has no NOC criteria this year. The Biathlon federation is requiring a top 60
in a World Cup or a top 10 in an IBU cup
over the entire qualification period.
https://teambelgium.sharepoint.com/sites/TopSportHub/HPM/Forms/AllItems.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2FTopSportHub%2FHPM%2FSel-Crit%2F1-OG%2FW-2026-MilanoCortina%2FCrit-National%2Fcritsel BTH MiCo 2026 FR version 1.0.pdf&parent=%2Fsites%2FTopSportHub%2FHPM%2FSel-Crit%2F1-OG%2FW-2026-MilanoCortina%2FCrit-National&p=true&ga=1
i would honestly question if the bar was put back on properly both Caudery and sutej pretty much jumped over perfectly on the third attempt and it fell off.
No medal for Caudery. She celebrated the first attempt at 4.75 with room to spare and clipped it on the way down and also failed the other two attempts.
yeah,obviously that was wind aided,it didn't come during the world record meet tough,it happened later on.and as i said he was apparently in 68 meter form in training there,the wind there doesn't always help out.