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Everything posted by Pifta

  1. I still can't accept Xs in triple jump. In triple jump, the result is the 3rd mark after the line. If the first mark is 1-2 centis after the line, the result should be about 11meters instead of 18m simply, not an X
  2. Why do shotputters (and other field athletes) deliberately step in if the score is not really good? Why is a red flag better than a 10-meter throw?
  3. Hát ez gyenge volt. Bravúr lett volna a győzelem, de a játék is kevés
  4. Somebody scored no result in long jump. I don't know how that is possible. If somebody stepped in let's say 5cm after the line, their result is technically 5 cm. Can be decisive in case of a tiebreak or something :D the same goes for triple jump. Simply, the first jump is just very short. (Joking a little, extremely hard to imagine a scene where it matters if somebody stepped in 5 or 7 centis)
  5. Maybe not the best topic, but I wanted to tell this story. You read the scores correct, the matches ended with 91-1 and 0-95, both winning teams tried to achieve better goal difference than the other. There is a suspect of cheating.
  6. Do Americans even know this sport exist?
  7. Some water polo teams are both at the world championship and at Mediterran games. How do they solve the issue?
  8. Why are China and Japan not there? I see they withdrew, but I don't know why
  9. What is "Oceanian selection" and "African selection" why not the winners of the continental championships? And Colombia has a wild card. Why they? No info, no info..
  10. I'm disappointed Latvia didn't progress, but some songs progressed that I don't even remember
  11. I didn't watch the stage today, but I read the results, it says 156 riders crossed the finish line at the same time, not even a second difference happened. I can't imagine this...
  12. If he doesn't care about the overall, why is he there at all? It's like swimming the first 100 meters of the 1500, sounds dumb
  13. Ewan fell meters from the finish line, and he was lying there for minutes. Just WHY? If you lay on the ground, you lose important seconds and positions, you must get up as fast as you can, and you can care about your wound after the finish line.
  14. They went through my town, Bicske!
  15. I'm among those who say the team can do nothing about the war, disqualifying the football team would be too harsh.
  16. Why do skiiers leave Beijing on saturday evening/sunday morning? The closing ceremony is on sunday evening, they should be there
  17. they said skiers and organizers want to leave Beijing this evening
  18. Why was 50k shortened and delayed? Wind has big effect in biathlon, but not in cross country skiing
  19. in the sprint and individual yes, 1-15 and 16-30 are different, but in pursuit, mass start, and relays, they use lanes 1-30 for both types of shooting
  20. How do the targets work? In pursuit events, when leader is finished, all 5 targets are white, but when no 31 arrives there, it is all black. Also, the smaller black circle is not visible during standing shooting. How does this work? I can't imagine an organizer resetting boards after each shhoting
  21. If you ask me, I would not award medals for pursuit. Totally unfair, based on another event
  22. Why is there a podium celebration after 30 skiiers? There are 24 skiiers up there, anybody can overtake the current leader, Odermatt only wins the event when the Jamaican is surely can't come down in under 32 seconds.
  23. Finishing 97th in a race is OK. Finishing behind athletes from snowless countries is not OK at all, I expected much more from Hungarian Pónya
  24. So called "banana-kids", because they are yellow on the outside, but white on the inside. The brothers grew up in Hungary, they speak Hungarian perfectly
  25. Sorry if it was posted before. Are you sure this is the best place for a winter Olympics?
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