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Everything posted by Belgrano

  1. Still fantastic jumps possible!
  2. I placed one bet that Switzerland will win with at least 5 goals difference and then after the 5-0 placed another bet that they will win by at least 9 goals difference After the 8-0 they had six attempts one on one with the goalkeeper but managed NOT to score... Korea was so shocking bad, I just could not believe it. They hat six powerplays and I think they managed to have like one shot on goal total in 12 minutes of powerplay and even conceded a shorthander. Somehow it makes me feeling bad that the whole South Korean nation, including the womens hockey team, is being used as a figure during this games for political reasons...
  3. And what`s exactly the reason that they started with the ski jumping competition on 21:00 local time?
  4. Was looking for such a forum for a long time - finally found one!
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