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Everything posted by mrv86

  1. Exactly. There’s a difference between brave and bold. Following his short performance he should have either work on his motivation or be brave and go for another kindof quad he could hit nicely
  2. Loved Jin’s program Too bad he suffered on a few of his jumps.
  3. Poor Donovan… a very messy free program and probably the judges won’t take pity on him, which means he’ll end up last. Still so proud of him for his bravery and effort in a country without ice sports program
  4. Ready for qualification round in women’s snowboard halfpipe and women’s slalom
  5. Impressive and dominant tournament for the Italian pair. Congratulations
  6. And after Kagiyama’s performance, Chen now needs to be perfect.
  7. Big advantage at least. Unless sh*t happens in either of his programs.
  8. I think Mozalev flop just saved him Edit And judges saved Mozalev’s ass
  9. That’s the best part of it: local talent, with Mexican coach, training (undeservedly) at a rink in a mall. And he gets to skate the free. What a joy
  10. Yes he’s trough to Free Skate Best result in 94 years at the Winter Olympics
  11. Four years waiting for Donovan to have his moment and he gave a solid performance, with a small mistake in his jump combination though. Very proud of him
  12. Tonight will be rooting for our home grown talent. Hope in the future, local government of my state supports him with proper funding, and starts a program for local talents. Can’t believe it’s been 11 years since the ice rink closed in my city I was especially talented on falling on my butt, but it was also fun when The few times I managed to properly skate and dance to the music.
  13. What’s funny is how that “reporter” can’t even spell the name right Poor Zhou, though.
  14. Disgraceful way to ensure the Chinese skaters were all in the final Judging had no real criteria other than have the hosts win at all cost. On the other hand, Fontana
  15. Both @dcro& @Olympian1010are correct in their assestments. It's basically a skull (a calaverita) reminiscing the little sugar ones that are part of the Day of the Dead offerings However, if my eyes didn't deceive me, they integrated the mask patterns of lucha libre wrestlers in the calaverita motive, which is a nice touch
  16. Since my expectations for a Mexican medal are so big, here are the athletes I’d like to see on the podium: Loena Hendrickx avoiding a Russian sweep in women’s figure skating or matbe one in Speed Skating Sildaru any short track skater Dukurs and any other athlete in luge Vlhova Castellet in halfpipe I’ll also be delichted with medals by competitors from &
  17. I wish @brunamoura all the best during this period, in particular a good recovery in the shortest time possible, which I know is possible because she’s a strong woman.
  18. I’m not a design expert but the color of the seats reminds me of clothespins
  19. Well looks like Mexikoplatz in Wien is now “1976 Goldmedaillengewinner, Fechten platz” comolete with another golden statue of Bach
  20. I wonder what does most members of the so called “Athletes Comission” do besides traveling like sheiks every now and then? I think there should be a rule in the Olympic Charter and every qualification system that NOC’s can’t reject a place obtained by an athlete, qualified by their own merits (not applicable for universality/tripartite places) NOC’s could still retain the power to nominate athletes in those cases where quotas are awarded directly to them and they have more national competitors qualifying under the minimum criteria (like swimming, athletics)
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