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Everything posted by konig

  1. If Sampaoli has watched Captain Tsubasa, may be, he will know how to fix the problem of the Iceland defense.
  2. Except for Russia in their first match against a disastrous Saudi Arabia, there is a big equal between the team of this World Cup and probably it will the rule for the entire tournament.
  3. GOAAALLLLLL, i scream like a goal of ARGENTINA
  4. Very good the cabrones!!, surprising performance of Mexico to this moment.
  5. WOW, why i dont have money being young to travel to East Europe and knowed their womens
  6. An importar supremacy of european team than the rest of the world teams to this part.......
  7. I dont know enough to make a good opinion about him.........but the referees of this part of the world are normaly BAD.
  8. Is bestmen, you are back!!, like Alf in form of pogs!!
  9. Historical result for Argentina with the gold of Lugones Ruggeri defeating Limardo, the bronce of Perez Maurice isnt a surprise, she was a clear gold in the south american games and se won ia Pan American tournament in the past.
  10. The same in all latin america......
  11. An image of the Iceland defense today in the match.
  12. Congratulations for Iceland, the match is even better than i expected, starting to believe that this team dont pass the first round.
  13. Well, the defence is even worse than i imagine in my nitgthmares, yersterday two clients are convinced that Argentina will win the World Cup......i cant understand that blind faith.
  14. And we lose a very good user of the forum
  15. Probably the best match of Cristiano with Portugal.
  16. predictable victory for Russia but not for a thinked before, Saudi Arabia will be most of the weakest team of this world cup, very long time they has an aceptable team.
  17. Never trust in an argentinian athlete
  18. Well, you are rigth like all the comunist countrys spend a lot in their sports but i remember the performance of Venezuela in the youth south american games and i think their disaster in the economy has some effect in their sports, my mistake, another thing is: Venezuela send most of their best athletes and Argentina didnt do it in some sports.
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