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Everything posted by hoversaBR

  1. I think it's desperation, Brazil is under a lot of pressure with the recent results, and against Argentina maybe he wanted to show something to the fans. But I agree that it was quite exaggerated. Now I'll have to endure another week of "if Neymar was there it would be different"...
  2. Oléé It's funny.
  3. His fifth medal this season. Much better than I expected, since he had been out for a year. Definitely good expectations for 2026, but after the world championship I need to calm down.
  4. I said that Portugal would beat Germany.
  5. I honestly didn't expect the victory, not even my most optimistic self. But handball here has gained great visibility due to the historic campaign (at least more than it usually has) and I was hoping that we would have at least one great game against the Danes. It had been a long time since the world championships had even been broadcast here. But the main fear is that the sport will be abandoned again, like what happened after the end of our golden generation of women's handball. I hope not.
  6. Langaro and Montes' performance was disappointing. Pathetic to be exact. The rest of the team did what they could. In any case, no work starts at the top.
  7. Considering our best players were completely blocked by Denmark, I think it was a good first half. 12-15 HT
  8. It's a shame, because the rest of the team has a lot of quality. Yesterday, I haven't seen France play such an uncreative game in a long time. The plays were always the same, through the center, but it seemed like the goalkeeper was always caught off guard. With a good goalkeeper, you could have easily won the match.
  9. France's best player was this Egyptian goalkeeper. Simply awful.
  10. Are you serious that Egypt tried this kind of play with 4 minutes left in the game?
  11. Is the Egyptian goalkeeper always this bad?
  12. Does anyone know why Egypt qualified if Iceland's GD was higher? Isn't this the first tiebreaker between three teams?
  13. I have a feeling that Portugal will beat Germany.
  14. Honestly, not even in my wildest dreams would I have expected a result like this. Historic victories against Norway, Sweden and Spain, and a great game against Portugal. Against Denmark, only a miracle would have been needed for us to win, and I will certainly be rooting for that, but looking ahead to 2028, it is already an excellent result.
  15. Brazil, the terror of the Nordics. Denmark, I would be careful if I were you (Please have mercy ).
  16. Brazil is in the quarterfinals for the first time in the men's competition.
  17. Yes, that was evident against Portugal, when we were winning quite comfortably and suddenly we lost control of the match.
  18. beat for the first time in history. Meanwhile, our women's team has been playing on the world circuit for years and can barely beat mid-tier teams.
  19. I'm curious if our team can compete against Sweden. I think our chances against Spain are decent, but we'd probably have to beat both teams to make it to the quarterfinals. It probably won't happen, but it's not as impossible as I thought.
  20. She really changed the Canadian team, but I think the limit of what she could offer has been reached. You guys really needed someone new (I'm not sure if Guidetti is the right one, but let's watch and hope).
  21. I agree. There was a moment when the Norwegian player literally slipped and one of our players was sent off for 2 minutes. Well, this team doesn't have any big ambitions in this tournament but had very good performances against Germany in friendlies and now Norway. Let's see what they can do in this tournament.
  22. I would like to know a neutral opinion about it. Is it really Brazil being so aggressive in its defense or are the referees doing everything for Norway to win?
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