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Everything posted by Govind

  1. Hmm agreed Happy news today is Atanu Das
  2. Spot on .. All the best for your athletic too..
  3. Laxmirani Majhi is Semi-finalist from 2015 World Championship and part of Silver medal winning team in same tournament,... She performed very worst today ... We are hoping to see improve in her performance.
  4. Can we do tit for tat for Russian similar 2015 World Championship final ..
  5. All fine but we need see the improve in performance of Laxmirani Majhi .. in Knock outs
  6. Agreed should not be like last time loosing against Denmark.. Whom we are going to have in 1st round
  7. Huge expectation on Deepika we had this time too ..Disappointed.. It is really not fair if we return with out medal in Women Archery... being return with every world event in past 3 yrs.
  8. Where we can check the score
  9. Korean whom Atanu is facing is low ranked and very young ,.. hope its possible for him to go through
  10. Its high time to remove this sport from Olympics. It no more Olympic sport
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