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Totallympics Medallist
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Bohemia last won the day on June 28 2020

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  1. Yeah looks like she fell because of her pole that she put between her shoe and her ski, she didn't have much space in the turn so that's what caused this mistake. Man I'm so sad it ends this way (and not just because I'm French and was rooting for Lou) I wish we could've seen a sprint between them instead of such an anticlimactic ending. This is incredibly frustrating. Nevertheless, congratulations to Preuss who had so much bad luck throughout her career, she deserves this so much. Now I just hope Lou will win the overall someday, second year in a row where she's close to doing it
  2. This was supposed to be exciting until the very last second, but with that fall it was the very WORST way for the women's globe to be decided...
  3. I blame the staff for losing the mixed relay globe. They made the wrong choice for the single mixed lineup.
  4. That was such a weird race but a great podium, Elvira Öberg finally getting her first WCh individual gold, first WCh individual medal for Kirkeeide and first EVER podium for Océane Michelon, after her amazing relay yesterday The youngsters are performing so well this year on the women's side, the next seasons are going to be exciting.
  5. The fist bump between Johannes and QFM in the last lap 😂😂
  6. That was incredible! JTB proving again that he is the GOAT, Wright being awesome, Perrot with his first individual medal
  7. Justine really loves that track 4 races there, 4 wins! So happy for Minkkinen she is back on great form after her illness a few weeks ago.
  8. The beginning and end of that race were craaaaazyyy So happy for Czechia, congratulations to them!
  9. Norway on the podium after all that happened is crazy
  10. I don't know if it's a rhetorical question or not but no there was no protest, and IMO there was nothing to protest anyway, unlike today. The men's battle for the overall is gonna be very interesting in March! Laegreid is now leading by 48 points but it's THE JT Boe, so this is far from over!
  11. About the French relay, Océane Michelon lost a lot of time in the last lap because she had tachycardia
  12. Sweden should've been DSQd but Norway didn't even make a claim* *(I don't know if it's the right word, protest?)
  13. His brother Tarjei Boe is retiring at the end of the season as well
  14. I really hope so, it's hard to see them like this
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