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Everything posted by OlympicsFan

  1. That definitely can't be true. The only event where Italy "lost" a medal is women's downhill. Gold for Bassino was a giant surprise and Brignone winning silver also was pretty much the best case. Maybe you didn't win more medals than expected, but you certainly won more gold medals than expected.
  2. Once in a millenium performance by Canada. Even in my wildest dreams i never would have imagined them winning more than 1 medal (At best). 4 medals and 2 of them in gold is absolutely mindblowing. I could see Crawford regularly winning medals in the future, but the other 3 medals seem like complete flukes.
  3. Italy winning gold (And Germany winning silver) shows how poor the overall level currently is. Italy and Germany combined only have 2 world class athletes (Vitozzi and Hermann). Norway/Sweden/France at 50 % of their best would have sleepwalked to gold in this competition. Italy used their once in a generation chance, don't see them winning another gold any time soon. Wierer should become even worse and Auchentaller is shockingly slow. With Preuß instead of Voigt and Grotian instead of Kebinger, Germany could have done a lot better. Without Denise Hermann, a cross-country skier that absolutely wasn't a product of the german biathlon system, Germany would still have ZERO medals. It will never cease to amaze me to see how little german officials have to do to keep their jobs. If some foreign country would actively try to manipulate the german sports system, they couldn't do it more efficiently than the german coaches. The last two weeks have been mindblowing from an italian perspective, they won at least twice as many medals in alpine skiing/biathlon than anyone could have expected.
  4. 1) I think the two Main Reasons why german women Used to dominate Biathlon and speed skating were: a) Some of them still benefiting from the Former GDR system b) Other countries (Norway, Netherlands) Not Realizing their potential 2) I don’t See any reason why Norway should fall off a Cliff. USA and Canada could challenge them, but they don’t care about Biathlon. Russia as well could challenge them, But of Course it is impossible to predict when they will be back. 3) People shouldnt forget that just one year ago Fillon Maillet was on the Same Level as Boe. The french men Overall have Been Weaker this year + Germany Lost Almost all of their Top Guys in just 2 or 3 years (Schempp, Peiffer, Lesser) + Austria has become irrelevant. I could definitely See some Young guys like Giacomel Breaking their dominance soon. 4) We shouldn’t forget that Norwegian women are clearly weaker than they used to be. Norway probably has the most potential going forward thanks to climate change and their tradition, but I don’t think that they will remain as dominant.
  5. Helps when you are one of two countries that Cares about this Sport and actually has enough Snow to Train for it (the other Country being Sweden). Finland, USA, Canada don’t care about this sport and Russia isnt allowed to compete. The norwegian dominance in Sports like Cross-country skiing, biathlon, Nordic combined or alpine skiing will only get bigger thanks to Climate change. I Wonder if they will manage to win 50+ medals at a Single Winter Olympics before the winter olympics will finally be abandoned. It is completely absurd for a Country like Germany to finance Sports like alpine skiing or Cross-Country skiing.
  6. Really hurts to think about what Grotian might have done in this race. German coaches were lucky that a 34 year old cross-country skier has to save their ass once again. If they would have any honor, they would collectively perform seppuku. They can't form a single world-class athlete, while one coach (Bernhard Kröll) in a small bavarian club with horrible training conditions managed to single-handedly form Neuner, Gössner, Dahlmeier and now Grotian. If all german coaches would work at the same level, then german athletes would probably finish 1-6 in every single race.
  7. Everyone knows that Pinturault can't compete in a real Super-G, so you could say that french officials weren't sad about this race turning into a joke.
  8. Some documentaries i found interesting (Not sure if geo-blocked) (Maybe other people will find them interesting as well, they are all in english): The last two videos are age-restricted.
  9. Objectively Germany has the 4th or 5th best relay (Behind Norway, France, Sweden and maybe Italy), so a medal would be a surprise, but not a shock. Anything worse than 5th would be a bad result. Herrmann seems to be in a good shape. I think not nominating Grotian was a huge error (Assuming that she would have been willing to compete), she might very well have overperformed in front of the home crowd.
  10. Once again a pathetic performance by Voigt. The braindead coaches are one of the biggest problems of german sports. Why nominate your second best athlete (Grotian) when you could instead nominate a bunch of nobodies that will never sniff the podium ...
  11. I don’t remember that, But it would be funny if True. Germany hasnt won a title in Ages and as Soon as they get Peillat they suddenly win a title.
  12. Finally! They had to wait 17 years. Also kind of poetic that 8 of the players won junior world championship gold 10 years ago in India with the same coach!
  13. Gold for Grotian in women's pursuit. She is clearly the best athlete at this competition. Sadly i am sure that german coaches will find a reason not to nominate her for the world championships (too young, too much pressure). Of course it would be a different story if she would decline the invitation, but they should at least ask her.
  14. Context: People in Germany were protesting against the expansion of a coalmine and police tried to clear the area.
  15. How about „You elect PiS, you get a PiSshow“?
  16. Almost historic result for the german team. Can't even remember the last time Germany had 3 women in the top 10. Especially promising result for Emma Aicher (born in 2003), now she finished top 15 in both slalom and downhill this season already. There can't be many other women who are currently able to do that (probably only Gisin and Shiffrin).
  17. Somewhat related to this: Hopefully soon we will get a law that will make it illegal to live unless you earn at least 10k/month.
  18. I hope this is a joke? Obviously this is an absolutely logical decision by the canadian officials. If a large part of the native population of a country has no hope of ever owning land/property, then those people don't really have any reason to work hard. Allowing millions of rich asian foreigners to buy up land/property as an investment (often without ever living there), while a large part of the native population can't afford land/property is completely braindead. Edit: I tried to look into what canadian people think about this and my first impression is that many are in favor of making it more difficult/impossible for foreign people to buy property, but: 1) There are exceptions in this new law that will still make it rather easy for foreign people to buy property. 2) The bigger problem seems to be that (canadian) investors are buying up properties. Apparently many countries in the west are facing the same problems. The companies claim that there is a shortage of skilled workers, so the government feels the need to create a huge influx of "skilled" workers (while not creating remotely enough new housing and not banning investors from buying up all the existing properties) which then forces the local population to work for low wages while not being able to afford property. In the end the wealthiest people, the biggest corporations and the politicians that are in their pockets benefit and the rest of the population is fucked. At the same time media (controlled by politics and the wealthiest individuals) portrays anyone who mentions those things as racist/enemy of democracy, so people are afraid to speak up.
  19. This is a brilliant reply (please don't edit it). I wanted to "give" you all the available smilies as a reaction, but sadly one can only react with one smiley at a time to a comment on this website. Also: Maybe i am the only one with this problem, but recently this wesbite seems to be pretty slow when updating/showing new comments.
  20. Would it be correct to assume that you aren't familiar with the work of Ludwig Wittgenstein?
  21. Thanks, this whole discussion is very confusing for me. May i assume that you and phelps are the same person/speak on each other's behalf?
  22. Yes, this is also why we never got 4G/5G and why we still rely on steam locomotives and horse carriages for transport.
  23. 1) I am not a leftist, centralist or "rightist", but a pragmatist. Thanks for trying to put me into a category in order to "disqualify" me. This is always a good starting point for a discussion. 2) Could you maybe show me where i advocated for using human feces as fertilizer? (Please excuse the question if i just forgot that i wrote that) 3) Let's assume that i advocated this idea, but wouldn't be willing to do the "collecting" myself: How would this make the concept (using human feces as fertilizer) less "plausible"? I assume you are in favor of putting murderers behind bars (as an example)? I also assume that you wouldn't be willing to do the "deed" (picking them up ... not knowing if they are armed for example) yourself?
  24. It is very difficult for me to find an appropriate answer to this comment, but i will try: 1) How do you know that this is what he meant? 2) If you didn't ask him what he meant: What made you think that you could speak on his behalf? 3) Could you maybe post a link to the study that "proves" that people defe(ca)ting from North Korea are in such a bad state (health-wise) because North Korea uses human feces as fertilizer? 4) Where did i advocate for the use of human feces as fertilizer? (If i forgot that i wrote that, then please excuse my question) 5) Could you maybe post a link to a study that "proves" that using human feces as a fertilizer is bad for the body? Thanks!
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