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Everything posted by dareza

  1. Samo neki cudom mozemo da izgubimo kvotu u planinskom biciklizmu. Jovana ce ici na jos dve trke do kraja kvalifikacija. Na S1 u Belgiju i na SK na pri kraju meseca.
  2. wow France now without Gobert,Batum,Fournier, Mahinmi and maybe without Boris and Tony. Nice chance for Canada and Turkey.
  3. Lol after long long time I was nervous. This was so close. Congrats to Andy for great match. Title in Madrid after 2011!
  4. Jos uvek nije sve to odluceno. Verovatno 1,ali da sacekamo.
  5. Kukolj je od pocetka godine ucestvovao na 5 takmicenja i imao sledece rezultate: Srebro na GP na Kubi,srebro na GS u Azerbejdzanu, 5.mesto na EP, 5. mesto na GS u Parizu i poraz u 3.kolu u Nemackoj zbog povrede. Zaista impresivan start godine za njega. Sada neka se baci na trening, pa sta bude.
  6. but they had two more guys in semifinal. Pity is for that, not for this guy.
  7. Ipak nije snaga u pitanju. " Međutim, na 200 metara pred cilj napravili su tehnički grešku. Udarili su u talas koji ih je izbacio iz staze, a na žalost nije bilo vremena za ispravku jer je bio sam finiš trke. Prava šteta. Do tada su imali apsolutnu kontrolu nad situacijom i bili na dobrom putu ka najsjajnijem odličju. "
  8. Nisu rano krenuli u napad,to je njihova standarda taktika. Oni tako veslaju. A to sto nemaju snage za zavrsnicu je drugi problem.
  9. it seems that Bejik/Vaisc have power only for 1500m in this period,they were really great,but in last 500m it was on amateur level. I really don't remeber when we finished EC without medal, but maybe this is good.
  10. Sada je i zvanicno. Arkady ne ide na EP. Prava steta za stafetu
  11. wow nisam znao da Zorana sada trci 800. Ona i njega sestra su tracale 400mH
  12. Novi NR za Dusicu Topic na 20km. 1:39:31 Steta je sto ce biti blizu norme, ali lepo je videti da konacno neka devojka kod nas ostavraju izuzetan napredak iz trke u trku
  13. lol. Please learn some about athletes that represent your country Petkovic: "Obviously I'm German, but I always say my soul is still Serbian" or this maybe: " "But I consider myself to have a big Serbian heart, because I'm more emotional than Germans usually are. I have a big temper, though I try to control it. I hang around a lot with the Serbs at tournaments because they are somehow a little more easy-going, although I'm also very good friends with the German girls."
  14. omg,after I reading some story about our team for Olympics I m really confused. Maybe at the end we will have just few athletes on Olympics because some of them will participate in few discipline. Tomicevic (k1 and k2), Novakovic (k1,k2), also Starovic can participate in all women's discipline. It will be very interesting to see first world cup. After that we will know almost all. Now I hope that we will win quota in women's k1 500 and we have really good chance in c1 1000 after France won quota.
  15. yes, I know,but she has Serbian descent. It is really pity. Imagine our team with Kiki,Andrea,Ana and Jelena.
  16. Maybe this will be interesting: In one moment for Canadian davis cup played all players with Serbian descent: Nestor,Raonic and Dancevic. and btw Nestor and Dancevic have Serbian wifes
  17. Athletes with Serbian descent that will represent other countries: First is of course Slobodan Soro (waterpolo GK)-Brazil. He is I think only one that participate for Serbia in past. 2. Andrea Petkovic (tennis)-Germany 3. Kristina Mladenovic (tennis)-France 4. Dani Nestor (tennis)-Canada 5. Milos Raonic (tennis)-Canada 6. Nikola Karabatic (handball)- France 7. Dragan Travica (volleyball)- Italy 8. Vlada Jankovic (basketball)- Greece (?) 9. Aleks Maric (basketball)-Australia
  18. wow Nino Salukvadze is mother of Tsone Machavariani and both will be in Rio For the first time mother and son will participate on OG
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