but WADA even doesn't name anybody - that can lead to destruction of their report.
  4. I don't really believe that every test of Russian athlete from Lahti, Altenberg, Ruhpolding and other places goes straight to the Russian Ministry. If so, I would name Putin the most important politician in the world just that moment - nobody had such a big influence in all the sports history))
  5. Oh, what do we have now again? Usual press conference about doping in Russia with fairy tales about Chivas and FSB with no proofs. Come on, all the athletes with medals in Sochi were tested many times and showed good results through all the season. It was not interesting at all to hear all these things about politics once again.
  6. It's hard to say about real average position. Except the one you said, there are two more "big" opinions(if it can be said so). The first one is that as there are no proofs from Seppelt and company(available for usual people), except some edited parts of videos, and photos, where you can hardly name the people on them, this is totally wrong to say something about any disqualifications. Many people also notice that there are no such massive deals about Chinese, American, Kenian and so on, and that's because there is no such control in these countries(or they don't pay attention on this). Anyway, only 3-4% percent say that the decision is right(except ones with Ukranian flags on avatar,lol) - more say that only walkers and 3-4 other dopers should be disqualified, and no more.
  7. I remember that nearly 5 years ago there was a discussion on one Russian site, which "doping team" will be banned first - Russian racewalkers or Norwegian "asthmatic" skiers. First ones won;(
  8. No. Only IOC can ban anybody from OG, so we need to wait for the 21st June. But athletes can qualify for the Olympics only on IAAF events, so if Russian athletes will be allowed to participate(doesn't matter, under which flag), they need to be already qualified.
  9. The real thing is "did not admit". Who knows, how many players said nothing and were lucky enough that meldonium hadn't been found in their tests(if it worked as usual, 3-6 hours before disappearing if I'm not mistaken)
  10. IMHO it's really interesting(strange) when person gets positive results for the test, and the verdict goes not just for that, but for time of using that doping. Maybe, WADA were suprised a bit when they had known that meldonium could be found even after 3 months after using of it. Anyway, situation with doping becomes more and more complicated, unfortunately for all the world sport.
  11. And it's the real reason. Lepchenko said just NOTHING. Usual ITF politics - no words, no ban. For other links - it can be googled "lepchenko meldonium" Anyway, it's strange to answer 'no comment' instead of 'I'm not guilty', isn't it?
  12. Like it when for the same doping Lepchenko got 3 months ban(and got amnesty after that) and for Sharapova - 2 years. No politics, as usual.
  13. Knockout Round April 1st-April 4th, 2016 6 Nations, Placement Matches, Relegation Play-Offs, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Bronze Medal Match and Gold Medal Match, winning Nation will become Women's Ice Hockey IIHF World Championship 2016 Champion Quarterfinals Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2 April 1st 2016, h. 15:30, Sandman Centre, Kamloops Russia 1 Sweden April 1st 2016, h. 19:30, Sandman Centre, Kamloops Finland 2 Czech Republic
  14. Yeah, notifications really work! Very good feature
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