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Totallympics Grand Master
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by dcro

  1. Because the stone was moved. To make it more bizzare it was accidentally touched by both Swiss and Chinese player.
  2. They decided to make life difficult for themselves, because why not.
  3. Finland is reaching new lows. And Norway suddenly starts to feel very Nordic.
  4. Russians however are starting to challenge the Finns with their play.
  5. I also see there's that power play option, with starting stones being moved to the side.
  6. Not sure about this event. Tactics is pretty much just trolling the opposing team by freezing everything.
  7. Yes, let's remove even Finland from this event which was introduced to "bring new flags".
  8. I'm afraid this crowd is very clueless. Big gasp just because Finland took out Korean stone that was right in the open...
  9. Oh dear, Finland is awful. As expected I'm afraid. From what I saw at the qualification event Oona Kauste is just making mistake after mistake.
  10. So they just copied graphics from Rio, great originality right there.
  11. Alright, is there anyone here who isn't watching (live) curling mixed doubles for the 1st time?
  12. In a few moments we'll see the graphics. Hopefully not with the ugly rotated flags making a comeback.
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