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  1. Orangehair, I stood up for you when I joined the forum but I'm really starting to see where the other users were coming from. I have to say, it's especially annoying in the international threads.
  2. Chinese divers have been fantastic. GB have been excellent. Other Brits will win gold for comparable performances where industrial hoovering up of golds is not such an issue.
  3. That doesn't look that great for the sailors. I had assumed that being so close to home they'd be set for a good time. To be honest, I had also come to the conclusion that funding gave us sufficient advantage that we'd always have a successful team.
  4. Why are we so bad at 7s? I'm sure the answer is money but surely it wouldn't take that much to run a half decent men's team and to be good enough to give the Aussie women a match? Team sports are the perennial disappointment at the Olympics which is so frustrating when you compare participation to rowing or some of the other events.
  5. Thanks for doing this each day. It's very helpful. So many Brits in action! Was looking for a slot to leave the TV but it seems futile! I'll just have to get on with life and miss something.
  6. If the point was to have flexibility for unforseen circumstances then it is being used effectively, no?
  7. A normal person having such a shocking outcome from an innocuous incident would feel absurd but to happen at this point to somebody so physically talented is just cruel.
  8. I think it's been clear that the British athletes are more focused on the trials and what lies beyond. There are also a few people who have made mistakes in Rome that they will learn from and may prove a blessing in disguise.
  9. Carvell ran really strongly for a 19 year old with limited experience (think he was third best on leg 1) and has a recent pb only a little faster. 1st leg is by far the hardest. Something went wrong on the first changeover and that put the rest well out of it. It's a disappointing mistake but better here than in the Olympics and hopefully lessons will be learnt. MHS is not a natural relay runner in the sense that he clearly struggles with his race management in relays (it's taken him a long time and a hell of an effort to become the individual 400 runner he now is despite huge talent as a junior runner) and so has ended up doing the first leg solidly but unspectacularly. He clearly, and quite sensibly, prioritises his individual race. I don't expect to see him in the mixed in Paris. This year is his chance to win individual Olympic gold (not saying he's favourite) and I don't think he'll jeopardise that even for the chance of relay gold. Dobson is fragile physically and so races sparingly which is smart. I imagine we'll see him and Hudson Smith in the men's relay in Paris when they've done their individuals. If CD is feeling strong come Paris and with the hope of more Olympics ahead of him, he might do all 3 events. The really promising thing is that seven of the top eight men in the UK have run PBs this year. That's really unusual and encouraging. The situation for the women is more complicated. Everybody understands that Amber Anning has only limited availability and her season may be mostly run by the Olympics. If you look at how Adeleke and many others have run at international championships after competing in the NCAAs then it does not indicate that Anning will be at her best. We can hope, and some athletes buck the trend but my guess is she'll be somewhere between 0.5 and a second slower than whatever she runs in the NCAA final. Her uni paid for her training so it's fair enough. The rest of the women are of a remarkably similar and decent standard and I think most of them know that when it comes to Paris, they are relay runners who might get a run in the individual. However, because they are so similar, it is important that they focus individually now in the run-up to British championships so the selectors can fairly and objectively identify the top six and in what order. Keely being in the top 5 is purely a function of her being amazing and, in my view, in no way an indictment of the rest.
  10. He's planning to do one more year after this but says this was probably his last grand tour going for GC and leading the team. 3rd is a brilliant achievement. Pidcock is class.
  11. Potter looked outgunned at the end. She kept trying to break them but they weren't having it.
  12. Not the fireworks of last weekend but lots of solid performances. Really looking forward to Eugene 800 next weekend!
  13. Do we know if Keely is done with the 400 relay? I assume so for this season at least. Thinking about it some more, I'll be surprised to see her at Trials. If she goes, you're right, she's unlikely to push the pace. I'm not forgetting that PG is 17; it's a huge part of the point What I'll say next will sound a bit contradictory but I don't have expectations of her but it is fun to speculate (I get that that is a kind of an expectation). My comments here are a drop in the ocean of expectations compared to the impact of things on twitter Instagram and the article on BBC sport. Whether she can replicate yesterday this season or ever (I remember Charlotte Moore and others), PG has made herself a live and very interesting part of the conversation and it's fair to discuss that. Isn't it? The other thing PG has done over the last year (two actually, but results of 15 year olds need to be taken with 10 times as much salt even compared with those of 17 year olds) is pretty much always run with the same intent as yesterday. The time yesterday was extraordinary but not exactly out of the blue. We'd all seen her results and, here's that word, 'expected' 1.59 this season. If she decides to run U20 (U18 would be a bit pointless given her ability) then fair play. I'll watch with interest. For what it's worth, I don't think she will, otherwise why run in Belfast?
  14. For sure. She's used to running her own race and her opponents won't want that in the UK champs (if she runs!) But, if she does run, I hope she keeps it simple and just puts her foot down like today and sees what happens. Does the Paris selection doc require Keely to run? I assume so. If she runs it hard that would be great for Phoebe. It will be a hell of a race!
  15. I know it's a stretch and probably won't happen but it is a possibility, which is amazing. Next year is probably more realistic. I expect her to clear 4.90 this summer if she stays fit. As for the gold, the pressure of the Olympics, especially if she goes in as world leader, is a bit of an unknown but the WI gold helps, and from what I've read, been told and seen in competition, she is a strong character so I'm optimistic.
  16. Molly running super strongly. 5m is possible this summer.
  17. Interesting 800m. Good run from Jemma but felt she left some time on the track when she had to run so wide on the final bend. She was never catching Moraa today but I like that she ran with intent at the start. I think she'll run a pb this year but she'll struggle to get in the top 3 in Paris. European silver definitely a possibility.
  18. Interested to see what Prescod does, even though he's always flattered to deceive. He's changed coach again, back to Jonas Dodoo. But he posted a clip of him relay training, which sends better messages on that front. For what it's worth, he looks light and fast. Most athletes with talent do get their moment, even if injury often makes that moment shorter than they expect, and I'm not sure RP has had his yet.
  19. Thank you! I've found the forum really interesting with lots of results from competitions I had no idea even existed. So many sports disappear from mainstream coverage between Olympics and, while I was aware that people were out competing, I had no idea how busy the BMXers and the fencers etc are. The forum also really added to my enjoyment of the GB swimming trials so thanks to all the people who post.
  20. Hi, I've only been registered on this forum for a week and lurking on it for about three so I'm completely aware that I don't know the history. However the reaction to Orangehair ( judged on the merits of the comments I've seen) has been over the top. He/ she has been wrong but there seems to be a view that it's ok to insult him/ her. If their behaviour has been bad they should have been been banned. If you don't like their comments then just hide them as has been suggested. But the current sniping is uncomfortable to watch. On the mixed relay, I think it is clear that the depth of UK 400m running has been boosted by the chance to win a medal in the mixed, rather like the relays in swimming. MHS very unlikely to be running it - number of medals seems the goal not their colour.
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