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  1. That was long time ago, almost 2 years ago , out of competition test when he was injured and wasn't even training. as usual he claims he is innocent and just takes medicine from the doctors ! Mohammadi was injured for 1.5 years. we have to see his shape , I believe he had a good chance for gold in Rio ... Karimi was great in 2015. nobody knows what happened to him after that, he lost in Rio and wasn't that good this year, still he was the only one in the trials who didn't get teched by Yazdani . if Yazdani stays at 86, he has to move up to 92 or cut down to 79. Actually there is no sure gold medal candidate in Greco. specially in lighter weights. but most of our guys were competitive. actually all of them except Ghorehjili and Ghaderian.
  2. Karimi lost to Yazdani and Ebrahimi at 86kg trials, finished 4th ! Mohammadian is still banned for a doping case, Ahmad Mohammadi had a surgery months ago, he is rcovered now but he decided to not wrestle this year in the trials, as he claims he wasn't ready yet at the time. we will see him on the mat very soon. Hassan Rahimi got injured before the trials and missed that, they gave him another chance to wrestle in extra trials with Atri . but he didn't recover in time for the extra trials instead asked them to directly send him to Paris (which was the wise decision since everybody knew Atri sucks) but they rejected him. he did his surgery few days ago and will recover soon. in Greco I believe 4-5 of our wrestlers weren't that far from the gold medal.
  3. Nice to see Iran in U19 final since the 1st match vs Italy they didn't even lost a single set ! both U21 and U23 teams were very unlucky to miss the semifinal this year, I hope U19 teams makes up for that and wins the title but beating Russia ...
  4. 97kg final was match of the compettion, wrestling fans were waiting for this for a long time, if I'm not wrong this is only 2nd loss in Sadulaev's career. with this USA won the team title over Russia by only 1 point ! Russia not winning a single gold medal made me feel better a bit ! lol today refs their 65kg wrestler A LOT but he was just bad. and they lost two finals to USA. great tournament for USA. 2 golds. 6 medals and the team title. and that's funny. Iran finished 9th in the ranking and will miss the team World Cup next year (only top 8) that's a great news for me because our federation cares a lot about the World Cup and that usually costs us a lot . this year we sent some of our best wrestlers and they got injured and missed the main tournament here !
  5. Congrats to Adel Mojallali for winning our first ever Canoe medal in a senior world championship, I would be much happier if it was another day , but not today after the wrestling disaster. pity C1 200m is not an Olympic event anymore. if we consider Olympic sports, Iran have won medals in World Championship only in few of them, Canoe becomes number 7 in that short list after Wrestling, Weightlifting, Taekwondo, Judo, Athletics and Archery. ( I didn't count Karate and Sport Climbing)
  6. I'm not worried much about Taekwondo, they will find their way to the top, Iran has depth in that sport. even our Greco team was fine here , freestyle was complete disaster. even the junior team was disaster, this is not just co-incident, WL is more predictable, while we don't even have a coach, stll we have our Olympic champions. 3-4 medals probably.
  7. Actually that was pure justice, Refs brought Gogaev to that semifinal, his opponents in 1/8 final and QF got robbed, and even the Goergian got robbed of one point earlier. oofff. this is probably the worst day in Iranian wrestling history, 4 wrestlers and not even one into the medal round ! this time we didn't even lost to "good wrestlers". obviously ther is somehing wrong, we were also very bad in worlds junior freestyle, the rest of the world scouted our wrestlers very well and easily neutralized our strong underhook/pushing attack. imagine if we didn't have a genius like Yazdani !? that would be only 2nd time in history with no medal for Iran ! we will know the complete team ranking later but I think Iran will be outside of top 10 for the 2nd time in history ! wow. I knew we are not that good this time but nobody expected them to be this bad ! our only wins today were against likes of Romania, Qatar and France !!! (and actually France beat one of our wrestlers) !
  8. 125kg final That was one hell of a heavyweight match. Hats off to both of them. and yeah we won our first gold here !
  9. here we go, major major changes in wrestling once again, now official * now we will have 10 weight classes ! but they didn't change it that much as it was supposed to, they just added few more ! * the competition will be held on 2 days, with 2kg allowance for the 2nd day, but that allowance is only for 1 year, from 2019 there will be no allowance for the 2nd day ! * forced parterre is back again in Greco-Roman (which is a good thing ) but only limited ! * cautions are 1 point now, * no big change in Olympic qualification format . they will NOT use a ranking system, almost the same as before but only this time with less quotas available.
  10. Looks like we will win medal in Unviersiade as long as Taekwondo is included in high level we are competive in both Taekwondo and Weightlifting and actually we got better results in WL recently but results here was disastrous (only 1 bronze) and actually the level of Weightlifting competition was lower than TKD with a lot of world/olympic medalists . while in Taekwondo even a 3rd/4th tier athlete from Iran is competitive. in weightlifting we are very weak outside of our top 10-15 athletes. Iran won 4 out of 8 gold medals in men's Taekwondo. which is great but I wonder why they didn't bother to compete in team event tomorrow ?! I thought we won't win any more medal but then I noticed Wushu is also in the program, which means there will be few more medals.
  11. Congrats he beating Cox made me smile a bit . but don't expect our wrestler to be nice to him in the final this is our only chance for a gold medal in the whole competition.
  12. interesting fact, we have 8 finalists from 8 different countries ! never had such thing in freestyle. 57: Japan vs USA 61: Russia vs Azerbaijan 86: Iran vs Slovakia 125: Turkey vs Georgia
  13. A very disappointing day for Iran, we knew that since most of our top guys are retired (or took a break) after Rio but still I was expecting more . we will have our first finalist today but we were 90% sure about that, Yazdani is just in another level and I'm quite sure he will beat the Slovak guy easily in the final. but the rest of the day was disappointing, Atri and Ehsanpour were terrible, Mohebbi was OK but still he lost when it matters, he lost a very winnable match. which cost him a bronze medal. now I'm a little worried we may finish the freestyle competition with only one medal ! our tomorrow wrestlers are not convincing at all,
  14. Based on my previous experiences when someone pulls out with a "last minute injury" excuse , we will hear about him being banned for doping couple of months later. I hope this is not the case for Tarek Abdelsalam, I really enjoyed him during the Europeans.
  15. not really surprising, we usually win several medals in Wrestling worlds but usually only few golds. and we have so many new faces this year. I didn't expect a gold in Greco actually , even though with a bit of luck and better officiating we could 1-2 gold medals by now btw even before the competition I would tell you that we have only one very good chance for the gold, 86kg freestyle,
  16. I feel sorry for those people who paid to watch this in the stadium ! not a single action in last 4 matches !!! 59kg final and all 66kg medal matches. !! all 4 matches finished 2-1, all points on cautions and all matches went in favor of UWW favorite countries. and as usual we never win a match on cautions, no way ! that's in UWW rule book, when there is no technical point, we lose on cautions. !! not saying
  17. UWW these days covers most of traditional wrestling events. unfortunately no, I even searcehd a bit but found nothing, not even a hint about that number, so this is just a guess. well you know things are not that "organized" here comparing to France or other European countries. we just know there are a lot of wrestlers ! specially in northern provinces and in Southwest (only Greco-Roman)
  18. well actually no , we even had 30th place finish or even worse in WCh in this sport before. outside of our top 15-20 weightlifters we don't have too much depth in this sport. (Behrouzi who finished 4th today is a former NT member) wrestling is a different story though.
  19. well yeah probably but I stil would pick Lopez. he lost few gold medals intentionally otherwise his career would be as good as Karelin and you have to give more credit to Lopez, he won world title under 3 different set of rules.
  20. yep, Kuchmii is good , that will be 50/50 and most probably refs will decide the winner by their cautions . that's how Nabi (the luckiest man in the earth) beat both of them, by doing nothing !
  21. well there are a LOT of wrestlers in Iran but I don't think that number is true. but even if that's somehow true, that doesn't mean in freestyle/Greco-Roman there are so many different styles of traditional wrestling in Iran in each province.
  22. indeed he is. Cuba had the greatest wrestler ever in this weight (Mijain Lopez) now he is retired (or probably took a break for this year) even their reserve guy was great and almost beat Kayalp here. poor guys were wasting their talents behind that giant.
  23. They are still the better team overall and won the team title . interesting that both team winner and runner-up (Iran) didn't win any gold medal. the thing is in Greco if you make a mistake there are only few chances to score, that's why we have so many surprising results.
  24. so 3 bronze medals at the end of the day. actually that was a good result. with a bit more luck and better officiating we could have won 2 gold medals today. but I'm glad our Greco-Roman is still alive. we have 6 debutantes this year.most of our top wrestlers retied after the Olympics and I wasn't sure we even can win a single bronze here. our tomorrow draw is much better but the problem is our wrestlers are much weaker tomorrow ! I don't expect a medal except for Ghaderian at 80kg maybe. interesting point, no medal for Azerbaijan , from what I heard they are in deep financial trouble. looks like they can't even pay their coaches !
  25. Don't worry about that, UWW wll change the weight classes completely after this tournament. in one of their proposals, 70kg will be an Olympic weight, i can't remember the other proposal right now. and wrestling is not like Rowing or Canoeing when non-Olympic events have less importance, the importance is 100% the same as Olympic weights, except the year before the Olympics which is an Olympic qualifier. and 71kg was a strong competition, that was a well deserved world title for Stabler. so many 66kg wrestlres moved up weight after the Olympics, btoh Rio bronze medalists among them Chunayev and Bolkvadze.
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