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Everything posted by Agger

  1. Does that mean that if you want to get into the final, you just have to fall while in the leading group?
  2. Too bad that Joachim and Christinna didn't do better against the Adcocks, because this match was great, though sadly the chinese pair won it.
  3. What a race by Anna Emilie! Let's just say that I'm looking forward to seeing her in Tokyo!
  4. Well. At the moment, 11 players are under par for the round But yes, the 2 last rounds are from the bottom to the top
  5. Pernille Blume makes me so happy! It's such a pleasure to see an interview with her!
  6. The media hasn't been told, I guess, because the danish commentators are beginning to get angry!
  7. Nah. More boredom. It's really not that interesting when you know who will win half the events from the beginning.
  8. One of the only US medals that I'm happy about! (nothing personal)
  9. It's like I don't even know who she is He's not alone. Torneus is out after 2 terrible jumps!
  10. I guess that's the advantage of not having a major star! I don't think the danish commentators have even mentioned Sara Slott yet!
  11. Yes. Only for a few event we've seen the impressive support that was promised.
  12. I refuse to believe that. Of course it will be a fight between Denmark and Germany!
  13. We'll give you a fight for that gold with Niklas Larsen, Frederik Madsen and Casper Pedersen. And we're really missing Salzwedel as well. He really meant a lot to our team!
  14. Søren Kjeldsen did quite a round. 3 below par even though he took 8 shots on 12th hole (quadruple bogey) I would say that you at least need to be at par to be able to fight for the medals, most likely at least 3 below.
  15. BTW. About our team. 2 of our riders are the youngest of all in the Olympic track cycling!
  16. Just noticed that they've already started auctioning memorabilia from the games.
  17. And that's the target for cycling reached (2 medals) and we still have 3 potential medals!
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