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  • Favourite Olympic Games
    Summer Olympic Games
  • Favourite Sports
    Artistic gymnastics, athletics, swimming
  • Real Name
    Marcel Wamelink
  • Living City

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  1. Opvallend dat weinig Nederlanders echt boven zichzelf uit lijken te stijgen en weten te verrassen.
  2. Any pictures of the venue in Polynesia? Surfing...
  3. Remember Steven Bradbury Salt Lake 2002
  4. Vandaar het woord outsiders.....juist de (totaal) onverwachte medailles zijn soms de meeste memorabele.
  5. Outsiders voor een medaille: Turnen - dames team: kans op brons Turnen - heren (Loran de Munck): voltige Zwemmen dames: 4 x 100 meter vrije slag (achter USA en Australie) Schermen heren: Degen - Tristan Tulen Andere suggesties?
  6. No results of the following days?
  7. I bought a few tickets for handball and basketbal in Lille. Only tickets available for non-Paris venues. In the first en second fase the tickets for other sports were also available but only the ridiculous expensive ones. It is not going to be cheap to watch athletics, swimming or artistic gymnastics….. But 20 years ago I visited Athens and then prices for tickets on sessions with finals were up to € 150. My ticket for the opening ceremony was € 799. So, it was never ‘cheap’. But now my whole family wants to join me 😁
  8. Perfect score!
  9. The Chinese websites for multi events are terrible! Also the site for the Asian Games feels very outdated….
  10. At least it is a ‘working’ results system. They only forget to publish pdf-results or a complete resultbook. GSSE 2023 worked well during the event, but no results can be downloaded. One should think that the results are part of the legacy of the Games at last years this information seems to getting worse or challeging to find (for example: South East Asian Games 2023, Pan American Junior Games 20121, ALBA Games 2023)
  11. I really do not understand why many proposals are based on new venues or venues which need major upgrade. Only to meet the demands of the international federations? When was the last time we did see full stands at a major competition? London 2012? After that many events seemed to be held in venues too big for the interested public. It was a shame looking at the stream of the European Games in 2023. Athletics held in a 50.000-venue with hardly any spectators. Lot of venues build for big events seem te be unused or do not need the capacity after the Games: Athens 2004, Beijing 2008, Rio 2016, World Cup soccer in South Africa and Qatar…… In order to ‘survive’ a critical review of the way forward seems te be helpfull…..
  12. Anyone an idea what kind of event this was: The Virtus Oceania Asia Games 2022 (OA Games 2022)
  13. Must be incomplete, since no athletes from the home country are mentioned.....
  14. Could you zend them to me? I am very interested.
  15. I am still looking for results of the SEAG 2023. The website is still active, but only for the para-event. Anyone some advice?
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