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Everything posted by Roamingrover86

  1. Deepak lost to Huseynov in a split decision 2-3 . This is shocking & we don’t even have any footage to validate that scoring.
  2. It is scandalous that they can’t even have a live score page up on their website. That is like the bare minimum you can do, leave apart the live streaming & production cost but just score update on their website is just basic in today’s day & age. Even junior/ youth competition have better organization than this & this is suppose to be the most important amateur boxing qualification tournament How is this olympic task force any better than AIBA if they can’t even do the basics right
  3. Where are you getting the results from? Can you share the live score page please
  4. Can you share the live score link please
  5. I would love your prediction for 57kg to come true. I want Hussamuddin to qualify. But he is probably in the worst quarter of the draw. His side of the draw is stacked with 3 other equally good boxers. It will be tough. On the other hand I think Deepak has a fair chance to get a quota in 51Kg
  6. @Ogreman Can we have your prediction please , now that the draw is out & competition is about to begin. You did a detailed preview for each continental qualifiers & your strike rate was pretty decent.
  7. Men’s FS Quotas : 57Kg: 65Kg: 74Kg: 86Kg: 97Kg: 125Kg:
  8. Will have full team in women’s FS . Same like Tokyo. So far only them & have qualified a full team in Women’s FS.
  9. Wow Cuero beat Bey again & this time he grabs the quota as well afte winning the 🥇at Pan-Am championships.
  10. Greco-Roman Olympic Quotas : 67kg : Nestor Almanza & Andreas Montano
  11. has voted Except 1 song( which topped my ranking) most other songs were so difficult to score . I had a bunch of 15-18 songs which were so hard to place . Eventually i set a few tie breaking criteria which helped me get my top 12 .
  12. I have followed him closely for the last 18 months as he was the manager at Blackburn Rovers( the club I support) . You will love his brand of football , he is a very intelligent coach & plays aggressive high temp football. Players will love playing for him. Unfortunately it didn’t work out for him at Blackburn this season due to circumstances beyond his control. He took a very average Rovers squad to a nearly top 6 finish in the championship & missed out on GD for the playoffs. I wish Jon a lot of success in his new role, hope he takes Sweden to 2026 WC.
  13. Team ( just 2 athletes) 6 athletes were eligible to compete but we are sending just 2 Long jump (M) : Jeswin Aldrin ( PB: 8:42m) Triple Jump (M) : Praveen Chithravel (PB : 17:37m)
  14. The facebook page of cycling federation of India will update results & might live stream the event.
  15. Updated Ranking list for the teams should be released on 4th March ( first Monday ) . 3 teams in men’s & 4 in women’s will qualify via ranking list.
  16. Ok as per this , rankings are released on first Monday of every month . So we can expect March rankings on 4th March.
  17. When will the team rankings for march be released? Except a couple of youth tournaments there is no tournament before Singapore smash on 7th March. Will rankings be released before 7th March?
  18. Qualifies for Paris Olympics in men’s Team event.
  19. 4 world cup events will take place between now & April. Cairo, Cottbus, Baku & Doha 3 best scores out of 4 will be calculated & at the end of the series the 2 highest place eligible athletes will secure a quota place for each apparatus. Restriction of 1 NoC per apparatus & no more than 3 athletes per NoC across all apparatus applies. 1st place gives you 30 points , 2nd - 25 points & 3rd 20 points. Points are awarded till 16th place.
  20. ITTF team world championships Busan, Men’s Team ( Group 3) 3-0 Comfortable win for our boys. Sharath, Harmeet & Sathiyan all won their matches in straight games. Women’s Team ( Group 1) 2-3 Big wins for Ayhika & Sreeja against the WR 1 & 2 respectively. Even though we lost, but winning 2 matches against the chinese should give us confidence to do well here & reach the QF .
  21. Pranati Nayak (13.620) finished 🥉 in the women’s Vault final . Deepa finished 5th. (13.380) Good points haul for both of our girls to carry forward.
  22. Pranati Nayak finished 🥉 in the women’s Vault final . Deepa finished 5th. Good points haul for both of our girls to carry forward. WAG Vault final 🥇An Chang Ok - 14.230 🥈Valentina Georgieva - 13.620 🥉 Pranati Nayak - 13.620
  23. Good win for our men’s team winning all 3 matches comfortably against Next match vs
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