Exactly. UEFA tried this pan-European hosting idea with Euro 2020 and it proved to be a disaster not only from a logistics view. Safe to say that idea won't be brought back for decades again.
I haven't read anything about that
meanwhile many skiers were complaining about the snow and the different consistency of it between the sectors of the track
Odermatt was quite polite but very tough at the same time on that...
we already have something like that...it's the regular world championships!
I mean, if we spread the Games all around the Globe, we completely lose the fascination of a single great multi-disciplinary event in a single place (more or less, given that some sports are always held far away from the actual Olympic City)
it's just another thing, it's not the Olympic Games anymore
if that's to be the case, I'd rather prefer the single championships to be well spread through the whole year, so to be able to watch the most of them without losing hours of sleep