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Everything posted by zob79

  1. It was a matter of seconds, indeed
  2. It seems Chiles' contestation was too late, so her initial score (13.666) is restored. Sabrina Voinea's appeal was rejected; it seems we'll have to wait TAS's official statement to find out the reasons.
  3. BREAKING NEWS: According to Romanian media, TAS (Tribunal arbitral du sport) decided that the bronze medal of floor rutine should be awarded to Ana-Maria Barbosu! More to follow soon
  4. She's still in hospital but the danger is serious injury
  5. Chirila is flawless....sets OB in series
  6. As our friend heywoody knows like no other, it's better to massage yourself/dog without lotions of any kind; natural pleasure is to be desired
  7. Woof woof What has he done?
  8. Congrats! I thought Susaki was untouchable
  9. Better than Karelin?
  10. @thiago_simoes Thiago, pls tell me why Sabrina Voinea got such a low score at floor exercise; I can't think of anything...neither can she
  11. Worst refereeing since Moscow 1980, when even Nadia got robbed.
  12. What can I say, my friend? hope I'll never feel what Ana Barbosu and Sabina Voinea must've felt today Shameful refereeing, some of you guys may remember what happened to Nadia in 1980. That's seems the book was already written.
  13. A flip coin works 50% I don't wanna argue with you; GL against chinese Germany
  14. Congratulations! Excuse me, I was eating a non-depleted brownie
  15. So what? everybody loves to see a rainbow
  16. Amateur boxing and weightlifting must be kicked out of Olympics asap; their spirit has been destroyed by cheating
  17. I'm afraid amateur boxing is already on its deathbed, mate. It has lost its credibility, a thing that will be almost imposible to restore
  18. My friend, there are a lot of rivers in India, it's time for you to become a major powerhouse in rowing. Take up sculling on the holy Ganges!
  19. Not more than us being terrified by the mighty flyin' dutchmen
  20. Thank you, but I cheered for Netherlands - tradition, value, no chemical romance - they've got it all In 2028 I'll cheer for Greenland and Oman
  21. I'm happy for you as much as a Romanian can sympathize with a Hungarian May I quote the immortal György Szepesi: "let the wine flow"!
  22. Wtf were they saying?
  23. Sinovic brothers hape stepped into legend
  24. Fck the biology! I wanna be an apostle of political correctness and chew the same old cliques over and over again. Miciurin once said there is no biology, but communist biology vs bourgeois biology; why can't we have woke biology? My father is a historian; last year a dumbass told him that human history is the struggle of opressed minorieties (lgbt, binary and other ***) to break free from their chains. You can't really have an honest dialogue with these people; they just wanna bark
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