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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. There was time in the past when it happened, yeah, the attendance was very bad. Well, the whole idea to have the team champs at EG is wrong. I would certainly prefer a normal Athletics competition like a major continental multisport event would deserve, but what can we do, it is how it is
  2. only 13 points in the M 400m. catastroph
  3. I see already looking forward for the Shooting streams to see if Poles can beat Slovak Tokyo 2020 mess
  4. In other side the Athletics stream is working very well, so there a hope it will not be a general problem, only some sports (which should be fixed in time. I assume, since they just started)
  5. Beach Handball is really unwatchable, the footage quality I mean, the sport should be fun to watch, but yeah, clearly still not with the 2023 technology yet
  6. The official site is working "live"
  7. Already PB in 1st attempt for Morato in Shot Put 7.06 I do believe even in Andorra it should not be so hard to find a girl which will throw this ball longer than 7 meters
  8. What they use for recording old Nokia phones ?
  9. So, here we go, Day D is here. goal: to rank somewhere in the middle of our division to avoid relegation battle Slovensko do toho
  10. In less than 15 hours Team A will face team B in the Beach Handball tournament followed right after by team C facing team D Let the games start.
  11. Was already mentioned in our NOC, that in case (not going to happen obviously) any Slovak will win an athletics medal, it will be delivered to him/her by FedEx as early as 2 days after the event
  12. Although there has been a significant progress in the work of the official results system in the last few days, among others difficult tasks as the removal of Czechoslovakia or the USSR from the list of starting countries... I still have the feeling that this results service is... well, the worst result service I have ever experienced. Less than 24 hours before the start, we still don´t have even the daily schedule option, not a single event entry list, draws, pools, brackets, all participating nations are missing athletics squads... If the elves don´t come to the schedule&results/app-makers room tonight to aid them and make the miracle happen, I feel there´s a real embarassing shame awaiting for the organizing committee tomorrow
  13. One of our rare team sports international tournament joy
  14. Down to 144 Sadly, our Tokyo 2020 Olympian and probably sole boxing hope to qualify for Paris´24 Andrej "Bandi" Csemez is out and will not travel to Poland. Due to illness the head of the boxing teamstaff announced today that Andrej brought with him a strong inflammation from the training camp he had in Cuba, he is on strong antibiotics and the doctors did not allow him to start Will have to focus hard now for the next years World qualifiers... because Bandi is obviously our only chance to participate in Boxing in Paris
  15. A win in a major tournament and it is not hockey well done babes
  16. It appears the "Refugee Team" will have 4 athletes (2x Taekwondo and 2x Boxing) this time....
  17. Stage 3/5 in Ljubljana-Tacen, SLO Men´s Extreme Kayak (3/5) 1. Joseph CLARKE 2. Anatole DELASSUS 3. Stefan HENGST Full Final Results HERE Full Semifinal Results HERE Full Quarterfinal Results HERE Full Heats Results HERE Full Qualifiers Results Trial Run
  18. Stage 3/5 in Ljubljana-Tacen, SLO Women´s Extreme Kayak (3/5) 1. Veronika VOJTOVA 2. Eva TERCELJ 3. Jessica FOX Full Final Results HERE Full Semifinal Results HERE Full Quarterfinal Results HERE Full Heats Results HERE Full Qualifiers Results Trial Run
  19. Men's Extreme Kayak (3/5) Final Results Joseph CLARKE - Anatole DELASSUS - Stefan HENGST - Rank Athletes Nation Result 4 Malo QUEMENEUR -
  20. Women's Extreme Kayak (3/5) Final Results Veronika VOJTOVA - Eva TERCELJ - Jessica FOX - Rank Athletes Nation Result 4 Ana SATILA FLT
  21. Men's Extreme Kayak (3/5) Semifinals Results The 1st and 2nd Athletes from each Semifinal will qualify for the Final Semifinal 1 Rank Athletes Nation Result 1 Joseph CLARKE - 2 Anatole DELASSUS - 3 Etienne CHAPPELL - 4 Erik HOLMER - Semifinal 2 Rank Athletes Nation Result 1 Malo QUEMENEUR - 2 Stefan HENGST - 3 Isak OHRSTROM FLT 4 Timothy ANDERSON FLT
  22. Women's Extreme Kayak (3/5) Semifinals Results The 1st and 2nd Athletes from each Semifinal will qualify for the Final Semifinal 1 Rank Athletes Nation Result 1 Jessica FOX - 2 Eva TERCELJ - 3 Lucie NESNIDALOVA - 4 Lucie BAUDU - Semifinal 2 Rank Athletes Nation Result 1 Ana SATILA - 2 Veronika VOJTOVA - 3 Noemie FOX - 4 Luuka JONES -
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