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Everything posted by Noorderling29

  1. The Dutch Volleybal Federation is going plead the case of sending a team anyway with our Olympic Committee. Seems to me they should have done that before entering a team in this competition. The OC tends to be very strict, so hard to see they are going to make an exception this time.
  2. It seems to me it would be far better to not qualify and take some time to rest and let the injuries heal.
  3. First all, none of the things you mention were in our control. Secondly, I watched the match on replay, so without the emotion of watching it live. My main conclusion was that we won from the bench.Kozlowski was able to bring in three new players at the end of the first set, even though the result did not even necessitate it at that moment. Also he brought in our best player Daalderop for the final few points; because of her injury she had not played a single point in the entire VNL. Also, Canada made far too many mistakes, especially in the send set. Would Canada have won in a different format? Who knows: Canada won the two matches last year, but these matches were very close, with both teams dominating stretches of the match. Also, a significant number of our players are still young and inexperienced and have developed from last year.
  4. Indeed, after the very poor World Championships in 2022, and the retirement of several players. Paris would be a good experience, the nucleus of the team is young enough to continue until at least 2028. Probably see Knip, Plak, Buijs and Dijkema retire after Paris. Jasper, Timmerman and Bongaerts would be 32 in 2028, so may not make that tournament
  5. IIRC, the Dutch team needs to win just one set?
  6. Yes, both the Dutch TV reporter and our Teletekst service say the team is almost qualified.
  7. Happy to see that in the end, the quotum will most likely be decided by the result of this match and not by which opponents played at full strength and which did not. Would not be totally surprised if we were to give it away in our last match against SK.
  8. Not his type of competition, the profile does not suit him. He’s not a one day specialist, like for instance Van der Poel, but a climber who wins multiple day events, with some stages in the mountains. The Danes have other riders that have much more chance in the road race. Also, he has been injured after a severe fall.
  9. Agree with Haywood’s.Klaver has not had a good race in the outdoor season. But was our best runner at the Indoor Worlds in Glasgow. Bol has learned from the mixed Relay in Budapest to not go out to fast when it’s not necessary.
  10. Strange that De Witte, on paper our slowest runner, ran the fastest of the 4. Both Peeters and De Witte (in the heats) faster than in Budapest, Bol and Klaver (who ran in 2nd ) slower.
  11. We’re more or less back to we’re we were at the start of the VNL. That’s better for us than for Canada. We have it in our own hands, but will most likely throw it away.
  12. Protest denied, so no Dutch male 4 x 4 in Paris.
  13. Dutch protest. Wait and see. No Dutch team in the final means that it’s certain our 4 x 4 will not be able to defend in Paris its silver medal from 2021.
  14. There is no Euro result, as there is no European polity. There are 27 national results, with most people voting for national reasons. Some countries even held simultaneous national elections. The extreme right did well in some countries, like France, but not so well in others, like Hungary and Poland. All in all, the far Right is up a little, but the parliament is still firmly in control of Christian and Social Democrats and Liberals. Unlike in my country, the far right did not take over the levers of control.
  15. Flemish Belgian TV also broadcasts the morning sessions. Nearly uninterrupted coverage, with a few breaks for interviews, but no lengthy analysis (ahum Gregory Sedoc ahum) or advertising breaks, with good quality commentary
  16. Thiam managing to calm the nerves of the Belgian TV commentators.
  17. Fake news: Cees Koch (1962), Erik De Bruin (1990) and Rutger Smith (2012)won medals, and De Bruin and Smith both finished in the top 8 once more.
  18. The time was apparently close to her season’s best. But the race looked labored.
  19. KJT also unimpressive, last in her heat, 13:66
  20. The website seems to be working (for) now
  21. Thiam unimpressive in the hurdles: 13;74, about half a second above her personal record. she had trouble keeping her rhythm.
  22. I had to deal a few times with one of the candidates in my job; she’s an absolute nutter.
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