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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by bestmen

  1. You will not beleive it , its raining here too for the first time in 2 months
  2. Who is this robber of flamme ,usually they pick 1 kid for the innocence
  3. The ideas is in yeah but they dont know how to proceed ...too much dead time
  4. In Los angeles , i propose delegations suspended on drones
  5. Angle of camera is random not regular ....they dont know how to proceed
  6. This idea of boats is not good ,athletes should walk , even boats are differents ...
  7. Our flag bearer is ready with uniform....i hope her enthousiasm will be equal with her result
  8. This weather in paris , they will have river under feet and over head
  9. Is lady gaga french ? Why do they call artists from other countries
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