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  • Shooting ESC 10m Events European Championships 2023 Final Review

    Now when it is has lasted two days after the Championship, it is a good time to make a summary. There were totally 517 participants from 40 European Countries, 1086 starts.


    When we are looking at different statistics there is interesting information available. From 40 countries even 24 managed to win at least one medal. In my mind it is an excellent number, and it means that the high-level shooting sport has spread largely.

    Also when looking the countries who won Gold, it is interesting that there were different countries in Juniors and in Women/Men events: Italy, Sweden, Croatia and Denmark were the countries who won Gold medals in Juniors events, and Serbia, Norway and Germany in Senior (Men/Women) events.


    When studying the medal ranking/standing, Italy was the best in Junior events with 5 medals (3 Gold + 1 Silver + 1 Bronze). Behind Italy is Poland (2+0+1), Czech Republic (1+2+1) and Hungary (1+1+2).


    The list in Men/Women standing shows that Serbia is on the top with 6 medals (3+2+1). After Serbia comes Norway (3+0+1) and Germany (1+1+3). Norway is higher at the ranking while they have more Gold medals.


    But when looking at the medal standing, in which there are all events, Norway is on the top place. Norwegian managed to win 8 medals (3+3+2), Italy (3+2+3) and Serbia (3+2+3) reached the same number of medals too, but Norway had 1 Silver medal more.

    The Swedish Men Junior Team made a European Record in 10m Air Rifle Team Men Junior. It was the only new record in this Championship.



    Shooting sport is team sport too

    The Mixed teams are to stay in shooting sport. The numbers of teams will tell it; Air Rifle Mixed Team (M/W) was the most popular with 39 Teams and Air Pistol Mixed Team second with 32 teams, the most popular Junior team event was Air Pistol Mixed Team Junior with 30 teams. From regular Team (3 members) events the most popular was Air Rifle Team Women with 17 Teams.

    And finally, the last statistic will tell that the Air Rifle Women collected most participants (85), second was Air Rifle Men with 72 participants.

    Last but not least, there were 8 quotas to Paris 2024 (Women/Men, Air Pistol and Air Rifle) and 48 quotas to 2023 European Games.

    Big thanks and applauses to the Organizer

    It also time to thank the Organizer, Estonian Shooting Sport Federation. The Estonian Shooting Sport Federation successes awesome, the atmosphere was warm and friendly, although the weather outside was even -11 C and it snowed nearly every day. But the weather did not disturb. Interesting was that there were volunteers from Estonia, France and Finland. The co-operation managed absolutely well.


    I’ll miss the atmosphere of the “green” Final Hall in Ring Sport and Spa Center during the Finals when teammates and spectators supported roughly their athletes. It was fantastic!


    This Championship will last long in my mind.


    Thanks Estonia, thank you Tallinn, Thank you all!




     Shooting ESC 10m Events European Championships 2023 Discussion Thread


     Shooting at the Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024 Qualification Tracker


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