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[PREDICTION CONTESTS] Calendar & General Standings 2018

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Start Date End Date Prediction Contest

No. of


8 February 25 February 2018 Winter Olympic Games Bet Contest 49 :ITA Dunadan
8 February 25 February Nordic Skiing at the 2018 Winter Olympic Games 63 :ITA Pablita
9 February 25 February Miscellaneous Events at the 2018 Winter Olympic Games 59 :BRA Herberth N. B. S.
10 February 23 February Biathlon at the 2018 Winter Olympic Games 66 :SUI Morgan
10 February 25 February Ice Hockey at the 2018 Winter Olympic Games 53 :ITA Pablita
11 February 24 February Alpine Skiing at the 2018 Winter Olympic Games 66 :GER OlympicsFan
4 May 20 May Men's Ice Hockey IIHF World Championship 2018 31 :CAN Topicmaster1010
27 May 10 June Tennis Roland Garros 2018 25 :NZL Wanderer
14 June 15 July Men's Football FIFA World Cup 2018 57 :EGY thepharoah
14 July 28 July Water Polo LEN European Championships 2018 35 :CRO dcro
21 July 5 August Women's Field Hockey FIH World Cup 2018 38 :CRO dcro
2 August 12 August Sailing ISAF World Championships 2018 35 :ARG LDOG
7 August 12 August Athletics EAA European Championships 2018 36 :ITA Dunadan
9 September 16 September Rowing FISA World Championships 2018 34 :POL suchyy7
9 September 30 September Men's Volleyball FIVB World Championship 2018 47 :EGY thepharoah
12 September 23 September Equestrian FEI World Games 2018 28 :ITA CiroMennella99
22 September 30 September Women's Basketball FIBA World Cup 2018 34 :POL rybak
30 September 21 October Women's Volleyball FIVB World Championship 2018 35 :NZL Wanderer
25 October 3 November Artistic Gymnastics FIG World Championships 2018 28 :ITA Dunadan
28 November 16 December Men's Field Hockey FIH World Cup 2018 26 :ARG LDOG
30 November 16 December Women's Handball EHF European Championship 2018 30 :ROU ady48





In each Prediction Contest, Points will be distributed to Users according to the Final Ranking of that Prediction Contest.

Points Distribution for Individual General Standing will be as follows:


Rank Olympic Games World Championships

Continental Ch. (& Others)

1st 1000 900 800
2nd 780 700 620
3rd 650 585 520
4th 575 510 460
5th 505 455 410
6th 450 405 370
7th 400 365 335
8th 360 335 310
9th 330 310 290
10th 310 290 275
11th 290 275 265
12th 275 265 255
13th 265 255 245
14th 255 245 235
15th 245 235 225
16th 235 225 215
17th 225 215 205
18th 215 205 195
19th 205 195 185
20th 195 185 175
21st 188 178 168
22nd 181 171 161
23rd 174 164 154
24th 167 157 147
25th 160 150 140
26th 153 143 133
27th 146 136 126
28th 139 129 119
29th 132 122 112
30th 125 115 105
31st 120 110 100
32nd 115 105 95
33rd 110 100 90
34th 105 95 85
35th 100 90 80
36th 95 85 75
37th 90 80 70
38th 85 75 65
39th 80 70 60
40th 75 65 55
41st 72 62 52
42nd 69 59 49
43rd 66 56 46
44th 63 53 43
45th 60 50 40
46th 57 47 37
47th 54 44 34
48th 51 41 31
49th 48 38 28
50th 45 35 25
51st 43 33 23
52nd 41 31 21
53rd 39 29 19
54th 37 27 17
55th 35 25 16
56th 33 23 15
57th 31 21 14
58th 29 19 13
59th 27 17 12
60th 25 15 11
61st 23 13 10
62nd 21 12 9
63rd 19 11 8
64th 17 10 7
65th 15 9 6
66th 13 8 5
67th 12 7 4
68th 11 6 3
69th 10 5 2
70th 9 4 1
71st 8 3 1
72nd 7 2 1
73rd 6 1 1
74th 5 1 1
75th 4 1 1
76th 3 1 1
77th.... 2 1 1





A Team General Standing will be calculated based on Individual General Standing. 

Team General Standing Points will be calculated as follows:

For Nations with more then 3 Users in the Individual General Standing, the Sum of the Top 3 Individual General Standing Points will be considered.

For Nations with 3 or less Users in the Individual General Standing, the Sum of their Individual General Standing Points will be considered.

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Individual General Standing

Updated as of February 26th, 2018


Rank Users Nation +/- # Avg. Points
1 Dunadan :ITA 0 6 462,0 2772
2 Pablita :ITA 0 6 444,7 2668
3 Jahiegel :USA 0 6 411,2 2467
4 OlympicsFan :GER 0 5 473,0 2365
5 stamura84 :ITA 0 6 336,0 2016
6 ady48 :ROU 0 6 334,3 2006
7 Albe :ITA 0 6 321,7 1930
8 EselTheDonkey :GER 0 5 384,0 1920
9 chrischi08 :GER 0 6 320,0 1920
10 juliosilva :BRA 0 6 309,3 1856
11 Henry_Leon :ITA 0 6 303,5 1821
12 dcro :CRO 0 6 266,7 1600
13 Herberth Nelson Balbi S. :BRA 0 6 254,7 1528
14 GoPoland :POL 0 6 240,0 1440
15 Morgan :SUI 0 5 278,6 1393
16 heywoodu :NED 0 6 216,0 1296
17 phelps :ITA 0 6 211,8 1271
18 Topicmaster1010 :CAN 0 5 249,0 1245
19 Agger :DEN 0 5 244,8 1224
20 suchyy7 :POL 0 6 194,5 1167
21 Nate River :CAN 0 6 181,8 1091
22 hckosice :SVK 0 6 178,0 1068
23 tigersay :RUS 0 5 209,8 1049
24 toulousain :FRA 0 5 204,4 1022
25 Gianlu33 :ITA 0 6 169,7 1018
26 MCMXC :GBR 0 6 166,8 1001
27 Wanderer :NZL 0 6 166,5 999
28 CiroMennella99 :ITA 0 5 198,6 993
29 africaboy :ROU 0 6 165,0 990
30 Forzazzurri :ITA 0 5 179,2 896
31 Monzanator :POL 0 6 141,7 850
32 tuniscof :TUN 0 6 138,0 828
33 rybak :POL 0 5 161,0 805
34 vinipereira :BRA 0 6 133,2 799
35 mrv86 :MEX 0 5 159,0 795
36 Ufilov :POL 0 6 130,2 781
37 Pavlo :POL 0 6 126,3 758
38 Matteo92 :ITA 0 4 187,0 748
39 Federer91 :BUL 0 6 119,2 715
40 De_Gambassi :FRA 0 5 139,4 697
41 uk12points :GBR 0 5 139,0 695
42 bestmen :ALG 0 6 112,8 677
43 Werloc :LTU 0 3 224,3 673
44 Barcago :POL 0 4 166,5 666
45 FC Mezhgorye :RUS 0 6 107,7 646
46 AlFHg :ITA 0 6 106,2 637
47 crovitlaci :CRO 0 4 146,8 587
48 pjwasz :USA 0 6 92,3 554
49 justony :SLO 0 6 91,0 546
50 mihamiha :SLO 0 3 179,3 538
51 Domcal :ITA 0 3 161,3 484
52 hoversaBR :BRA 0 6 75,3 452
53 titicow :BRA 0 5 89,8 449
54 SteveParker :ITA 0 5 82,4 412
55 Crolympic :CRO 0 3 135,0 405
56 vlad :ROU 0 5 75,8 379
57 Vojthas :POL 0 6 60,3 362
58 Dmitry :RUS 0 1 360,0 360
59 KhanBeaver :RUS 0 5 70,6 353
60 orangeman :CAN 0 3 115,0 345
61 Bohemia :FRA 0 2 168,5 337
62 Gigs :AUT 0 4 84,0 336
63 NikolaB :SRB 0 1 330,0 330
64 Dolby :IND 0 5 59,4 297
65 PeterN :ITA 0 2 147,5 295
66 Hipooo :CZE 0 5 53,4 267
67 SalamAkhi :FRA 0 3 87,0 261
68 Shiffrin :SLO 0 1 188,0 188
69 Nathy :SUI 0 2 81,5 163
70 Finnator123 :FIN 0 1 146,0 146
71 Kirkpatrick :CRO 0 3 46,3 139
72 wpwells :USA 0 3 31,3 94
73 SzG :POL 0 2 37,5 75
74 ArK :NED 0 1 51,0 51
75 Rdbc :USA 0 1 43,0 43
76 monte88 :POL 0 1 23,0 23
77 traddles27 :ROU 0 1 19,0 19
78 Майкл :SRB 0 1 17,0 17



Team General Standing

Updated as of February 26th, 2018


Rank Nation Points +/- User 1


User 1

User 2


User 2

User 3


User 3

1 :ITA Italy 7456 0 Dunadan 2772 Pablita 2668 stamura84 2016
2 :GER Germany 6205 0 OlympicsFan 2365 EselTheDonkey 1920 chrischi08 1920
3 :BRA Brazil 4183 0 juliosilva 1856 Herberth N. B. S. 1528 vinipereira 799
4 :POL Poland 3457 0 GoPoland 1440 suchyy7 1167 Monzanator 850
5 :ROU Romania 3375 0 ady48 2006 africaboy 990 vlad 379
6 :USA United States 3115 0 Jahiegel 2467 pjwasz 554 wpwells 94
7 :CAN Canada 2681 0 Topicmaster1010 1245 Nate River 1091 orangeman 345
8 :CRO Croatia 2592 0 dcro 1600 crovitlaci 587 Crolympic 405
9 :FRA France 2056 0 toulousain 1022 De_Gambassi 697 Bohemia 337
10 :RUS Russia 2055 0 tigersay 1049 FC Mezhgorye 646 Dmitry 360
11 :GBR Great Britain 1696 0 MCMXC 1001 uk12points 695 - 0
12 :SUI Switzerland 1556 0 Morgan 1393 Nathy 163 - 0
13 :NED Netherlands 1347 0 heywoodu 1296 ArK 51 - 0
14 :SLO Slovenia 1272 0 justony 546 mihamiha 538 Shiffrin 188
15 :DEN Denmark 1224 0 Agger 1224 - 0 - 0
16 :SVK Slovakia 1068 0 hckosice 1068 - 0 - 0
17 :NZL New Zealand 999 0 Wanderer 999 - 0 - 0
18 :TUN Tunisia 828 0 tuniscof 828 - 0 - 0
19 :MEX Mexico 795 0 mrv86 795 - 0 - 0
20 :BUL Bulgaria 715 0 Federer91 715 - 0 - 0
21 :ALG Algeria 677 0 bestmen 677 - 0 - 0
22 :LTU Lithuania 673 0 Werloc 673 - 0 - 0
23 :SRB Serbia 347 0 NikolaB 330 Майкл 17 - 0
24 :AUT Austria 336 0 Gigs 336 - 0 - 0
25 :IND India 297 0 Dolby 297 - 0 - 0
26 :CZE Czech Republic 267 0 Hipooo 267 - 0 - 0
27 :FIN Finland 146 0 Finnator123 146 - 0 - 0



Individual Medal Count

Updated as of February 26th, 2018


1 :ITA Pablita 2 0 0 2
2 :ITA Dunadan 1 0 1 2
3 :BRA Herberth N. B. S. 1 0 0 1
3 :GER OlympicsFan 1 0 0 1
3 :SUI Morgan 1 0 0 1
6 :ITA stamura84 0 2 0 2
7 :BRA juliosilva 0 1 0 1
7 :CRO dcro 0 1 0 1
7 :ITA phelps 0 1 0 1
7 :POL GoPoland 0 1 0 1
11 :GER EselTheDonkey 0 0 2 2
12 :ITA Albe 0 0 1 1
12 :ROU ady48 0 0 1 1
12 :USA Jahiegel 0 0 1 1



Team Medal Count

Updated as of February 26th, 2018


1 :ITA Italy 3 3 2 8
2 :BRA Brazil 1 1 0 2
3 :GER Germany 1 0 2 3
4 :SUI Switzerland 1 0 0 1
5 :CRO Croatia 0 1 0 1
5 :POL Poland 0 1 0 1
7 :ROU Romania 0 0 1 1
7 :USA United States 0 0 1 1


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Individual General Standing

Updated as of May 21st, 2018


Rank User Nation +/- # Avg. Points
1 Pablita :ITA 1 7 481,1 3368
2 Dunadan :ITA -1 7 461,0 3227
3 Jahiegel :USA 0 6 411,2 2467
4 Henry_Leon :ITA 7 7 343,7 2406
5 ady48 :ROU 1 7 338,7 2371
6 OlympicsFan :GER -2 5 473,0 2365
7 chrischi08 :GER 2 7 307,9 2155
8 Topicmaster1010 :CAN 10 6 357,5 2145
9 juliosilva :BRA 1 7 303,0 2121
10 stamura84 :ITA -5 6 336,0 2016
11 Albe :ITA -4 6 321,7 1930
12 EselTheDonkey :GER -4 5 384,0 1920
13 dcro :CRO -1 7 272,9 1910
14 Herberth Nelson Balbi S. :BRA -1 7 246,1 1723
15 phelps :ITA 2 7 223,0 1561
16 GoPoland :POL -2 6 240,0 1440
17 heywoodu :NED -1 7 205,6 1439
18 Morgan :SUI -3 5 278,6 1393
19 Agger :DEN 0 6 230,2 1381
20 hckosice :SVK 2 7 191,9 1343
21 africaboy :ROU 8 7 173,6 1215
22 Gianlu33 :ITA 3 7 170,9 1196
23 bestmen :ALG 19 7 169,6 1187
24 suchyy7 :POL -4 6 194,5 1167
25 MCMXC :GBR 1 7 166,4 1165
26 Wanderer :NZL 1 7 164,1 1149
27 Nate River :CAN -6 6 181,8 1091
28 tigersay :RUS -5 5 209,8 1049
29 toulousain :FRA -5 5 204,4 1022
30 CiroMennella99 :ITA -2 5 198,6 993
31 Ufilov :POL 5 7 140,9 986
32 rybak :POL 1 6 156,8 941
33 Forzazzurri :ITA -3 5 179,2 896
34 Monzanator :POL -3 6 141,7 850
35 tuniscof :TUN -3 6 138,0 828
36 vinipereira :BRA -2 6 133,2 799
37 mrv86 :MEX -2 5 159,0 795
38 mihamiha :SLO 12 4 195,8 783
39 FC Mezhgorye :RUS 6 7 110,7 775
40 Pavlo :POL -3 6 126,3 758
41 Matteo92 :ITA -3 4 187,0 748
42 Federer91 :BUL -3 6 119,2 715
43 titicow :BRA 10 6 117,3 704
44 De_Gambassi :FRA -4 5 139,4 697
45 uk12points :GBR -4 5 139,0 695
46 Werloc :LTU -3 3 224,3 673
47 Barcago :POL -3 4 166,5 666
48 NikolaB :SRB 15 2 332,5 665
49 AlFHg :ITA -3 6 106,2 637
50 vlad :ROU 6 6 99,0 594
51 crovitlaci :CRO -4 4 146,8 587
52 hoversaBR :BRA 0 7 80,3 562
53 pjwasz :USA -5 6 92,3 554
54 justony :SLO -5 6 91,0 546
55 SteveParker :ITA -1 6 89,0 534
56 Domcal :ITA -5 3 161,3 484
57 Dolby :IND 7 6 68,7 412
58 intoronto :CAN NEW 1 405,0 405
59 Crolympic :CRO -4 3 135,0 405
60 Vojthas :POL -3 6 60,3 362
61 Dmitry :RUS -3 1 360,0 360
62 KhanBeaver :RUS -3 5 70,6 353
63 orangeman :CAN -3 3 115,0 345
64 Bohemia :FRA -3 2 168,5 337
65 Gigs :AUT -3 4 84,0 336
66 Finnator123 :FIN 4 2 165,5 331
67 PeterN :ITA -2 2 147,5 295
68 Hipooo :CZE -2 5 53,4 267
69 SalamAkhi :FRA -2 3 87,0 261
70 Shiffrin :SLO -2 1 188,0 188
71 lapaj :HUN NEW 1 171,0 171
72 Nathy :SUI -3 2 81,5 163
73 Kirkpatrick :CRO -2 3 46,3 139
74 wpwells :USA -2 3 31,3 94
75 SzG :POL -2 2 37,5 75
76 ArK :NED -2 1 51,0 51
77 Rdbc :USA -2 1 43,0 43
78 monte88 :POL -2 1 23,0 23
79 traddles27 :ROU -2 1 19,0 19
80 Майкл :SRB -2 1 17,0 17



Team General Standing

Updated as of May 21st, 2018


Rank Nation Points +/- User 1


User 1

User 2


User 2

User 3


User 3

1 :ITA Italy 9001 0 Pablita 3368 Dunadan 3227 Henry_Leon 2406
2 :GER Germany 6440 0 OlympicsFan 2365 chrischi08 2155 EselTheDonkey 1920
3 :BRA Brazil 4643 0 juliosilva 2121 Herberth N. B. S. 1723 vinipereira 799
4 :ROU Romania 4180 +1 ady48 2371 africaboy 1215 vlad 594
5 :CAN Canada 3641 +2 Topicmaster1010 2145 Nate River 1091 intoronto 405
6 :POL Poland 3593 -2 GoPoland 1440 suchyy7 1167 Ufilov 986
7 :USA United States 3115 -1 Jahiegel 2467 pjwasz 554 wpwells 94
8 :CRO Croatia 2902 0 dcro 1910 crovitlaci 587 Crolympic 405
9 :RUS Russia 2184 +1 tigersay 1049 FC Mezhgorye 775 Dmitry 360
10 :FRA France 2056 -1 toulousain 1022 De_Gambassi 697 Bohemia 337
11 :GBR Great Britain 1860 0 MCMXC 1165 uk12points 695 - 0
12 :SUI Switzerland 1556 0 Morgan 1393 Nathy 163 - 0
13 :SLO Slovenia 1517 +1 mihamiha 783 justony 546 Shiffrin 188
14 :NED Netherlands 1490 -1 heywoodu 1439 ArK 51 - 0
15 :DEN Denmark 1381 0 Agger 1381 - 0 - 0
16 :SVK Slovakia 1343 0 hckosice 1343 - 0 - 0
17 :ALG Algeria 1187 +4 bestmen 1187 - 0 - 0
18 :NZL New Zealand 1149 -1 Wanderer 1149 - 0 - 0
19 :TUN Tunisia 828 -1 tuniscof 828 - 0 - 0
20 :MEX Mexico 795 -1 mrv86 795 - 0 - 0
21 :BUL Bulgaria 715 -1 Federer91 715 - 0 - 0
22 :SRB Serbia 682 +1 NikolaB 665 Майкл 17 - 0
23 :LTU Lithuania 673 -1 Werloc 673 - 0 - 0
24 :IND India 412 +1 Dolby 412 - 0 - 0
25 :AUT Austria 316 -1 Gigs 316 - 0 - 0
26 :FIN Finland 331 +1 Finnator123 331 - 0 - 0
27 :CZE Czech Republic 267 -1 Hipooo 267 - 0 - 0
28 :HUN Hungary 171 NEW lapaj 171 - 0 - 0



Individual Medal Count

Updated as of May 21st, 2018


1 :ITA Pablita 2 1 0 3
2 :ITA Dunadan 1 0 1 2
3 :BRA Herberth N. B. S. 1 0 0 1
3 :GER OlympicsFan 1 0 0 1
3 :SUI Morgan 1 0 0 1
3 :CAN Topicmaster1010 1 0 0 0
7 :ITA stamura84 0 2 0 2
8 :BRA juliosilva 0 1 0 1
8 :CRO dcro 0 1 0 1
8 :ITA phelps 0 1 0 1
8 :POL GoPoland 0 1 0 1
12 :GER EselTheDonkey 0 0 2 2
13 :ITA Albe 0 0 1 1
13 :ROU ady48 0 0 1 1
13 :ITA Henry_Leon 0 0 1 1
13 :USA Jahiegel 0 0 1 1



Team Medal Count

Updated as of May 21st, 2018


1 :ITA Italy 3 4 3 10
2 :BRA Brazil 1 1 0 2
3 :GER Germany 1 0 2 3
4 :CAN Canada 1 0 0 0
4 :SUI Switzerland 1 0 0 1
6 :CRO Croatia 0 1 0 1
6 :POL Poland 0 1 0 1
8 :ROU Romania 0 0 1 1
8 :USA United States 0 0 1 1
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Individual General Standing

Updated as of June 11th, 2018


Rank User Nation +/- # Avg. Points
1 Pablita :ITA 0 8 498,5 3988
2 Dunadan :ITA 0 7 461,0 3227
3 Henry_Leon :ITA 1 8 358,3 2866
4 ady48 :ROU 1 8 329,5 2636
5 chrischi08 :GER 2 8 320,6 2565
6 OlympicsFan :GER 0 6 423,3 2540
7 Jahiegel :USA -4 6 411,2 2467
8 dcro :CRO 5 8 303,8 2430
9 Topicmaster1010 :CAN -1 6 357,5 2145
10 juliosilva :BRA -1 7 303,0 2121
11 stamura84 :ITA -1 6 336,0 2016
12 Wanderer :NZL 14 8 243,6 1949
13 Albe :ITA -2 6 321,7 1930
14 EselTheDonkey :GER -2 5 384,0 1920
15 Herberth N. B. Silveira :BRA -1 8 238,5 1908
16 heywoodu :NED 1 8 209,3 1674
17 africaboy :ROU 4 8 198,1 1585
18 phelps :ITA -3 7 223,0 1561
19 hckosice :SVK 1 8 192,3 1538
20 Gianlu33 :ITA 2 8 185,8 1486
21 GoPoland :POL -5 6 240,0 1440
22 Morgan :SUI -4 5 278,6 1393
23 bestmen :ALG 0 8 174,0 1392
24 Agger :DEN -5 6 230,2 1381
25 MCMXC :GBR 0 8 172,5 1380
26 rybak :POL 6 7 182,3 1276
27 CiroMennella99 :ITA 3 6 211,3 1268
28 suchyy7 :POL -4 6 194,5 1167
29 Ufilov :POL 2 8 141,6 1133
30 Nate River :CAN -3 6 181,8 1091
31 tigersay :RUS -3 5 209,8 1049
32 toulousain :FRA -3 5 204,4 1022
33 Federer91 :BUL 9 7 138,6 970
34 crovitlaci :CRO 17 5 179,4 897
35 Forzazzurri :ITA -2 5 179,2 896
36 Monzanator :POL -2 6 141,7 850
37 vlad :ROU 13 7 119,9 839
38 tuniscof :TUN -3 6 138,0 828
39 vinipereira :BRA -3 6 133,2 799
40 mrv86 :MEX -3 5 159,0 795
41 mihamiha :SLO -3 4 195,8 783
42 FC Mezhgorye :RUS -3 7 110,7 775
43 Pavlo :POL -3 6 126,3 758
44 Matteo92 :ITA -3 4 187,0 748
45 titicow :BRA -2 6 117,3 704
46 De_Gambassi :FRA -2 5 139,4 697
47 uk12points :GBR -2 5 139,0 695
48 Werloc :LTU -2 3 224,3 673
49 Barcago :POL -2 4 166,5 666
50 NikolaB :SRB -2 2 332,5 665
51 AlFHg :ITA -2 6 106,2 637
52 hoversaBR :BRA 0 7 80,3 562
53 pjwasz :USA 0 6 92,3 554
54 justony :SLO 0 6 91,0 546
55 SteveParker :ITA 0 6 89,0 534
56 Domcal :ITA 0 3 161,3 484
57 Dolby IND.gif 0 6 68,7 412
58 intoronto :CAN 0 1 405,0 405
59 Crolympic :CRO 0 3 135,0 405
60 Vojthas :POL 0 6 60,3 362
61 Dmitry :RUS 0 1 360,0 360
62 KhanBeaver :RUS 0 5 70,6 353
63 orangeman :CAN 0 3 115,0 345
64 Bohemia :FRA 0 2 168,5 337
65 Gigs AUT.gif 0 4 84,0 336
66 Finnator123 FIN.gif 0 2 165,5 331
67 PeterN :ITA 0 2 147,5 295
68 Hipooo CZE.gif 0 5 53,4 267
69 SalamAkhi :FRA 0 3 87,0 261
70 Olympian1010 :USA NEW 1 225,0 225
71 Shiffrin :SLO -1 1 188,0 188
72 lapaj HUN.gif -1 1 171,0 171
73 stefanbg :BUL NEW 1 168,0 168
74 Nathy :SUI -2 2 81,5 163
75 LDOG ARG.gif NEW 1 161,0 161
76 James :GBR NEW 1 154,0 154
77 George_D GRE.gif NEW 1 140,0 140
78 Kirkpatrick :CRO -5 3 46,3 139
79 wpwells :USA -5 3 31,3 94
80 SzG :POL -5 2 37,5 75
81 ArK :NED -5 1 51,0 51
82 Rdbc :USA -5 1 43,0 43
83 monte88 :POL -5 1 23,0 23
84 traddles27 :ROU -5 1 19,0 19
85 Майкл :SRB -5 1 17,0 17




Team General Standing

Updated as of June 11th, 2018


Rank Nation Points Change User1 Pts User2 Pts User3 Pts
1 :ITA 10081 0 Pablita 3988 Dunadan 3227 Henry_Leon 2866
2 :GER 7025 1 chrischi08 2565 OlympicsFan 2540 EselTheDonkey 1920
3 :ROU 5060 -1 ady48 2636 africaboy 1585 vlad 839
4 :BRA 4018 3 juliosilva 2121 N. H. B. Silveira 1098 vinipereira 799
5 :POL 3883 6 GoPoland 1440 rybak 1276 suchyy7 1167
6 :CRO 3732 -1 dcro 2430 crovitlaci 897 Crolympic 405
7 :CAN 3641 -1 Topicmaster1010 2145 Nate River 1091 intoronto 405
8 :USA 3246 -4 Jahiegel 2467 pjwasz 554 Olympian1010 225
9 :GBR 2229 6 MCMXC 1380 uk12points 695 James 154
10 :RUS 2184 6 tigersay 1049 FC Mezhgorye 775 Dmitry 360
11 :FRA 2056 6 toulousain 1022 De_Gambassi 697 Bohemia 337
12 NZL.gif 1949 -4 Wanderer 1949 - 0 - 0
13 :NED 1725 -4 heywoodu 1674 ArK 51 - 0
14 :SUI 1556 -2 Morgan 1393 Nathy 163 - 0
15 :SVK 1538 -5 hckosice 1538 - 0 - 0
16 :SLO 1517 5 mihamiha 783 justony 546 Shiffrin 188
17 :ALG 1392 -4 bestmen 1392 - 0 - 0
18 :DEN 1381 -4 Agger 1381 - 0 - 0
19 :BUL 1138 -1 Federer91 970 stefanbg 168 - 0
20 :TUN 828 -1 tuniscof 828 - 0 - 0
21 :MEX 795 -1 mrv86 795 - 0 - 0
22 :SRB 682 1 NikolaB 665 Майкл 17 - 0
23 :LTU 673 -1 Werloc 673 - 0 - 0
24 IND.gif 412 1 Dolby 412 - 0 - 0
25 AUT.gif 336 -1 Gigs 336 - 0 - 0
26 FIN.gif 331 1 Finnator123 331 - 0 - 0
27 CZE.gif 267 -1 Hipooo 267 - 0 - 0
28 HUN.gif 171 0 lapaj 171 - 0 - 0
29 ARG.gif 161 NEW LDOG 161 - 0 - 0
30 GRE.gif 140 NEW George_D 140 - 0 - 0




Individual Medal Count

Updated as of June 11th, 2018


1 :ITA Pablita 2 2 0 4
2 :ITA Dunadan 1 0 1 2
3 :BRA Herberth N. B. S. 1 0 0 1
3 :GER OlympicsFan 1 0 0 1
3 :SUI Morgan 1 0 0 1
3 :CAN Topicmaster1010 1 0 0 0
3 NZL.gif Wanderer 1 0 0 1
8 :ITA stamura84 0 2 0 2
9 :CRO dcro 0 1 1 2
10 :BRA juliosilva 0 1 0 1
10 :ITA phelps 0 1 0 1
10 :POL GoPoland 0 1 0 1
13 :GER EselTheDonkey 0 0 2 2
14 :ITA Albe 0 0 1 1
14 :ROU ady48 0 0 1 1
14 :ITA Henry_Leon 0 0 1 1
14 :USA Jahiegel 0 0 1 1



Team Medal Count

Updated as of June 11th, 2018


1 :ITA Italy 3 5 3 11
2 :BRA Brazil 1 1 0 2
3 :GER Germany 1 0 2 3
4 :CAN Canada 1 0 0 1
4 NZL.gif New Zealand 1 0 0 1
4 :SUI Switzerland 1 0 0 1
7 :CRO Croatia 0 1 1 2
8 :POL Poland 0 1 0 1
9 :ROU Romania 0 0 1 1
9 :USA United States 0 0 1 1



Edited by Wanderer
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Individual General Standing

Updated as of July 16th, 2018


Rank User Nation +/- # Avg. Points
1 Pablita :ITA 0 9 449,3 4044
2 Dunadan :ITA 0 8 424,8 3398
3 chrischi08 :GER +2 9 350,0 3150
4 Henry_Leon :ITA -1 9 344,6 3101
5 ady48 :ROU -1 9 323,4 2911
6 Jahiegel :USA +1 7 400,3 2802
7 dcro :CRO +1 9 285,9 2573
8 OlympicsFan :GER -2 7 367,3 2571
9 Wanderer :NZL +3 9 267,1 2404
10 Topicmaster1010 :CAN -1 7 324,9 2274
11 juliosilva :BRA -1 8 272,9 2183
12 Herberth Nelson B. S. :BRA +3 9 232,6 2093
13 stamura84 :ITA -2 6 336,0 2016
14 Albe :ITA -1 6 321,7 1930
15 EselTheDonkey :GER -1 5 384,0 1920
16 africaboy :ROU +1 9 192,8 1735
17 heywoodu :NED -1 9 190,2 1712
18 bestmen :ALG +5 9 186,9 1682
19 Agger :DEN +5 7 233,7 1636
20 hckosice :SVK -1 9 178,1 1603
21 crovitlaci :CRO +13 6 266,2 1597
22 MCMXC :GBR +3 9 177,2 1595
23 Gianlu33 :ITA -3 9 174,0 1566
24 phelps :ITA -6 7 223,0 1561
25 GoPoland :POL -4 6 240,0 1440
26 Morgan :SUI -4 5 278,6 1393
27 CiroMennella99 :ITA 0 7 193,3 1353
28 rybak :POL -2 8 165,4 1323
29 suchyy7 :POL -1 7 176,7 1237
30 Ufilov :POL -1 9 131,4 1183
31 Federer91 :BUL +2 8 140,9 1127
32 toulousain :FRA 0 6 182,8 1097
33 Nate River :CAN -3 6 181,8 1091
34 tigersay :RUS -3 5 209,8 1049
35 mihamiha :SLO +6 5 201,6 1008
36 Monzanator :POL 0 7 138,9 972
37 Pavlo :POL +6 7 136,1 953
38 NikolaB :SRB +12 3 310,0 930
39 thepharoah :EGY NEW 1 900,0 900
40 vlad :ROU -3 8 112,3 898
41 Forzazzurri :ITA -6 5 179,2 896
42 mrv86 :MEX -2 6 148,3 890
43 tuniscof :TUN -5 7 123,3 863
44 AlFHg :ITA +7 7 120,3 842
45 Werloc :LTU +3 4 202,3 809
46 titicow :BRA -1 7 114,9 804
47 vinipereira :BRA -8 6 133,2 799
48 FC Mezhgorye :RUS -6 7 110,7 775
49 Vojthas :POL +11 7 109,6 767
50 Matteo92 :ITA -6 4 187,0 748
51 De_Gambassi :FRA -5 5 139,4 697
52 uk12points :GBR -5 5 139,0 695
53 Barcago :POL -4 4 166,5 666
54 hoversaBR :BRA -2 8 74,4 595
55 Dolby :IND +2 7 84,3 590
56 SteveParker :ITA -1 7 82,1 575
57 pjwasz :USA -4 6 92,3 554
58 justony :SLO -4 6 91,0 546
59 amen09 :TUN NEW 1 510,0 510
60 George_D :GRE +17 2 252,5 505
61 Domcal :ITA -5 3 161,3 484
62 intoronto :CAN -4 2 213,0 426
63 LDOG :ARG +12 2 203,0 406
64 Crolympic :CRO -5 3 135,0 405
65 Gigs :AUT 0 5 72,2 361
66 Dmitry :RUS -5 1 360,0 360
67 KhanBeaver :RUS -5 5 70,6 353
68 orangeman :CAN -5 3 115,0 345
69 Bohemia :FRA -5 2 168,5 337
70 lapaj :HUN +2 2 167,5 335
71 Finnator123 :FIN -5 2 165,5 331
72 Mkbw50 :GBR NEW 1 310,0 310
73 PeterN :ITA -6 2 147,5 295
74 James :GBR +2 2 134,5 269
75 Hipooo :CZE -7 5 53,4 267
76 SalamAkhi :FRA -7 3 87,0 261
77 Olympian1010 :USA -7 2 127,0 254
78 Shiffrin :SLO -7 1 188,0 188
79 stefanbg :BUL -6 1 168,0 168
80 Nathy :SUI -6 2 81,5 163
81 Kirkpatrick :CRO -3 3 46,3 139
82 Glen :MLT NEW 1 110,0 110
83 sounak :IND NEW 1 105,0 105
84 wpwells :USA -5 3 31,3 94
85 Pabloffo :CHI NEW 1 90,0 90
86 SzG :POL -6 2 37,5 75
87 Felipe :BRA NEW 1 53,0 53
88 ArK :NED -7 1 51,0 51
89 thiago_simoes :BRA NEW 1 44,0 44
90 Rdbc :USA -8 1 43,0 43
91 Benolympique :FRA NEW 1 27,0 27
92 Giovanni Gianni Catt. :ITA NEW 1 23,0 23
93 monte88 :POL -10 1 23,0 23
94 traddles27 :ROU -10 1 19,0 19
95 Майкл :SRB -10 1 17,0 17




Team General Standing

Updated as of July 16th, 2018


Rank Nation Points +/- User 1 Pts User 2 Pts User 3 Pts
1 :ITA 10543 0 Pablita 4044 Dunadan 3398 Henry_Leon 3101
2 :GER 7641 0 chrischi08 3150 OlympicsFan 2571 EselTheDonkey 1920
3 :ROU 5544 0 ady48 2911 africaboy 1735 vlad 898
4 :BRA 5080 0 juliosilva 2183 N. H. B. Silveira 2093 titicow 804
5 :CRO 4575 +1 dcro 2573 crovitlaci 1597 Crolympic 405
6 :POL 4000 -1 GoPoland 1440 rybak 1323 suchyy7 1237
7 :CAN 3791 0 Topicmaster1010 2274 Nate River 1091 intoronto 426
8 :USA 3610 0 Jahiegel 2802 pjwasz 554 Olympian1010 254
9 :GBR 2600 0 MCMXC 1595 uk12points 695 Mkbw50 310
10 :NZL 2404 +2 Wanderer 2404 - 0 - 0
11 :RUS 2184 -1 tigersay 1049 FC Mezhgorye 775 Dmitry 360
12 :FRA 2131 -1 toulousain 1097 De_Gambassi 697 Bohemia 337
13 :NED 1763 0 heywoodu 1712 ArK 51 - 0
14 :SLO 1742 +2 mihamiha 1008 justony 546 Shiffrin 188
15 :ALG 1682 +2 bestmen 1682 - 0 - 0
16 :DEN 1636 +2 Agger 1636 - 0 - 0
17 :SVK 1603 -2 hckosice 1603 - 0 - 0
18 :SUI 1556 -4 Morgan 1393 Nathy 163 - 0
19 :TUN 1373 +1 tuniscof 863 amen09 510 - 0
20 :BUL 1295 -1 Federer91 1127 stefanbg 168 - 0
21 :SRB 947 +1 NikolaB 930 Майкл 17 - 0
22 :EGY 900 NEW thepharoah 900 - 0 - 0
23 :MEX 890 -2 mrv86 890 - 0 - 0
24 :LTU 809 -1 Werloc 809 - 0 - 0
25 :IND 695 -1 Dolby 590 sounak 105 - 0
26 :GRE 505 +4 George_D 505 - 0 - 0
27 :ARG 406 +2 LDOG 406 - 0 - 0
28 :AUT 361 -3 Gigs 361 - 0 - 0
29 :HUN 335 -1 lapaj 335 - 0 - 0
30 :FIN 331 -4 Finnator123 331 - 0 - 0
31 :CZE 267 -4 Hipooo 267 - 0 - 0
32 :MLT 110 NEW Glen 110 - 0 - 0
33 :CHI 90 NEW Pabloffo 90 - 0 - 0




Individual Medal Count

Updated as of July 16th, 2018


Rank Name Gold Silver Bronze Total
1 :ITA Pablita 2 2 0 4
2 :ITA Dunadan 1 0 1 2
3 :BRA Herberth N. B. S. 1 0 0 1
3 :SUI Morgan 1 0 0 1
3 :GER OlympicsFan 1 0 0 1
3 :EGY thepharoah 1 0 0 1
3 :CAN Topicmaster1010 1 0 0 1
3 :NZL Wanderer 1 0 0 1
9 :ITA stamura84 0 2 0 2
10 :CRO dcro 0 1 1 2
11 :CRO crovitlaci 0 1 0 1
11 :POL GoPoland 0 1 0 1
11 :BRA juliosilva 0 1 0 1
11 :ITA phelps 0 1 0 1
15 :GER EselTheDonkey 0 0 2 2
16 :ROU ady48 0 0 1 1
16 :ITA Albe 0 0 1 1
16 :GER chrischi08 0 0 1 1
16 :ITA Henry_Leon 0 0 1 1
16 :USA Jahiegel 0 0 1 1
Total   9 9 9 27




Team Medal Count

Updated as of July 16th, 2018


Rank User Gold Silver Bronze Total
1 :ITA Italy 3 5 3 11
2 :BRA Brazil 1 1 0 2
3 :GER Germany 1 0 3 4
4 :CAN Canada 1 0 0 1
4 :EGY Egypt 1 0 0 1
4 :SUI Switzerland 1 0 0 1
4 :NZL New Zealand 1 0 0 1
8 :CRO Croatia 0 2 1 3
9 :POL Poland 0 1 0 1
10 :ROU Romania 0 0 1 1
10 :USA United States 0 0 1 1
Total   9 9 9 27
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  • 2 weeks later...

Individual General Standing

Updated as of July 29th, 2018


Rank User Nation +/- # Avg. Points
1 Pablita :ITA 0 10 429,9 4299
2 Dunadan :ITA 0 9 435,3 3918
3 chrischi08 :GER 0 10 377,0 3770
4 Henry_Leon :ITA 0 10 347,1 3471
5 dcro :CRO +2 10 337,3 3373
6 ady48 :ROU -1 10 305,1 3051
7 Jahiegel :USA -1 7 400,3 2802
8 Wanderer :NZL +1 10 263,9 2639
9 OlympicsFan :GER -1 7 367,3 2571
10 juliosilva :BRA +1 9 277,0 2493
11 Herberth Nelson Balbi S. :BRA +1 10 238,3 2383
12 Topicmaster1010 :CAN -2 7 324,9 2274
13 hckosice :SVK +7 10 206,3 2063
14 stamura84 :ITA -1 6 336,0 2016
15 bestmen :ALG +3 10 195,7 1957
16 heywoodu :NED +1 10 195,7 1957
17 africaboy :ROU -1 10 194,0 1940
18 Albe :ITA -4 6 321,7 1930
19 EselTheDonkey :GER -4 5 384,0 1920
20 Gianlu33 :ITA +3 10 173,4 1734
21 MCMXC :GBR +1 10 170,7 1707
22 Agger :DEN -3 7 233,7 1636
23 crovitlaci :CRO -2 6 266,2 1597
24 phelps :ITA 0 7 223,0 1561
25 suchyy7 :POL +4 8 187,8 1502
26 rybak :POL +2 9 164,1 1477
27 GoPoland :POL -2 6 240,0 1440
28 Morgan :SUI -2 5 278,6 1393
29 Ufilov :POL +1 10 135,8 1358
30 CiroMennella99 :ITA -3 7 193,3 1353
31 Federer91 :BUL 0 9 143,1 1288
32 toulousain :FRA 0 6 182,8 1097
33 Nate River :CAN 0 6 181,8 1091
34 NikolaB :SRB +4 4 269,3 1077
35 AlFHg :ITA +9 8 132,1 1057
36 tigersay :RUS -2 5 209,8 1049
37 vlad :ROU +3 9 113,0 1017
38 mihamiha :SLO -3 5 201,6 1008
39 vinipereira :BRA +8 7 142,0 994
40 titicow :BRA +6 8 123,6 989
41 Monzanator :POL -5 7 138,9 972
42 tuniscof :TUN +1 8 120,4 963
43 Pavlo :POL -6 7 136,1 953
44 George_D :GRE +16 3 305,0 915
45 thepharoah :EGY -6 1 900,0 900
46 Forzazzurri :ITA -5 5 179,2 896
47 mrv86 :MEX -5 6 148,3 890
48 Vojthas :POL +1 8 107,1 857
49 Werloc :LTU -4 4 202,3 809
50 SteveParker :ITA +6 8 100,0 800
51 FC Mezhgorye :RUS -3 7 110,7 775
52 Matteo92 :ITA -2 4 187,0 748
53 hoversaBR :BRA +1 9 77,8 700
54 De_Gambassi :FRA -3 5 139,4 697
55 uk12points :GBR -3 5 139,0 695
56 lapaj :HUN +14 3 223,3 670
57 Barcago :POL -4 4 166,5 666
58 Dolby :IND -3 7 84,3 590
59 pjwasz :USA -2 6 92,3 554
60 justony :SLO -2 6 91,0 546
61 amen09 :TUN -2 1 510,0 510
62 Domcal :ITA -1 3 161,3 484
63 intoronto :CAN -1 2 213,0 426
64 LDOG :ARG -1 2 203,0 406
65 Crolympic :CRO -1 3 135,0 405
66 Olympian1010 :USA +11 3 126,7 380
67 Gigs :AUT -2 5 72,2 361
68 Dmitry :RUS -2 1 360,0 360
69 James :GBR +5 3 118,0 354
70 KhanBeaver :RUS -3 5 70,6 353
71 orangeman :CAN -3 3 115,0 345
72 Bohemia :FRA -3 2 168,5 337
73 Finnator123 :FIN -2 2 165,5 331
74 Mkbw50 :GBR -2 1 310,0 310
75 PeterN :ITA -2 2 147,5 295
76 Hipooo :CZE -1 5 53,4 267
77 SalamAkhi :FRA -1 3 87,0 261
78 Shiffrin :SLO 0 1 188,0 188
79 stefanbg :BUL 0 1 168,0 168
80 Nathy :SUI 0 2 81,5 163
81 Giovanni Gianni Cattaneo :ITA +11 2 78,0 156
82 Kirkpatrick :CRO -1 3 46,3 139
83 Glen :MLT -1 1 110,0 110
84 Benolympique :FRA +7 2 53,5 107
85 sounak :IND -2 1 105,0 105
86 Fly_like_a_don :IND NEW 1 95,0 95
87 wpwells :USA -3 3 31,3 94
88 Pabloffo :CHI -3 1 90,0 90
89 SzG :POL -3 2 37,5 75
90 Felipe :BRA -3 1 53,0 53
91 ArK :NED -3 1 51,0 51
92 thiago_simoes :BRA -3 1 44,0 44
93 Rdbc :USA -3 1 43,0 43
94 monte88 :POL -1 1 23,0 23
95 traddles27 :ROU -1 1 19,0 19
96 Майкл :SRB -1 1 17,0 17




Team General Standing

Updated as of July 29th, 2018


Rank Nation Points +/- User 1 Pts User 2 Pts User 3 Pts
1 :ITA 11688 0 Pablita 4299 Dunadan 3918 Henry_Leon 3471
2 :GER 8261 0 chrischi08 3770 OlympicsFan 2571 EselTheDonkey 1920
3 :ROU 6008 0 ady48 3051 africaboy 1940 vlad 1017
4 :BRA 5870 0 juliosilva 2493 N. H. B. Silveira 2383 vinipereira 994
5 :CRO 5375 0 dcro 3373 crovitlaci 1597 Crolympic 405
6 :POL 4419 0 suchyy7 1502 rybak 1477 GoPoland 1440
7 :CAN 3791 0 Topicmaster1010 2274 Nate River 1091 intoronto 426
8 :USA 3736 0 Jahiegel 2802 pjwasz 554 Olympian1010 380
9 :GBR 2756 0 MCMXC 1707 uk12points 695 James 354
10 :NZL 2639 0 Wanderer 2639 - 0 - 0
11 :RUS 2184 0 tigersay 1049 FC Mezhgorye 775 Dmitry 360
12 :FRA 2131 0 toulousain 1097 De_Gambassi 697 Bohemia 337
13 :SVK 2063 +4 hckosice 2063 - 0 - 0
14 :NED 2008 -1 heywoodu 1957 ArK 51 - 0
15 :ALG 1957 0 bestmen 1957 - 0 - 0
16 :SLO 1742 -2 mihamiha 1008 justony 546 Shiffrin 188
17 :DEN 1636 -1 Agger 1636 - 0 - 0
18 :SUI 1556 0 Morgan 1393 Nathy 163 - 0
19 :TUN 1473 0 tuniscof 963 amen09 510 - 0
20 :BUL 1456 0 Federer91 1288 stefanbg 168 - 0
21 :SRB 1094 0 NikolaB 1077 Майкл 17 - 0
22 :GRE 915 +4 George_D 915 - 0 - 0
23 :EGY 900 -1 thepharoah 900 - 0 - 0
24 :MEX 890 -1 mrv86 890 - 0 - 0
25 :LTU 809 -1 Werloc 809 - 0 - 0
26 :IND 790 -1 Dolby 590 sounak 105 Fly_like_a_don 95
27 :HUN 670 +2 lapaj 670 - 0 - 0
28 :ARG 406 -1 LDOG 406 - 0 - 0
29 :AUT 361 -1 Gigs 361 - 0 - 0
30 :FIN 331 0 Finnator123 331 - 0 - 0
31 :CZE 267 0 Hipooo 267 - 0 - 0
32 :MLT 110 0 Glen 110 - 0 - 0
33 :CHI 90 0 Pabloffo 90 - 0 - 0



Individual Medal Count

Updated as of July 29th, 2018


Rank Name Gold Silver Bronze Total
1 :ITA Pablita 2 2 0 4
2 :CRO dcro 1 1 1 3
3 :ITA Dunadan 1 0 2 3
4 :BRA Herberth N. B. S. 1 0 0 1
4 :SUI Morgan 1 0 0 1
4 :GER OlympicsFan 1 0 0 1
4 :EGY thepharoah 1 0 0 1
4 :CAN Topicmaster1010 1 0 0 1
4 :NZL Wanderer 1 0 0 1
10 :ITA stamura84 0 2 0 2
11 :GER chrischi08 0 1 1 2
12 :CRO crovitlaci 0 1 0 1
12 :POL GoPoland 0 1 0 1
12 :BRA juliosilva 0 1 0 1
12 :ITA phelps 0 1 0 1
16 :GER EselTheDonkey 0 0 2 2
17 :ROU ady48 0 0 1 1
17 :ITA Albe 0 0 1 1
17 :ITA Henry_Leon 0 0 1 1
17 :USA Jahiegel 0 0 1 1
Total   10 10 10 30




Team Medal Count

Updated as of July 29th, 2018


Rank Nation Gold Silver Bronze Total
1 :ITA Italy 3 5 4 12
2 :CRO Croatia 1 2 1 4
3 :GER Germany 1 1 3 5
4 :BRA Brazil 1 1 0 2
5 :CAN Canada 1 0 0 1
5 :EGY Egypt 1 0 0 1
5 :SUI Switzerland 1 0 0 1
5 :NZL New Zealand 1 0 0 1
9 :POL Poland 0 1 0 1
10 :ROU Romania 0 0 1 1
10 :USA United States 0 0 1 1
Total   10 10 10 30
Edited by Wanderer
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  • 2 weeks later...

Individual General Standing

Updated as of August 6th, 2018


Rank User Nation +/- # Avg. Points
1 Pablita :ITA 0 11 417,2 4589
2 dcro :CRO +3 11 388,5 4273
3 Dunadan :ITA -1 10 413,3 4133
4 chrischi08 :GER -1 11 370,9 4080
5 Henry_Leon :ITA -1 11 356,9 3926
6 ady48 :ROU 0 11 290,4 3194
7 juliosilva :BRA +3 10 300,3 3003
8 Jahiegel :USA -1 7 400,3 2802
9 Wanderer :NZL -1 11 254,2 2796
10 hckosice :SVK +3 11 240,7 2648
11 Herberth Nelson B. S. :BRA 0 11 239,8 2638
12 OlympicsFan :GER -3 7 367,3 2571
13 Topicmaster1010 :CAN -1 7 324,9 2274
14 rybak :POL +12 10 217,7 2177
15 bestmen :ALG 0 11 194,1 2135
16 africaboy :ROU +1 11 191,9 2111
17 heywoodu :NED -1 11 190,3 2093
18 stamura84 :ITA -4 6 336,0 2016
19 MCMXC :GBR +2 11 176,5 1942
20 Albe :ITA -2 6 321,7 1930
21 EselTheDonkey :GER -2 5 384,0 1920
22 Gianlu33 :ITA -2 11 172,5 1898
23 suchyy7 :POL +2 9 204,1 1837
24 Agger :DEN -2 7 233,7 1636
25 crovitlaci :CRO -2 6 266,2 1597
26 phelps :ITA -2 7 223,0 1561
27 Federer91 :BUL +4 10 155,3 1553
28 Ufilov :POL +1 11 137,1 1508
29 GoPoland :POL -2 6 240,0 1440
30 CiroMennella99 :ITA 0 8 179,1 1433
31 Morgan :SUI -3 5 278,6 1393
32 thepharoah :EGY +13 2 652,5 1305
33 AlFHg :ITA +2 9 144,7 1302
34 vinipereira :BRA +5 8 152,4 1219
35 George_D :GRE +9 4 280,0 1120
36 vlad :ROU +1 10 111,2 1112
37 titicow :BRA +3 9 122,7 1104
38 toulousain :FRA -6 6 182,8 1097
39 Nate River :CAN -6 6 181,8 1091
40 NikolaB :SRB -6 4 269,3 1077
41 tigersay :RUS -5 5 209,8 1049
42 Monzanator :POL -1 8 130,9 1047
43 mihamiha :SLO -5 5 201,6 1008
44 SteveParker :ITA +6 9 109,4 985
45 tuniscof :TUN -3 8 120,4 963
46 Vojthas :POL +2 9 106,3 957
47 Pavlo :POL -4 7 136,1 953
48 Forzazzurri :ITA -2 5 179,2 896
49 mrv86 :MEX -2 6 148,3 890
50 Werloc :LTU -1 4 202,3 809
51 hoversaBR :BRA +2 10 79,0 790
52 FC Mezhgorye :RUS -1 7 110,7 775
53 LDOG :ARG +11 3 257,0 771
54 Matteo92 :ITA -2 4 187,0 748
55 Dolby :IND +3 8 89,0 712
56 De_Gambassi :FRA -2 5 139,4 697
57 uk12points :GBR -2 5 139,0 695
58 lapaj :HUN -2 3 223,3 670
59 Barcago :POL -2 4 166,5 666
60 pjwasz :USA -1 6 92,3 554
61 justony :SLO -1 6 91,0 546
62 amen09 :TUN -1 1 510,0 510
63 Olympian1010 :USA +3 4 122,5 490
64 Domcal :ITA -2 3 161,3 484
65 James :GBR +4 4 109,8 439
66 intoronto :CAN -3 2 213,0 426
67 Crolympic :CRO -2 3 135,0 405
68 sounak :IND +17 2 190,0 380
69 Gigs :AUT -2 5 72,2 361
70 Dmitry :RUS -2 1 360,0 360
71 KhanBeaver :RUS -1 5 70,6 353
72 orangeman :CAN -1 3 115,0 345
73 Bohemia :FRA -1 2 168,5 337
74 Finnator123 :FIN -1 2 165,5 331
75 Mkbw50 :GBR -1 1 310,0 310
76 PeterN :ITA -1 2 147,5 295
77 Fly_like_a_don :IND +9 2 145,0 290
78 Hipooo :CZE -2 5 53,4 267
79 Giovanni Gianni Catt. :ITA +2 3 87,0 261
80 SalamAkhi :FRA -3 3 87,0 261
81 Shiffrin :SLO -3 1 188,0 188
82 Rdbc :USA +11 2 86,0 172
83 stefanbg :BUL -4 1 168,0 168
84 Nathy :SUI -4 2 81,5 163
85 Kirkpatrick :CRO -3 3 46,3 139
86 Glen :MLT -3 1 110,0 110
87 Benolympique :FRA -3 2 53,5 107
88 wpwells :USA -1 3 31,3 94
89 Pabloffo :CHI -1 1 90,0 90
90 SzG :POL -1 2 37,5 75
91 Felipe :BRA -1 1 53,0 53
92 ArK :NED -1 1 51,0 51
93 thiago_simoes :BRA -1 1 44,0 44
94 monte88 :POL 0 1 23,0 23
95 traddles27 :ROU 0 1 19,0 19
96 Майкл :SRB 0 1 17,0 17




Team General Standing

Updated as of August 5th, 2018


Rank Nation Points +/- User 1 Pts User 2 Pts User 3 Pts
1 :ITA 12648 0 Pablita 4589 Dunadan 4133 Henry_Leon 3926
2 :GER 8571 0 chrischi08 4080 OlympicsFan 2571 EselTheDonkey 1920
3 :BRA 6860 +1 juliosilva 3003 N. H. B. Silveira 2638 vinipereira 1219
4 :ROU 6417 -1 ady48 3194 africaboy 2111 vlad 1112
5 :CRO 6275 0 dcro 4273 crovitlaci 1597 Crolympic 405
6 :POL 5454 0 rybak 2177 suchyy7 1837 GoPoland 1440
7 :USA 3846 +1 Jahiegel 2802 pjwasz 554 Olympian1010 490
8 :CAN 3791 -1 Topicmaster1010 2274 Nate River 1091 intoronto 426
9 :GBR 3076 0 MCMXC 1942 uk12points 695 James 439
10 :NZL 2796 0 Wanderer 2796 - 0 - 0
11 :SVK 2648 +2 hckosice 2648 - 0 - 0
12 :RUS 2184 -1 tigersay 1049 FC Mezhgorye 775 Dmitry 360
13 :NED 2144 +1 heywoodu 2093 ArK 51 - 0
14 :ALG 2135 +1 bestmen 2135 - 0 - 0
15 :FRA 2131 -3 toulousain 1097 De_Gambassi 697 Bohemia 337
16 :SLO 1742 0 mihamiha 1008 justony 546 Shiffrin 188
17 :BUL 1721 +3 Federer91 1553 stefanbg 168 - 0
18 :DEN 1636 -1 Agger 1636 - 0 - 0
19 :SUI 1556 -1 Morgan 1393 Nathy 163 - 0
20 :TUN 1473 -1 tuniscof 963 amen09 510 - 0
21 :IND 1382 +5 Dolby 712 sounak 380 Fly_like_a_don 290
22 :EGY 1305 +1 thepharoah 1305 - 0 - 0
23 :GRE 1120 -1 George_D 1120 - 0 - 0
24 :SRB 1094 -3 NikolaB 1077 Майкл 17 - 0
25 :MEX 890 -1 mrv86 890 - 0 - 0
26 :LTU 809 -1 Werloc 809 - 0 - 0
27 :ARG 771 +1 LDOG 771 - 0 - 0
28 :HUN 670 -1 lapaj 670 - 0 - 0
29 :AUT 361 0 Gigs 361 - 0 - 0
30 :FIN 331 0 Finnator123 331 - 0 - 0
31 :CZE 267 0 Hipooo 267 - 0 - 0
32 :MLT 110 0 Glen 110 - 0 - 0
33 :CHI 90 0 Pabloffo 90 - 0 - 0




Individual Medal Count

Updated as of August 6th, 2018


Rank Name Gold Silver Bronze Total
1 :ITA Pablita 2 2 0 4
2 :CRO dcro 2 1 1 4
3 :ITA Dunadan 1 0 2 3
4 :BRA Herberth N. B. S. 1 0 0 1
4 :SUI Morgan 1 0 0 1
4 :GER OlympicsFan 1 0 0 1
4 :EGY thepharoah 1 0 0 1
4 :CAN Topicmaster1010 1 0 0 1
4 :NZL Wanderer 1 0 0 1
10 :ITA stamura84 0 2 0 2
11 :GER chrischi08 0 1 1 2
12 :CRO crovitlaci 0 1 0 1
12 :POL GoPoland 0 1 0 1
12 :BRA juliosilva 0 1 0 1
12 :ITA phelps 0 1 0 1
12 :POL rybak 0 1 0 1
17 :GER EselTheDonkey 0 0 2 2
18 :ROU ady48 0 0 1 1
18 :ITA Albe 0 0 1 1
18 :SVK hckosice 0 0 1 1
18 :ITA Henry_Leon 0 0 1 1
18 :USA Jahiegel 0 0 1 1
Total   11 11 11 33




Team Medal Count

Updated as of August 6th, 2018


Rank Nation Gold Silver Bronze Total
1 :ITA Italy 3 5 4 12
2 :CRO Croatia 2 2 1 5
3 :GER Germany 1 1 3 5
4 :BRA Brazil 1 1 0 2
5 :CAN Canada 1 0 0 1
5 :EGY Egypt 1 0 0 1
5 :NZL New Zealand 1 0 0 1
5 :SUI Switzerland 1 0 0 1
9 :POL Poland 0 2 0 2
10 :ROU Romania 0 0 1 1
10 :SVK Slovakia 0 0 1 1
10 :USA United States 0 0 1 1
Total   11 11 11 33
Edited by Wanderer
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Individual General Standing

Updated as of August 13th, 2018


Rank User Nation +/- # Avg. Points
1 Dunadan :ITA +2 12 459,8 5518
2 Pablita :ITA -1 13 381,5 4959
3 dcro :CRO -1 13 375,6 4883
4 Henry_Leon :ITA +1 13 354,7 4611
5 chrischi08 :GER -1 13 346,1 4499
6 juliosilva :BRA +1 12 305,0 3660
7 ady48 :ROU -1 13 267,6 3479
8 Herberth Nelson B. S. :BRA +3 13 252,2 3278
9 Wanderer :NZL 0 13 249,7 3246
10 OlympicsFan :GER +2 8 386,4 3091
11 Jahiegel :USA -3 7 400,3 2802
12 hckosice :SVK -2 12 230,6 2767
13 heywoodu :NED +4 13 209,1 2718
14 Topicmaster1010 :CAN -1 8 329,9 2639
15 EselTheDonkey :GER +6 6 423,3 2540
16 africaboy :ROU 0 13 190,1 2471
17 crovitlaci :CRO +8 8 308,1 2465
18 rybak :POL -4 12 202,7 2432
19 bestmen :ALG -4 13 184,5 2398
20 suchyy7 :POL +3 11 210,6 2317
21 Gianlu33 :ITA +1 13 170,2 2213
22 MCMXC :GBR -3 12 174,9 2099
23 stamura84 :ITA -5 6 336,0 2016
24 Albe :ITA -4 6 321,7 1930
25 Agger :DEN -1 8 233,9 1871
26 Federer91 :BUL +1 12 155,7 1868
27 Ufilov :POL +1 13 132,1 1717
28 AlFHg :ITA +5 11 153,4 1687
29 LDOG :ARG +24 4 417,8 1671
30 CiroMennella99 :ITA 0 9 180,9 1628
31 George_D :GRE +4 6 267,5 1605
32 titicow :BRA +5 11 144,0 1584
33 phelps :ITA -7 7 223,0 1561
34 thepharoah :EGY -2 3 503,3 1510
35 GoPoland :POL -6 6 240,0 1440
36 vlad :ROU 0 12 118,0 1416
37 Morgan :SUI -6 5 278,6 1393
38 Monzanator :POL +4 9 150,8 1357
39 vinipereira :BRA -5 9 148,2 1334
40 SteveParker :ITA +4 11 116,5 1282
41 Dolby :IND +14 10 120,1 1201
42 toulousain :FRA -4 6 182,8 1097
43 Nate River :CAN -4 6 181,8 1091
44 NikolaB :SRB -4 4 269,3 1077
45 Vojthas :POL +1 10 106,7 1067
46 tigersay :RUS -5 5 209,8 1049
47 mihamiha :SLO -4 5 201,6 1008
48 tuniscof :TUN -3 8 120,4 963
49 Pavlo :POL -2 7 136,1 953
50 Werloc :LTU 0 5 188,4 942
51 Forzazzurri :ITA -3 5 179,2 896
52 mrv86 :MEX -3 6 148,3 890
53 hoversaBR :BRA -2 10 79,0 790
54 FC Mezhgorye :RUS -2 7 110,7 775
55 Matteo92 :ITA -1 4 187,0 748
56 De_Gambassi :FRA 0 5 139,4 697
57 uk12points :GBR 0 5 139,0 695
58 lapaj :HUN 0 3 223,3 670
59 Barcago :POL 0 4 166,5 666
60 Olympian1010 :USA +3 5 116,0 580
61 pjwasz :USA -1 6 92,3 554
62 sounak :IND +6 3 183,7 551
63 justony :SLO -2 6 91,0 546
64 Giovanni Gianni Catt. :ITA +15 4 131,5 526
65 amen09 :TUN -3 1 510,0 510
66 Domcal :ITA -2 3 161,3 484
67 James :GBR -2 4 109,8 439
68 intoronto :CAN -2 2 213,0 426
69 Cobi :ESP NEW 1 405,0 405
70 Crolympic :CRO -3 3 135,0 405
71 Speedy :POL NEW 1 370,0 370
72 Gigs :AUT -3 5 72,2 361
73 Dmitry :RUS -3 1 360,0 360
74 KhanBeaver :RUS -3 5 70,6 353
75 orangeman :CAN -3 3 115,0 345
76 Bohemia :FRA -3 2 168,5 337
77 Finnator123 :FIN -3 2 165,5 331
78 Mkbw50 :GBR -3 1 310,0 310
79 PeterN :ITA -3 2 147,5 295
80 stefanbg :BUL +3 2 147,0 294
81 Fly_like_a_don :IND -4 2 145,0 290
82 Hipooo :CZE -4 5 53,4 267
83 SalamAkhi :FRA -3 3 87,0 261
84 Benolympique :FRA +3 3 85,7 257
85 wumo26 :DEN NEW 1 245,0 245
86 Shiffrin :SLO -5 1 188,0 188
87 Rdbc :USA -5 2 86,0 172
88 Nathy :SUI -4 2 81,5 163
89 Kirkpatrick :CRO -4 3 46,3 139
90 Glen :MLT -4 1 110,0 110
91 IoNuTzZ :ROU NEW 1 105,0 105
92 monte88 :POL +2 2 49,0 98
93 wpwells :USA -5 3 31,3 94
94 Pabloffo :CHI -5 1 90,0 90
95 SzG :POL -5 2 37,5 75
96 Felipe :BRA -5 1 53,0 53
97 ArK :NED -5 1 51,0 51
98 thiago_simoes :BRA -5 1 44,0 44
99 traddles27 :ROU -4 1 19,0 19
100 Майкл :SRB -4 1 17,0 17




Team General Standing

Updated as of August 13th, 2018


Rank Nation Points +/- User 1 Pts User 2 Pts User 3 Pts
1 :ITA 15088 0 Dunadan 5518 Pablita 4959 Henry_Leon 4611
2 :GER 10130 0 chrischi08 4499 OlympicsFan 3091 EselTheDonkey 2540
3 :BRA 8522 0 juliosilva 3660 N. H. B. Silveira 3278 titicow 1584
4 :CRO 7753 +1 dcro 4883 crovitlaci 2465 Crolympic 405
5 :ROU 7366 -1 ady48 3479 africaboy 2471 vlad 1416
6 :POL 6466 0 rybak 2432 suchyy7 2317 Ufilov 1717
7 :CAN 4156 +1 Topicmaster1010 2639 Nate River 1091 intoronto 426
8 :USA 3936 -1 Jahiegel 2802 pjwasz 554 Olympian1010 580
9 :NZL 3246 +1 Wanderer 3246 - 0 - 0
10 :GBR 3233 -1 MCMXC 2099 uk12points 695 James 439
11 :NED 2769 +2 heywoodu 2718 ArK 51 - 0
12 :SVK 2767 -1 hckosice 2767 - 0 - 0
13 :ALG 2398 +1 bestmen 2398 - 0 - 0
14 :RUS 2184 -2 tigersay 1049 FC Mezhgorye 775 Dmitry 360
15 :BUL 2162 +2 Federer91 1868 stefanbg 294 - 0
16 :FRA 2131 -1 toulousain 1097 De_Gambassi 697 Bohemia 337
17 :DEN 2116 +1 Agger 1871 wumo26 245 - 0
18 :IND 2042 +3 Dolby 1201 sounak 551 Fly_like_a_don 290
19 :SLO 1742 -3 mihamiha 1008 justony 546 Shiffrin 188
20 :ARG 1671 +7 LDOG 1671 - 0 - 0
21 :GRE 1605 +2 George_D 1605 - 0 - 0
22 :SUI 1556 -3 Morgan 1393 Nathy 163 - 0
23 :EGY 1510 -1 thepharoah 1510 - 0 - 0
24 :TUN 1473 -4 tuniscof 963 amen09 510 - 0
25 :SRB 1094 -1 NikolaB 1077 Майкл 17 - 0
26 :LTU 942 0 Werloc 942 - 0 - 0
27 :MEX 890 -2 mrv86 890 - 0 - 0
28 :HUN 670 0 lapaj 670 - 0 - 0
29 :ESP 405 NEW Cobi 405 - 0 - 0
30 :AUT 361 -1 Gigs 361 - 0 - 0
31 :FIN 331 -1 Finnator123 331 - 0 - 0
32 :CZE 267 -1 Hipooo 267 - 0 - 0
33 :MLT 110 -1 Glen 110 - 0 - 0
34 :CHI 90 -1 Pabloffo 90 - 0 - 0




Individual Medal Count

Updated as of August 13th, 2018


Rank Name Gold Silver Bronze Total
1 :ITA Pablita 2 2 0 4
2 :CRO dcro 2 1 1 4
3 :ITA Dunadan 2 0 3 5
4 :GER OlympicsFan 1 0 1 2
5 :BRA Herberth N. B. S. 1 0 0 1
5 :ARG LDOG 1 0 0 1
5 :SUI Morgan 1 0 0 1
5 :EGY thepharoah 1 0 0 1
5 :CAN Topicmaster1010 1 0 0 1
5 :NZL Wanderer 1 0 0 1
11 :CRO crovitlaci 0 2 0 2
11 :ITA stamura84 0 2 0 2
13 :GER EselTheDonkey 0 1 2 3
14 :GER chrischi08 0 1 1 2
15 :POL GoPoland 0 1 0 1
15 :BRA juliosilva 0 1 0 1
15 :ITA phelps 0 1 0 1
15 :POL rybak 0 1 0 1
19 :ROU ady48 0 0 1 1
19 :ITA Albe 0 0 1 1
19 :SVK hckosice 0 0 1 1
19 :ITA Henry_Leon 0 0 1 1
19 :USA Jahiegel 0 0 1 1
Total   13 13 13 39




Team Medal Count

Updated as of August 13th, 2018


Rank Nation Gold Silver Bronze Total
1 :ITA Italy 4 5 5 14
2 :CRO Croatia 2 3 1 6
3 :GER Germany 1 2 4 7
4 :BRA Brazil 1 1 0 2
5 :ARG Argentina 1 0 0 1
5 :CAN Canada 1 0 0 1
5 :EGY Egypt 1 0 0 1
5 :NZL New Zealand 1 0 0 1
5 :SUI Switzerland 1 0 0 1
10 :POL Poland 0 2 0 2
11 :ROU Romania 0 0 1 1
11 :SVK Slovakia 0 0 1 1
11 :USA United States 0 0 1 1
Total   13 13 13 39
Edited by Wanderer
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  • 1 month later...

Individual General Standing

Updated as of September 17th, 2018


Rank User Nation +/- # Avg. Points
1 Dunadan ITA.gif 0 13 478,3 6218
2 Pablita ITA.gif 0 14 371,0 5194
3 dcro CRO.gif 0 14 368,4 5158
4 chrischi08 :GER +1 14 350,3 4904
5 Henry_Leon ITA.gif -1 14 348,3 4876
6 juliosilva BRA.gif 0 13 320,8 4170
7 ady48 :ROU 0 14 259,7 3636
8 Herberth N. Balbi Silveira BRA.gif 0 14 246,4 3449
9 Wanderer :NZL 0 14 245,1 3431
10 suchyy7 :POL +10 12 268,1 3217
11 OlympicsFan :GER -1 8 386,4 3091
12 heywoodu :NED +1 14 220,2 3083
13 hckosice :SVK -1 13 232,5 3022
14 Jahiegel :USA -3 7 400,3 2802
15 africaboy :ROU +1 14 197,2 2761
16 Topicmaster1010 :CAN -2 8 329,9 2639
17 rybak :POL +1 13 197,5 2568
18 EselTheDonkey :GER -3 6 423,3 2540
19 bestmen :ALG 0 14 180,0 2520
20 crovitlaci CRO.gif -3 8 308,1 2465
21 Gianlu33 ITA.gif 0 14 167,3 2342
22 Federer91 :BUL +4 13 178,7 2323
23 vlad :ROU +13 13 162,8 2116
24 MCMXC :GBR -2 12 174,9 2099
25 stamura84 ITA.gif -2 6 336,0 2016
26 Albe ITA.gif -2 6 321,7 1930
27 Agger :DEN -2 8 233,9 1871
28 Ufilov :POL -1 14 129,8 1817
29 AlFHg ITA.gif -1 12 149,3 1792
30 titicow BRA.gif +2 12 144,5 1734
31 LDOG :ARG -2 4 417,8 1671
32 CiroMennella99 ITA.gif -2 9 180,9 1628
33 George_D :GRE -2 6 267,5 1605
34 vinipereira BRA.gif +5 10 157,9 1579
35 phelps ITA.gif -2 7 223,0 1561
36 thepharoah :EGY -2 3 503,3 1510
37 GoPoland :POL -2 6 240,0 1440
38 Vojthas :POL +7 11 127,5 1402
39 SteveParker ITA.gif +1 12 116,4 1397
40 Morgan :SUI -3 5 278,6 1393
41 Monzanator :POL -3 9 150,8 1357
42 Dolby :IND -1 11 117,8 1296
43 toulousain :FRA -1 6 182,8 1097
44 Nate River :CAN -1 6 181,8 1091
45 NikolaB :SRB -1 4 269,3 1077
46 tigersay RUS.gif 0 5 209,8 1049
47 mihamiha :SLO 0 5 201,6 1008
48 FC Mezhgorye RUS.gif +6 8 125,0 1000
49 tuniscof :TUN -1 8 120,4 963
50 Pavlo :POL -1 7 136,1 953
51 Werloc :LTU -1 5 188,4 942
52 hoversaBR BRA.gif +1 11 85,5 940
53 Forzazzurri ITA.gif -2 5 179,2 896
54 mrv86 :MEX -2 6 148,3 890
55 Matteo92 ITA.gif 0 4 187,0 748
56 Olympian1010 :USA +4 6 124,0 744
57 Giovanni Gianni Cattaneo ITA.gif +7 5 140,8 704
58 De_Gambassi :FRA -2 5 139,4 697
59 uk12points :GBR -2 5 139,0 695
60 Speedy :POL +11 2 340,0 680
61 lapaj :HUN -3 3 223,3 670
62 Barcago :POL -3 4 166,5 666
63 pjwasz :USA -2 6 92,3 554
64 sounak :IND -2 3 183,7 551
65 justony :SLO -2 6 91,0 546
66 amen09 :TUN -1 1 510,0 510
67 Domcal ITA.gif -1 3 161,3 484
68 James :GBR -1 4 109,8 439
69 intoronto :CAN -1 2 213,0 426
70 Cobi :ESP -1 1 405,0 405
71 Crolympic CRO.gif -1 3 135,0 405
72 Gigs :AUT 0 5 72,2 361
73 Dmitry RUS.gif 0 1 360,0 360
74 KhanBeaver RUS.gif 0 5 70,6 353
75 orangeman :CAN 0 3 115,0 345
76 Bohemia :FRA 0 2 168,5 337
77 Finnator123 :FIN 0 2 165,5 331
78 Mkbw50 :GBR 0 1 310,0 310
79 PeterN ITA.gif 0 2 147,5 295
80 stefanbg :BUL 0 2 147,0 294
81 Fly_like_a_don :IND 0 2 145,0 290
82 Hipooo :CZE 0 5 53,4 267
83 SalamAkhi :FRA 0 3 87,0 261
84 Benolympique :FRA 0 3 85,7 257
85 wumo26 :DEN 0 1 245,0 245
86 zob79 :ROU NEW 1 215,0 215
87 paradajz :CRO NEW 1 205,0 205
88 Joshi :NZL NEW 1 195,0 195
89 Shiffrin :SLO -3 1 188,0 188
90 Rdbc :USA -3 2 86,0 172
91 Nathy :SUI -3 2 81,5 163
92 Kirkpatrick :CRO -3 3 46,3 139
93 Akin Baddy :IND NEW 1 110,0 110
94 Glen :MLT -4 1 110,0 110
95 IoNuTzZ :ROU -4 1 105,0 105
96 monte88 :POL -4 2 49,0 98
97 wpwells :USA -4 3 31,3 94
98 Pabloffo :CHI -4 1 90,0 90
99 SzG :POL -4 2 37,5 75
100 Felipe :BRA -4 1 53,0 53
101 ArK :NED -4 1 51,0 51
102 thiago_simoes :BRA -4 1 44,0 44
103 traddles27 :ROU -4 1 19,0 19
104 Майкл :SRB -4 1 17,0 17




Team General Standing

Updated as of September 17th, 2018


Rank Nation Points +/- User 1 Pts User 2 Pts User 3 Pts
1 :ITA 16288 0 Dunadan 6218 Pablita 5194 Henry_Leon 4876
2 :GER 10535 0 chrischi08 4904 OlympicsFan 3091 EselTheDonkey 2540
3 :BRA 9353 0 juliosilva 4170 N. H. B. Silveira 3449 titicow 1734
4 :ROU 8513 +1 ady48 3636 africaboy 2761 vlad 2116
5 :CRO 8028 -1 dcro 5158 crovitlaci 2465 Crolympic 405
6 :POL 6466 0 rybak 2432 suchyy7 2317 Ufilov 1717
7 :CAN 4156 0 Topicmaster1010 2639 Nate River 1091 intoronto 426
8 :USA 4100 0 Jahiegel 2802 Olympain1010 744 pjwasz 554
9 :NZL 3626 0 Wanderer 3431 Joshi 195 - 0
10 :GBR 3233 0 MCMXC 2099 uk12points 695 James 439
11 :NED 3134 0 heywoodu 3083 ArK 51 - 0
12 :SVK 3022 0 hckosice 3022 - 0 - 0
13 :BUL 2617 +2 Federer91 2323 stefanbg 294 - 0
14 :ALG 2520 -1 bestmen 2520 - 0 - 0
15 :RUS 2409 -1 tigersay 1049 FC Mezhgorye 1000 Dmitry 360
16 :IND 2137 +2 Dolby 1296 sounak 551 Fly_like_a_don 290
17 :FRA 2131 -1 toulousain 1097 De_Gambassi 697 Bohemia 337
18 :DEN 2116 -1 Agger 1871 wumo26 245 - 0
19 :SLO 1742 0 mihamiha 1008 justony 546 Shiffrin 188
20 :ARG 1671 0 LDOG 1671 - 0 - 0
21 :GRE 1605 0 George_D 1605 - 0 - 0
22 :SUI 1556 0 Morgan 1393 Nathy 163 - 0
23 :EGY 1510 0 thepharoah 1510 - 0 - 0
24 :TUN 1473 0 tuniscof 963 amen09 510 - 0
25 :SRB 1094 0 NikolaB 1077 Майкл 17 - 0
26 :LTU 942 0 Werloc 942 - 0 - 0
27 :MEX 890 0 mrv86 890 - 0 - 0
28 :HUN 670 0 lapaj 670 - 0 - 0
29 :ESP 405 0 Cobi 405 - 0 - 0
30 :AUT 361 0 Gigs 361 - 0 - 0
31 :FIN 331 0 Finnator123 331 - 0 - 0
32 :CZE 267 0 Hipooo 267 - 0 - 0
33 :MLT 110 0 Glen 110 - 0 - 0
34 :CHI 90 0 Pabloffo 90 - 0 - 0




Individual Medal Count

Updated as of September 17th, 2018


Rank Name Gold Silver Bronze Total
1 :ITA Pablita 2 2 0 4
2 :ITA Dunadan 2 1 3 6
3 :CRO dcro 2 1 1 4
4 :GER OlympicsFan 1 0 1 2
5 :BRA Herberth N. B. S. 1 0 0 1
5 :ARG LDOG 1 0 0 1
5 :SUI Morgan 1 0 0 1
5 :POL suchyy7 1 0 0 1
5 :EGY thepharoah 1 0 0 1
5 :CAN Topicmaster1010 1 0 0 1
5 :NZL Wanderer 1 0 0 1
12 :CRO crovitlaci 0 2 0 2
12 :ITA stamura84 0 2 0 2
14 :GER EselTheDonkey 0 1 2 3
15 :GER chrischi08 0 1 1 2
16 :POL GoPoland 0 1 0 1
16 :BRA juliosilva 0 1 0 1
16 :ITA phelps 0 1 0 1
16 :POL rybak 0 1 0 1
16 :ROU vlad 0 1 0 1
21 :ROU ady48 0 0 1 1
21 :ITA Albe 0 0 1 1
21 :SVK hckosice 0 0 1 1
21 :ITA Henry_Leon 0 0 1 1
21 :USA Jahiegel 0 0 1 1
Total   14 15 13 42




Team Medal Count

Updated as of September 17th, 2018


Rank Nation Gold Silver Bronze Total
1 :ITA Italy 4 6 5 15
2 :CRO Croatia 2 3 1 6
3 :GER Germany 1 2 4 7
4 :POL Poland 1 2 0 3
5 :BRA Brazil 1 1 0 2
6 :ARG Argentina 1 0 0 1
6 :CAN Canada 1 0 0 1
6 :EGY Egypt 1 0 0 1
6 :NZL New Zealand 1 0 0 1
6 :SUI Switzerland 1 0 0 1
11 :ROU Romania 0 1 1 2
12 :SVK Slovakia 0 0 1 1
12 :USA United States 0 0 1 1
Total   14 15 13 42
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