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Everything posted by Kirkpatrick

  1. When we have a pursuit tomorrow, interval race today would make more sense. And have to say, this Canadian course is a bit boring. No great scenery.
  2. Now, that's what I call tight! Very nice final of Air Rifle for Ladies.
  3. It was weird, he was going back and forth. First, winner gets 100 points. Soon after, like somebody said to him, that the stage gets the winner 50 points, and he mentions that. Then again soon after saying that Falla will need a win, and Nilsson to be 3rd or worse for Falla to get a sprint globe (which would be the case with 100-80-60-....), then *again* going back to 50 for stage win. What the heck?! They are weird. Also saying how Bolshunov and Klaebo had a clash in semi of WC sprint, which of course was Ustiugov. And what's worst, they sounded so sure *that* happened. If I heard correctly, co-commentator was son of Mike Dixon, Scott I think. I think Mike would've set the record straight both times.
  4. Thank you for that. Couldn't find any results on official web site -- which is miserable -- nor on
  5. Just 24 points between Klaebo and Bolshunov before last two (distance) races? While Bolshunov is a favourite in them, Klaebo showed in Tour de Ski that he can compete and win in them as well. It will be close until the end.
  6. Lads on Eurosport without pardon mixed Bolshunov with Ustiugov. Curse of the -ov ending names for Anglos!
  7. That's pretty much it for women's overall, well over 100 points advantage for Østberg with two races to go. I can't see any scenario where she fails. Hope lads will keep it interesting until Sunday.
  8. Patrick from Eurosport is in belief that winners get 100 points for win here, I'm afraid not, just 50.–19_FIS_Cross-Country_World_Cup#Points_distribution
  9. All the contenders qualified for QFs of today's sprint. Good time for Nepryaeva, guess not ill anymore. Only overall seems interesting though, sprints are done, I don't think even theoretically Falla has any chance anymore. Nilsson finished second in qualifying, so even if she falls for example in QF, should have enough points even if Falla wins eventually. I think so at least, slightly confusing how final positions are in sprint.
  10. Germans were fast, four of them in top 8 of course time. Lesser far behind, though.
  11. Japan 6-5 USA 6-6 Canada 5-6 USA - Japan 5-9 Japan - Canada 7-5 USA - Canada 13-6 Japan 2-0 (16-10) vs Swe USA 1-1 (18-15) no matches left Canada 0-2 (11-20) vs Den If I'm not mistaken, that's it, Japan goes into next round no matter the results in the final draw. For second place: Russia 9-3 Korea 8-3 Switzerland 8-3 Russia - Switzerland 11-5 Russia - Korea 6-7 Korea - Switzerland 6-5 Korea 2-0 Russia 1-1 Switzerland 0-2 Second place goes straight to semi-finals, so, maybe not a bad idea to fight for it. Well, just Korea, Swiss have no chance.
  12. No stopping Boe, his speed is just silly.
  13. Boe Christiansen Boe After first shooting. They look very good. But this is biathlon, wonderful sport with many many surprises. Come, second shooting!
  14. USA can remove any tension if they win against Switzerland in afternoon's session. Japan has two tough matches, and Canada on paper has an easy match to get to 6-6. Will be interesting in any case. I don't have a particular favourite I'd wish to join top 5 in the next round...maybe just not Canada. They won a lot in previous Championships.
  15. Rank Team Games Wins Losses 1 SWE - Sweden 11 10 1 Q 2 KOR - Korea 11 8 3 Q 2 RUS - Russia 11 8 3 Q 4 SUI - Switzerland 10 7 3 5 CHN - China 11 7 4 6 USA - United States 11 6 5 7 JPN - Japan 10 5 5 8 CAN - Canada 11 5 6 9 GER - Germany 10 4 6 10 SCO - Scotland 11 4 7 11 DEN - Denmark 11 3 8 12 FIN - Finland 11 2 9 13 LAT - Latvia 11 1 10 Canada - Germany 8-5 USA - Japan 5-9 Germany - Japan 10-7 Japan - Canada 7-5 Germany - USA 10-7 USA - Canada 13-6 Germany 2-1 (25-22) vs Fin, vs Sui Japan 2-1 (23-20) vs Chn, vs Swe USA 1-2 (25-25) vs Sui Canada 1-2 (19-25) vs Den
  16. USA just scored six on Scotland. Surely that happened quite a few times, it's just that I personally haven't seen that live. 5 at most.
  17. Hinz just got kicked off to 61st place. Herrmann faster than Kuzmina at the end by 1.1 seconds. I think the course was faster later as well.
  18. Hinz be safe, but... Braisaz Gontier Vittozzi Magnusson Brorsson Kryuko Simon Fialkova Hacki Sanfilippo ...all miss the pursuit.
  19. Germans might've been smart with late starts. Preuss on route to easily overtake Fialkova, let alone Aymonier. Maybe Dahlmeier has some chance as well now... Nope, even without the miss, she wouldn't compete for podium.
  20. But Preuss right in there, maybe even second place?
  21. It's pretty much catastrophe for whole Italian team save for Wierer. All three others will probably miss the pursuit. Dahlmeier off podium.
  22. Herrmann might steal that podium place from Aymonier.
  23. Aymonier faster than both Norwegian girls! Nice. (I mean from last shooting to the finish)
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