Looks like the rebel offensive in Syria has within two weeks resulted in Assad being ousted from power and gone, that escalated quickly. Does kind of look like the new thing is one of those extremist sharia "disagree with our strict morals and it's the death penalty for you" kind of groups, so...hopefully that's not the reality, but I guess we'll see.
Parallel Slalom WC Yanqing | Yanqing, China
Gold- Daniele Bagozza
Silver- Gabriel Messner
Bronze- Andreas Prommegger
Gold- Miki Tsubaki
Silver- Claudia Riegler
Bronze- Julie Zogg
Full Results
The competition is now more fierce than in the case of Fontana 4-8 years ago and secondly, Sighel doesn`t have to be a star of her caliber. He is strong, but there are a dozen or so like him. Short track is so unpredictable and lottery-like: falls, dsq etc., that counting on only 1 competitor at the Olympics can end very bad. And individually we can only count on Sighel + possibly the weaker Fontana in favorable circumstances. Canada or China have 3 candidates for the podium in the men's and then dsq of one doesn`t mean the end of chances for medals, like in our case.