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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Gianlu33

  1. At last Luma is in breakdance final. Let's hope in a non-USA quota.
  2. No direct quotas will be awarded here, as no race has more than 15 entries. The winners of the quota must have at least 1 point in the ranking, otherwise it will be redistributed
  3. Looking at both the various World Cup stages and the World Cup, with the new regulations and the ability of the Americans to build excellent Ds, I didn't give a single euro to Mexico. Btw, there's still a long way to go to decide the ranking
  4. I just notice that Mexico is clearly ahead the US in the women's Duet and in the team after the tech routine
  5. No clean round for Brazil, and they miss the golden medal
  6. and on the podium and qualified for Paris. Last sport is between Mexico and Brazil.
  7. Ouch, not wat I expect from Zanotelli. Refusal on the almost-last fence and a total fiasco. Brazil is a bit on trouble now
  8. Streaming quality is really good, I'm slightly impress
  9. Ancora una volta partita buttata negli ultimi minuti, abbiamo perso 3 punti in due partite facendo così
  10. Sadly it was a very complicated moment. I hope that this will be a great TISC, good luck @Olympian1010
  11. Petra was so close But at last is ahead Shiffrin
  12. Sofia Goggia interrupted by a track employee
  13. It's winter time In the weekend I'll watch Solden, short track and some curling. Plus, I have on my schedule some sport, Jannik Sinner's match in Wien and some cricket world cup, I'm really appreciate this. Today obliviously there is the Cavese football match, and I'll don't miss that for anything. Like every sunday
  14. What run for Fede She had a very good autumn season and I expect a good result, but not *so* good.
  15. Honestly I can't understand what the jury do in the mixed relay. A total bullshit, let's say that.
  16. Nope, Cesana sliding center is a fucking shit. Cortina would be really a dream for our ludge...
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