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Posts posted by stamura84

  1. in italy one thing is sure......our athlets are tested a lot.but today (schwazer's case apart) a strange and ridicoulos situation:

    Inspectors from international athletics governing body IAAF on Wednesday failed in a bid to conduct a surprise doping test on Italian race walker Elisa Rigaudo while she was at the residence of President Sergio Mattarella for a ceremony, ANSA sources said.
        The inspectors were refused entry to the presidential Quirinal Palace, where Rigaudo was attending the ceremony for the hand-over of flags to the Italian standard-bearers at the Rio Olympics.
        As a result blood and urine tests on Rigaudo, who won bronze in the 20km walk at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, were postponed until she went to an event at the Casa delle Armi facility at the Foro Italico sports complex later on Wednesday, the sources said.


  2. 6 hours ago, Gianlu33 said:

    Assurdo, Schwazer dinuovo positivo al doping, siamo alla frutta.

    Tutte le parole gettate al vento e lo sport italiano è stato macchiato di un altra onta


    @Danylove80 @phelps @stamura84 @Henry_Leon scusate per la notifica ma cosa ne pensate?

    francamente,sono sincero.l'ha notizia mi ha sorpreso piu che rattristito.4 anni fa ho avuto la fortuna di depennare schwarzer dal mio mondo sportivo.ho sempre detto e lo continuerò a dire che se la wada perdona io non lo faccio,perchè in gioco c'è lo sport,un divertimento una passione.per cui è ancora piu grave barare per queste cose.certo è che vorrei capire maggiormente le dinamiche di questa positività,il perchè solo adesso si viene a conoscenza,il perchè nei tanti test fatti da gennaio ad oggi non era uscito nulla,il perchè veniamo a saperlo da un indagine della gazzetta e non dalla federazione,o dalla mio punto di interesse riguarda solo ed esclusivamente queste cose,di schwarzer non me ne importa nulla.e francamente sono dispiaciuto per coloro che erano tornati a tifare per lui  e che a lui hanno ridato fiducia.

  3. 1 minute ago, Maxim Fastovsky said:

    like my son says.... MESS!


    if someone who went through the top 22/top 14 rejects it it goes to the next one , however if it's someone who rejects the continental quota then it goes back into the continental quota list. so if south africa rejects the quota it goes into the african continental quota. If there is no one else to take , which is possible because africa and oceania already dont have enough judokas to fill the quota then it just goes to top athlete not yet qualified as long as no one from that country qualified in his weight (also have to be whatever gender have quotas remaining)

    example: -48KG female..... after qualified directly,there are payet ( continental quota) rishony (continental quota),moscatt (no quota,because already 2 european continental quotas) .in case of  REJECT  of somebody.who will qualify?payet? or moscatt? i ask this because if the pass goes to payet ,moscatt become continental quota of italy and marconcini (italy) doesn't take the quota (that at moment he has)

  4. why our federation sayd that petroni (he sayd too) is qualified for rio?is it wrong?

    according the qualification system:Six (6) quota places will be allocated via the Pentathlon World Ranking List of 1 June 2016 to the first six (6) athletes not already qualified through the above competitions. If one or more of the six (6) athletes has already qualified at a Continental Championships, the 2015 World Cup Final, the 2015 UIPM World Championships, or the 2016 UIPM World Championships, the athletes ranked 7th and thereafter according to the UIPM Pentathlon World Ranking List (as of 1 June 2016) will be considered qualified by the Pentathlon World Ranking instead.


  5. Laser Standard m Francesco Marrai,

    RS:X Mattia Camboni,

    RS:X d Flavia Tartaglini,

    49er FX Giulia Conti e Francesca Clapcich,

    Nacra 17 Vittorio Bissaro e Silvia Sicouri,

    Still to decide:

    49er u,

    Finn u

    Laser Radial d

  6. tomorrow will be the last match for the star valentina vezzali.....I will miss her so much.she gave us so many happyness.

    olympic medals: 6gold 1silver 2bronze

    world championship medals : 16gold 5silver 4bronze

    european championship medals: 13gold 4silver  4bronze

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