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Everything posted by Syd7

  1. It shouldn't be conditions based though. You shouldn't have boats being smashed, falling over, etc. It isn't fair on the athletes. The first day was an absolute disgrace.
  2. This event isn't fair for the athletes. You can't have one race where it is flat, the next it is choppy and un-raceable. It isn't hard to develop a venue that gives every athlete a chance. This Olympics has been a fiasco unfortunately, it better be the last time we schedule an Olympics in this area.
  3. Just re-locate the event to Europe!
  4. When is Kim Brennan on? I really only care about that race and this Olympics sucks for us in Australia due to the time difference lol
  5. Impossible to compare disciplines. These 'greatest ever debates' are impossible. Someone like Aaorn Piersol was as dominant as Phelps was at his peak, albeit he didn't go to as many Olympics.
  6. Who was the genius that decided on this venue. They will be lucky to have the events completed in a month!
  7. I follow swimming a lot, have worked in swimming for years- I don't anymore as I had some family things go on. However I know the juniors, you just have to be patient. I have you winning 2 medals this Olympics in the swimming. Watch out in 2020, and especially in 2024.
  8. Your team reminds me of Great Britain in 2008 as a swimming team. They didn't win a lot (Rebbecca Adlington being the one that did) but what they did is they went young. They took a long term approach. You will be better in Japan in 2020. Also if you follow the juniors you have a few elite under 16/17 year olds coming through who are ranked in the top couple.
  9. Some of them. Seebolm had an absolute shocker today though, albeit she can't be worse tomorrow in the final. Canada have been doing well too, punching well above your weight.
  10. Just found this forum- thank goodness! hope you don't mind an Australian being here. Has been a great couple of days. Loving the newer swinning countries getting some medals. As for us today the less said about Roberts and Magnussen please, they both swam like they had a 3 day bender!
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