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Everything posted by nenad

  1. Toliko sam se smorio za Bjelicu. Svašta bih napisao ali neću, nek se stvari malo ohlade.. Sve u svemu nama je Bjelica najbitniji igrač u timu bio. Ići će Mačvan na 4 ako bude zdrav i Birčević verovatno ostaje. Medalja bi i ovako bila neverovatan uspeh, sa ovim to je to.
  2. It will be great to see Argentinians one last time, great team all these years
  3. Nije Zagorac otkazao nego je Miško otkazao za njega. Sve ovo je rat koji odavno postoji na relaciji Miško-Sale. Vidi Miško da je gotovo za Bobija zato danas i ovi tvitovi, pa niko normalan posle tih tvitova ne bi pozvao Bobija. Nije tu u pitanju Bobi nego moć je u pitanju, Miško bi da kontroliše sastav reprezentacije, ovo oko Zagorca je njegova mala osveta. Ču, Zagorac ide na letnji kamp Grizlisa, ne čak ni na letnju ligu koju btw Milutinov ne igra a to je bio razlog otkaza nego letnji kamp. Nikad nisam čuo da neki igrač napušta reprezentaciju zbog toga.
  4. e svašta ali dobro, kontam da je k2 500 ok
  5. Draw was conducted some half an hour after the match. It is true. Serbia and France are with US and Croatia is in the other group with Spain etc.
  6. Jokiću je najjača pozicija 5. Valjda je to jasno posle svega. On je celu sezonu skoro igrao na 5, a ovde je isto većinu vremena proveo na 5, a igrao je 4 zato što smo tanki na 4 posle povreda Bjelice i Mačvana. On ima problem trenutno u ovoj fazi karijere da čuva streč 4 igrače, čak i Veseli koji nije tipičan takav igrač jer nema šut mu je zadavao probleme spolja.
  7. brate ja sam mislio olivera vs nikolina
  8. ovo ništa ne dokazuje, možda su se pobile posle treninga
  9. Well, Puerto Rico again. Hm, I would thought that Latvia and Czechs would be stronger opponents with this Puerto Rico roster, but.. Euro players are tired, Czechs didn't look like they did last summer, they spent only 3 or 4 days together prior to this tournament. Vesely is very tired, it was very notable. So, if Puerto Rico doesn't have one of the best shooting performances ever with guys like Barea, Aroyo, Vasallo shooting lights out (which they are capable don't get me wrong) we will be in Rio. One more game, I don't want to sound too optimistic but I am inclined it will be a blowout rather than close game. But, hey, everyting is possible.
  10. Nema šanse da vodi Marjanovića. To je gotova priča. Što se Simonovića tiče on može imati ok ulogu ako se nje pridržava, da šutne trojku kad je sam i da utrči uz liniju u tome je dobar. Kad počne da izmišlja toplu vodu onda ne valja kao protiv Portorika kad je pokušavao neke pasove iza leđa ili šutirao u petoj sekundi napada pa popio klupu, nije on Teo ili Bogdan, mora da bude svestan svoje uloge. Nažalost ovo je iznuđeni tim, nama fali Bjelica like the desert needs the rain i fali nam centar koji je rim protector. Pošto Marjanović nije bio raspoložen mi takvog jednostavno nemamo a da ne naturalizujemo, nama treba igrač tipa Hajnsa iz CSKA ili Danstona recimo, neko ko će da napravi blok, zakuca kad ga Teo spoji sa košem a zatvori reket i kontroliše skok u odbrani. To kad bi imali plus Bjelicu zdravog, mi bi uzeli medalju to potpisujem. Bili bi jednaki Špancima u najmanju ruku i bolji od Francuza. Ali jebiga.
  11. Potcenjujete koliko nama znači Bjelica. Mi dole da nije došao Jokić bi bili na nivou amaterskih ekipa, Raduljica je užasan. I sa ovim timom mora da dobijemo Čehe i Letonce. Pisao sam često da su Letonci opasni, ali čini se da su obruči u Areni tradicionalno tvrdi tako da nam to odgovara. Česi nisu u formi i to sam pisao, daleko od toga da smo mi u nekoj formi, sezona je bila duga, ali na suvi kvalitet ovo treba da dobijemo. I bilo bi dobro da se Teo pojavi ove nedelje pošto za sada nije na turniru.
  13. Ljudi ne ide Jasna, uštinite me!
  14. Dudaš will be among top 3 after SP for sure. So it probably means he will be in top 3 at the end of the day
  15. After 2 decatlon disciplines, Martin Roe from Norway is in the lead, one point ahead of Kasyanov from Ukraine and Dudaš is third.
  16. Little ref help for Italy but at the end Croatia just couldn't score. Italy on the other side did nothing to scare Greece, it's fifty-fifty I think. Also, I don't know why Italians are putting up with Gentile? He is just terrible and he still gets too many shots. In Belgrade Latvia beat Czech, I didn't watch it but Latvia shot 18% on threes and Czechs shot 13% on threes. Rims in Belgrade are not friendly to shooting teams but still this is really humiliating percentages. Level of play for all these 3 oqt isn't very high. Players are tired after long seasons and the tournaments are scheduled in very very bad time. But it is what it is.
  17. Philipines is amazing basketball nation. They love basketball so much.
  18. Turkey is always weak when they don't play at home. They wouldn't be in this tournament if the rules didn't change. They have no offense, they have too many old players which peak is in the past. Osman is great future but he can't do it all, and at the end he got injured as well. Canada is without some stars but this team isn't bad at all, France is still favourites but I wouldn't be too much surprised if they beat them, it's one game anything can happen. Joseph and Tristan are great players and other players in Canada contribute very well.
  19. Canada beats Turkey, Turkey very weak on offense. Cory Joseph great game.
  20. jel ovo google translate ili neko šizofreno lupanje?
  21. Italy is the favourite. Croatia would be huge surprise, they don't have point guard and center depth. Greece is behind Italy, they have big advantage under the basket on position 5 against Italy but their guards are pretty weak. But they are tough team to beat and it should be very interesting.
  22. cccc, skenjao sam se za dalmu i milicu. neće sestre ništa uraditi na k2 500
  23. i think your point about Semenya is well understood across this forum, i don't see need to repeat it like 10000 times
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