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Blue Swede

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  1. WR jump was Duplantis sixth jump in the competition. More time to recoup in an olympic event,so I do not see the lenght as a big problem since Armand will start late(or perhaps having one warm up jump at say 5,60 and then jump again at say 5,80). Problem is that gold medal height won´t recuire WR height.Winning the gold medal is nowadays normally enough for the athlete to stop the competition. That DuPlantis will jump higher than 6,17 is very likely though..if it happens at the Olympic games is I agree debatable.
  2. I´m on 25 tickets for 16 different sports. Only one slot to fill if I stretch it.Men´s Hockey Semifinal morning match. Could possibly be persuaded to buy a ticket for Sarah Sjöström swimming final on the 30 of July..but that is definetly it.
  3. It is worth noticing that there is only one world record in pole vaults nowadays.It doesn´t matter if the record height is cleared outdoors or indoors. Renaud Lavillenie had the previous WR.Now it is all Armand DuPlantis. Highest jump outdoors is 6,14 by Sergei Bubka. I definetly thinks that DuPlantis could clear 6,20 at Tokyo olympics providing the weather is decent. Sam Kendricks broke the american indoor record the same day when DuPlantis cleared 6,17. Kendricks managed 6,01
  4. Tune to this..the leftwingers Fun Boy Three..The Lunatics Has Taken Over The Asylum..guess it´s from kinda 1982. They sang about Thatcher no doubt..nowadays it would hit Labour. The times..they are a changing for sure.
  5. Anyone for Brexit? I am,the referendum said so..nuff said. Will Boris bring it through the asylum known as the english parliament tomorrow? I hope so. If not,this one beacon of democracy that is/was Britain turns their lights off. You british needs politicians that is representative of your will in the future, This whole Brexit affair has been one poor showing. The referendum was made,only to be taken hostage by your representatives, I´m´s just not good enough in the year 2019. We need to stand up for those liying bags out at first matter Tory or Labour. Bye bye Corbyn,,an impossible man with impossible and forever.
  6. Well,I must protest. Everyone around in 1974 sure understands. Swedens entry..of course ..should have been Hooked on a Feeling.Number one in the U.S of A April 6 1974..:-)
  7. Right now,Eventeam has olympic tickets for sale. Athletics,basketball,equestrian,hockey and other stuff is up for grabs.
  8. I´ve bought 20 tickets thus far.Weight is on Track and Fields with 7 different tickets. I am still lacking a couple of tickets. Managed to pick a Boxing ticket up yesterday from Cosport,but still lacking a few of those. As every man and his dog..I haven´t managed to buy tickets to Swimming and Gymnastics.I have bought other events instead,but will resell those if I manage to buy a ticket to a Sarah Sjöström gold chance or the womens teams finals in Gymnastics. Otherwise,I´m all set to go really.
  9. Chech Republic is part of the EU/EEA area.This means that you,Jan,can buy tickets from a number of ATRs for example Dertour,Eventeam,Cosport and so on. Any citizen within the stipulated area above can do the same. I´ve bought tickets from Germany and Austria for example.It is perfectly legit.
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