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Totallympics Medallist
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Everything posted by Biathlonfan

  1. Don t mean to upset you but i don t think she was really a favorite doing that time , she was still really young to the sport.
  2. clearly not well enough , also it s not a racist statement to point out that a minority doesn t know how to do something.
  3. Elodie seems to have a lot of problems with the riding , this season especially
  4. yeah and a lot of good that did for them right , considering that without the white farmers , they all starved , since the blacks dind t know how to farm.
  5. Amazing result for micheli just 20 years old , plus managed to take french on the line . Gintare did incedidbly from 25th to eight .I really hope she can get her fencing sorted out and then she is set .
  6. what was the point of stripping the land and causing as much of a disaster as he did ?
  7. So the people who are alive now , WHO DIND T DO THAT , deserve to be stripped of there land , also why should people who dind t do that have to pay reperations for somrthing their ancesters did ?
  8. How the hell was it their fault ?
  9. Nowacka is out of the competition with a shoulder injury .
  10. Yay Gintare rode very well
  11. Yeah the fencing result in the final surprised me , maybe the presure got to her , I m hoping Gintare will be able to pull something out of the bag , plus justinas had a nice start , so the hopes for Lithuania in these championships aren t lost.
  12. The fencing really dind t go well and since she already has a quoalification to the games next year she decided not to risk her health , her operated foot is still not healed up so no point in in getting a possible injury if she s not gonna be able to win a medal
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