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  • Three Crowns rule in Herning

    The victory of Sweden crowned the team competition of the FEI Jumping World Championships. The reigning Olympic Champions finished the 2nd competition of the event with only one counted knockdown.


    After the Wednesday speed competiton Sweden was leading with 3,69 pts ahead of France (5,44) and Belgium (5,49). They made a clear 1st round of the Friday's competition after deducting the sole knockdown of Malin Baryar-Johnsson riding H&M Indiana (the pair was also the weakest in the team in the speed competition with 7,77). France also made a clear 1st round with deduction of 12 points by Gregory Cottard on Bibici. The 2nd round was, however, a tragedy for Les Bleus with 4 points of Simon Delestre on Cayman Jolly Jumper, another 9 points of Gregory Cottard, 8 points of the individual leader so far, Julien Epaillard on Caracole de la Roque and the deducted 12 points of Kevin Staut on Scuderia 1918 Viking d'la Rousserie. That made them fall down to sixth - which would mean missing the Olympic spot, if they haven't been qualified as hosts already.


    That was used by the Swedish team - even though they had to count another four points of Baryard-Johnson as their leader, Peder Fredricson on H&M All IN made three knockdowns, the won by a solid margin over the team of Netherlands (despite them having 6 points counted alltogether in the 2nd round) and the Brits (with 8 points in both 1st an 2nd round on Friday). The remaining two Olympic quotas went to Ireland and Germany - especially disappointed with 13 points in the 2nd round (8 by Marcus Ehning on Stargold, 4 by Christian Ahlmann on Dominator 2000 Z, 1 by Jana Wargers on Limbridge and the deducted elimination of Andre Thieme who fell down off DSP Chakaria).


    The FEI World Championships in Herning will conclude with the individual jumping medals to be given on Sunday. The final Olympic event of the World Championships - the Eventing - is scheduled for the next month in Pratoni del Vivaro, Italy.



    Photo: FEI / Richard Juilliart


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