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Everything posted by Kirkpatrick

  1. I'm actually having only slalom in mind. You're free to disagree of course, but in my mind it's easy *win* for the men. I guess thanks to some cool new kids from Croatia as well. But not only because of that. There are just way more interesting athletes participating in the men's side, skiing looks better to me, and it's also always a pleasure seeing Hirscher doing one of his mad runs that usually wins him the races.
  2. Men's skiing is vastly superior. Quality wise, competition wise, entertainment wise.
  3. What did Russians say about Canmore? I said to myself a lot of things about it when they cancelled sprints too.
  4. Some tension with the bronze, Strasser was excellent, but DSQ, straddled, and Italy wins the bronze. Yule continues to be poor, 1-1 SUI - AUT.
  5. Zenhaeusern saving Switzerland second time now. Could've been eliminated already mostly thanks to poor Yule. Think now they'll have easy time in the final. Matt didn't impress at all, only Truppe looked (very) good from Austrian team.
  6. I like Kryuko this season. I'm all for Domracheva and Skardino coming back, though.
  7. No, it's a good post, and nothing wrong with being long, but it's just painful to read. More paragraphs, sir!
  8. More interesting than regular downhill from Saturday.
  9. And cancelled tonight, very disappointing. Whole day was pretty crappy...
  10. First part of these World Championships was pretty terrible. Not the results and winners, of course. I can't get excited with a minute of downhill/super g, no matter how excited Eurosport commentator gets.
  11. Will be funny when girls tomorrow have a longer downhill than men.
  12. 4 Slovenians, three in top six, very nice. Also, thanks for reminder that we actually have some cross country today. Shame it's a sprint, but still good. Now to find a channel with it. EDIT: Ah, ES2 has it, thought it might show snooker. EDIT2: Which is at 8pm anyway, oops.
  13. Looking good for no racing today, but I'm just afraid if that happens, that tomorrow it happens again. *Should* be slightly better weather, but you never know...
  14. No races today, rescheduled for tomorrow.
  15. Men's Downhill starts at 12:30 (CET) from reserve start (Super-G) Tomorrow's weather looks to be better, so, some people hope that today's downhill is postponed until then. If it'll run the entire course, I'm one of them.
  16. Christiansen doing alright, only minute and a half behind!
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