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Everything posted by ChandlerMne

  1. Inace glupaci sa RTS ne znaju opet protiv koga radi. Radi protiv porazene Brazil - Francuska. Vjetovatno Brazilka
  2. Yeah, i followed them, wasnt impressive. 2 of their gold medalists are here, they are making the difference.
  3. Latvia is another level. They win even when playing worse than usual
  4. Yeah, Bra - Egy is clear. JPN has set ratio 1.25, Serbia just 0.33. I think that with Serbia winning 3-0 and Japan losing 0-3, Japan would still have better SR.
  5. Serbia is mathematically out, if my calculations are correct.
  6. Argentina glatko porazena tako da su nam Njemci pobjegli. Ostaju nam Brazil i Japan. Japanci imaju set kolicnik 1.25, Brazil 0.5, mi 0.33. Japan igra sa SAD, Brazil sa Egiptom. Posto ce Brazil razbiti Egipat, cak i u slucaju poraza Japana 3-0, mi smo ispali.
  7. Nema joj se sta zamjeriti, ovo je vise od ocekivanog. Zrijeb ih je unakazio. Medalju cemo jos cekati.
  8. I watched her dad competing for ages. His career also had many such misfortunes.
  9. Looks like clean sweap in all disciplines.
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