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Everything posted by dareza

  1. So,far only France will have full team in Rio (European nations). Germany probably 13/14
  2. well,tomorrow probably will be new ranking here: I think that now Estonia has quota place in +100 and continental spot in -100kg.
  3. pa to ako itf odluci da mu da. Ali mi mnogo itf pozivnica hocemo. Zenski dubl,miks,pa sad i singl. Malo je mnogo
  4. Vraca se zvanicno. Igra celendzer u Ceskoj
  5. Kukolj je sebi obezbedio mesto u Riju. Ali ovo je bila neverovatna sansa za medalju. Malo nepaznje i ode medalja iz ruke Pitam se da li cemo nekad uzeti seniorsku medalju u ovom sportu. Mene jos vise nervira to sto mi je dzudo medju 3 omiljena sporta i onda se smorim jos vise. Ali od njega samog se sigurno niko vise nije smorio. Steta.
  6. Ne tako dobre vesti od Arkadija. Sada je veca sansa da ce sve propustiti. Problem je sto nije ziveo u Srbiji godinu dana. Ali ovako nesto sam i ocekivao. Videcemo da li pss i oks mogu nesto da urade,ali da se ne nadamo previse.
  7. Kovinic-Buyukakcay-Vogele and winner of match Kozlova/Sevastova. What a semifinal in Istanbul. Danka has nice chance for first wta title.
  8. As I know Grozdeva is president of Bulgarian shooting federation. So,she will be in Rio
  9. lol 2:06.92 for Ustinova on 200backstroke. Russia on fire in this discipline. Yesterday Rylov became European recorder,now Ustinova with great result
  10. Zakyntos is probably most popular place for Serbian tourists. When I ask someone where you're going on vacation? Almost always answer is Zakyntos but I never went there. My favorite is still Northern Greece
  11. Za dzudo je skoro pa sve izgubljeno iako ima jos jedan GS i jedan GP. Nazalost opet jedna kvota,ali ovog puta veca sansa za bolji rezultat nego 2012. Za rvanje bi to biilo to. Ne moze niko vise da osvoji kvotu.
  12. Im afraid that same will be with tennis in 2020 because there is no points for ranking.
  13. wohoo what a result for Rylov on 200 backstroke: 1:54.21 New European record!
  14. Arsovic become very bad in 3x50. Disaster result.
  15. Inteesting is now that only Grgic and Sebic are wthout medal at world cup. Very strange for Grgic.
  16. lol,we have new medal chance now in Rio. So far strongest team we ever had.
  17. What a surprise. Pity for last shoot and 9,8,but amazing comeback in match after bad start. Well done Stevan!
  18. Pletikosic is back !!!! What a score in q for him. Impressive!
  19. SSF World Cup 2016 - Stage 2 - Day 3, 4 and 5 Results Men's 10m Air Rifle Gold - Maslennikov Vladimir Silver - Cao Yifei Bronze - Kamenskiy Sergey Mens's Double Trap Gold - Willett James Silver - Mosin Vasily Bronze - Eller Walton Men's 50m Pistol Gold - Olemchuk Oleh Silver - Jin Jongoh Bronze - Wang Zhiwei Women's 25m Pistol Gold - Grozdeva Maria Silver - Zhang Jingjing Bronze - Kostevych Olena
  20. Novi NR za Anju. Ovog puta na 800m. 8:46.94. A plivala je u ne bas jakoj konkurenciji.
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