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Everything posted by dareza

  1. And this is best ever result for Greece in tennis.
  2. Unfortunately in the last 15 years the same story, but now it's even worse. Only few players from this team played big championships, others are debutants and this was expected. They had good macth against Russia, but after that disaster Btw we played draw with Belgium and Switzerland beat us in qualification for EC lol. Male handball is almost dead in Serbia. ladies is still alive.
  3. Country will become Republic of North Macedonia.
  4. Pa sa jos dve pobede odlucivace gol razlika verovatno iako Brazil uopste nije slab.
  5. Point is good for this very young and very unexperienced team
  6. Ovo uopste nije lose. Ali mi smo zasluzili pobedu ali steta sto smo pozurili zadnji napad.
  7. Jokic should be at All Star game. Denver is great this year and Jokic as well.
  8. ovo su velike pobede za oboje. Nadam se da će ove sezone nasi mladi teniseri eksplodirati.
  9. Volleyball, volleyball and again volleyball, basketball, tennis and taekwondo. Im really suprised
  10. Serbia sports awards.The winners: Best male - Novak Djokovic (Tennis) AGAIN (7x) Best female - Tijana Boskovic (Volleyball) Best male team - Basketball 3x3 Best female team - Volleyball team Best young athlete - Nadica Bozanic (Taekwondo) Best coach - Zoran Terzic (Volleyball)
  11. All star team is joke. EHF Carman Martin best right wing instead of Katarina Krpez Slezak who is top goalscorer at this EC with 50 goals + she was great in defence. Martin had only 25.
  12. Sabo na drzavnom samo 2 stotinke od NR Cavica na 50 slobodno. Povratak godine definitivno. Eksplodirace sledece sezone.
  13. Milica Nikolic poznatija kao 5. mesto :D Neverovatno koliko ih ima. Sad me mrzi da brojim ali broj je dvocifren haha. Ali ajde i ovo su super poeni (648 ali posto je 50% to je onda 324).
  14. u zenskoj ima vise talenata trenutno nego u muskoj :D
  15. Romania probably in sf, but they will be 4. at the end 99%.
  16. Inace bicemo domacini finala svetske lige u vaterpolu tako da rezultati u grupi sada nisu toliko bitni. Pobednik SL osvaja kvotu za OI.
  17. Belorusija i nije nesto. Sve najbolje su im otisle.
  18. Pa dobro grupa jeste teska, ali i dobro sto je tako. Odmah na startu mozemo da vidimo sta da ocekujemo a ne samo da imamo laznu nadu kao sada za rukomet.
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