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Everything posted by Dolby

  1. So, they have updated the World Championship Rankings ranking with RUS/KAZ/BLR still in it. I am assuming this means that these countries will be participating in Olympics and their ban will start after Olympics. Has IWF clarified anything?
  2. Interesting. I would have put Belgium alongside Australia/Netherlands. Rest I agree.
  3. Judges must be furious. They must have lost a fortune.
  4. Shooter A wins a quota in Event X. Now, this means a) Shooter A cannot win another quota in any other event and b) Shooter A's NOC has a quota in Event X. Now, whether NOC wants to send A or some other guy B (who has MQS in Event X) is purely upto NOC. The shooter who is selected by NOC can participate in other events as well provided he has MQS in that event as well. This can be done as long as the number of shooters in that event does not cross 2 per NOC limit. If NOC wins 2 quota (A and B) in Event X and has another shooter C who has quota in Event Y and MQS in Event X, then NOC must decide which 2 shooters would take part in Event X. This is what happened with China. They decided to use shooter C and hence returning their quota. All these selections are not part of exchange of quotas. Exchange of quotas is when NOC returns its quota in Event X and instead gets a quota in Event Z. Like we exchanged Rajput's quota in 50x3 and got quota in Trap. This exchange can only be done once by NOC. Hope this clarifies the situation.
  5. oops yes. Of course it is 11.30
  6. Dutee Chand has broken her NR and qualified for Rio Olympics by clocking a time of 11.30s in Almaty meet
  7. Source? 81kg semifinals are going to be held in evening session.
  8. In a way there is. There is target quota for each event in athletics. If enough athletes don't get A standards then best ranked athletes will be invited to Olympics. At present, in the events where Indians are close to A standard, target quota has been reached so require A standard only.
  9. I have mixed feelings about restricting participation. When AFI had our own qualification standard for CWG and Asian Games, I had opposed the move as I believe we need to encourage more participation, with an aim of better performance in future. But have to admit, situation has indeed improved since then. This time all of our athletes (17) are qualifying with A standards. Agree about need for change in mentality.
  10. These are medal prospects not predictions. We should win 1 medal for every 3-4 prospects. So, with only 20-25 medal prospects we would need extraordinary performance to win 10 medals.
  11. Chenai also reaches final with a score of 123
  12. Bindra and Narang reach final in 10m Air Rifle
  13. Any idea why Manavjit is not participating here?
  14. If RUS/KAZ/BLR are banned from Olympics (instead of just removing x lifters from final tally) then their lifters will be removed from all Olympic qualification tournaments. This would mean that Combined ranking will be recalculated without lifters from these countries. IWF did the same thing when a) Brazil failed to win a quota based on combined ranking and had to use Host Quota and b) when they banned Bulgaria from Rio Olympics.
  15. by the time all these calculations will be over, we will have new list of doped lifters
  16. and after that new rankings for continental qualifiers without nations replacing these 3 nations in Combined list
  17. If Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia are banned, then we may get second quota. We are third in line but someone below us might get ahead as majority of lifters from these 3 nations are in higher weight classes and our points are from lower weight classes. But still
  18. Completely agree. After London Olympics, instead of focusing on boxing, he was busy doing movies and Roadies and then out of the blue became pro just a year before Olympics. If he was so keen about Olympics, why didn't he wait for a year or join the AIBA Pro Boxing league? And now when Vikas and Sumit are very close to Olympic qualification why is he needlessly creating a controversy. I didnt expect this from him. I thought if Vikas and/or Sumit fails to win quota here, he may try to participate in the last qualifying tournament and if needed ask for a trial against Vikas but this statement about bias against him is just sad.
  19. Didnt watch today's matches or the men's team qualifiers, so don't know for certain but I think it could be also be a case of archers taking too much time for first 5 shots and hence the last archer rushing the shot resulting in low score.
  20. Excellent performance by the team so close to Olympics. Lot of positives from the tournament, namely Fitness levels (Competing with Aus twice in two days), Confidence, Momentum and Harmanpreet Singh
  21. India doesnt beat GB often, in fact if I remember when we defeated them last year, it was after a gap of 15+ years
  22. No, you gave judge wise score line only.
  23. Each judge gives a score to each round: 10-9 being the default, 10-8 or even 10-7 only in case of too much domination and/or knockouts/warning. At the end of three rounds, each judge's scores are added up. The boxer with more judges giving him victory wins the bout. Whether a judge gives you 30-24 or 29-28 it doesnt matter. So, in this case Manoj Kumar won 2-1 as two judges thought he was the better boxer while one judge thought otherwise.
  24. Great Britain scored 2 goals in dying moments to draw their match against Belgium. This sent Indian team into the finals against Australia. This is our first ever final appearance in Champions Trophy. Also, this is our fourth major medal in 2 years. CWG Silver, Asian Games Gold, HWL Bronze and now Champions Trophy. Plus Silver and Bronze at Azlan Shah.
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