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Everything posted by Rich

  1. Not keen on events that change their format for the final to rather artificially create drama and draw TV eyeballs. Can leave you feeling you've the wrong champion (windsurfing) or the wrong medalist (Shriever). Clearly being on the wrong end of it can make it feel bitter but it's not a new thing; it why playoffs suck and why DL final three could never work if the whole result depended on it. Let's just run the 100m over 20m. It'll be 5 times as exciting.
  2. A fair bit resting on Richardson and Lyles for the US athletics team.
  3. Fantastic dominant performance by the 8! I do get the theory of the stroke rate but when they're losing it's hard not to want them to go fasteršŸ¤£ Medal table is 10 10 9, right? Almost perfectly neat. Shows really good strength in depth.
  4. I don't really know anything about rowing but I liked seeing the women going above 40 strokes. From a rowing idiot's POV it has been frustrating to watch British boats sticking fairly rigidly to 38/39 when other boats have been upping and seeming to out-sprint us.
  5. I think there a lot of truth to what you say @mpjmcevoy but I've never felt frustrated by Jodie or Harry in the same way. Jodie always seems to get injured when she's on the cusp of something and seems to be a woman that knows who she is and is very happy with that. I don't think Harry has ever looked unhappy in his whole life. Pidgeon never really had a senior career for me to feel frustrated by. @Epic Failure is right that body language may not mean anything but it does at least impact the way I feel about sportspeople. The fact Morgan also says some things that I can't understand ('thinking about the final'?? Come on, this isn't your first champs!). I thought this season was going to be better: coached by Robbie G, saying positive things, approaching the bar with more intent, best Champs last year... It all adds up to a feeling of underachievement. All that said, if she sticks with the sport because she wants to, not because she doesn't know what else to do with herself, I still believe she'll clear 2m before she's done.
  6. All true and she's good enough to deserve her place but Morgan is one of those athletes it feels could, and should, have done more. She's been very good at staying fit in general but could she have pushed harder? Has she worked hard enough on her mental preparation? I'm sure there have been challenges (it's been hinted, correct me if I'm wrong, that Dad pushed her too hard and as a junior she never looked happy and has said the multis basically traumatised her) but have you ever seen her carry herself with the confidence of a champion? Even at UK champs?
  7. Funnily, with my relative lack of knowledge compared to some of you guys, I was pretty optimistic having seen her over the years. I assume her recent form hasn't been great?
  8. Two brilliant golds. My silver frustration is easedšŸ˜‚ Re: beach rowing. I think (was only half listening) they said Glover has had a go and is thinking of doing it.
  9. Getting a bit bored of silver (very over privileged). Come on now lightweight sculls!
  10. But that's what I mean; they haven't capitalised on the success that fell in their laps (similar to badminton). Not even compared to the canoe slalom. Is it the same governing body?
  11. I always feel that this is a sport we should be better at as there are plenty of lakes and watersports centres where you can paddle. Have they ever tried letting underperforming sports be run by those with better programmes ? Surely rowing could help them out?
  12. So glad that Andy went out fighting. It looked like they'd limp out but, as the commentators said, they somehow got us believing again. It was a little too late for this match but still amazing to watch Andy (with Dan's help) rage against the dying of the light. The 42 consecutive weeks at number 1 and the 2 Olympic titles probably a better measure of his quality than the number of slams. If he was 10 years older he would have had three times as many. The people who love to put him down like to say it was never a big 4 but for about 4 years it absolutely was.
  13. Why the long wait for the archery to resume? Bit worried the Brits will lose their momentum.
  14. Couldn't post at the time but have to say the triathlon and the rowing were epic. If anything goes on to linger longer in the memory than the mountain bike or the tri, we'll have seen something incredible.
  15. Really enjoyed that triathlon. Thought Potter did everything she could. France favourite for the relay but it will be close enough for us to have a chance. Didn't realise the extent to which Beaugrand's golden performance was polished in Britain until her interview. She seems like a very likeable winner.
  16. Great race. Beaugrand worries me; seemed to take a backseat in the cycling.
  17. Never in doubt. Wonderful swim. Evans and Murray jumping up and down
  18. This was what was frustrating. But agreed that for this team 4th was excellent.
  19. Somebody mentioned shooting being like a penalty shootout but the women on beam for a medal is a new kind of nail biting
  20. Can't believe I missed a gold. Didn't give the shooting the credit it deserved and just gave up up the daytime stuff. I've found the 2 narrow swimming silvers much more frustrating than the 4ths.
  21. The French guy may as well have been walking his dog round the the block so familiar was he with that course! Burgess was fantastic but the Frenchman was supreme. Not sure I could have been so magnanimous if Tom hadn't been suitably rewarded for one of the greatest performances I've seen by a Brit: it was incredible.
  22. I feel the same about surfing. I watched some yesterday and it was just two women having a nice paddle for 10 mins and nobody actually standing on a board. Puntastically, I got bored and turned over.
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