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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. hasn’t been DSQ’d according to the results graphic, but I don’t see how they can avoid a DSQ.
  2. Isn’t there generally a podium for the rowing medal ceremonies?
  3. I actually like sports that rank all participants at the Olympics like rowing. I prefer being able to write stuff like “finished 7th at the Olympics,” rather than “eliminated in the semifinals at the Olympics.” To me, it just seems worth while to rank athletes when/where possible. If athletes are going to devote years of their lives to be able to participate, the least IFs/IOC could do is give them a proper rank to be proud of. Plus, a final ranking of: 1. Team A 2. Team B 3. Team C 4. Team D 5. Team E 6. Team F…etc feels more official or better than: 1. Team A 2. Team B 3. Team C 4. Team D 5-8. Team E 5-8. Team F…etc
  4. pitching wasn’t a strong as it had been for the rest of tournament. I actually thought our offense was better, but just played a great game.
  5. Taekwondo never fails to excite. The sport put on a great Olympic tournament once more. Definitely a highlight of the Games for me. I too would like to see an increase in weight classes athletes. Unfortunately, that’s unlikely to happen with how tight quotas are at the moment.
  6. It’s not really all that different than say Badminton qualification though. An NOC can qualify athletes in more than two weight class, they just have to be in the top 5/6. I’m not saying I do or don’t like the rule; I’m just trying to point out parallels in other Olympic sports.
  7. Moore with some solid surfing to take the gold.
  8. This sport is too damn stressful ? Fox loses it in the last upstream gate.
  9. Great race from Neff , and she gets to share the podium with her teammates as a bonus!
  10. Huh, both this course and the Eventing Cross Country course have a feature called “Chopsticks.” I guess that shape makes for a great obstacle in both events.
  11. Ferreira goes for a maneuver on a massive wave, and as a result has his board snapped in half. He’ll have to get a new board and hope he can get back out in time to get two good waves.
  12. Marks was waiting for a wave that never came. Tough luck for her, home delight Tsuzuki
  13. I meant more that fact that she didn’t go head over heels on the landing. I know she’s skilled, but that was an impressive save.
  14. I don’t know how Neff saved that jump by the way. This has been a chaotic start to this race.
  15. Moore prevents from having a chance to go 4 for 4 in their Agenda 2020 sports. v. for gold.
  16. Buitendag pulls off another upset and books her spot in the gold medal match.
  17. That’s the informal host advantage at play. In subjectively judged sports you have to beat the host throughly. It’s like this at every multi-sports games.
  18. The 2nd race in 49er FX has been crazy. both capsized, and rammed into getting their boats stuck together for a few moments.
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