Well, it all started with the Javelin Throw, where she threw 51+ metres on her final attempt, but it was not accepted, because the javelin didn't land correctly and that cost Skujytė around 100~ points. So we tried to appeal this decision, because the video footage showed that the javelin landed correctly, so there were three protests and all of them were declined, which of course ruined Skujytė's RIO chances, because she is not the best 800m. runner and our Javelin Throw coach that was accompanying our athletes filed a complaint of her own, because she also saw the footage and said that the javelin wouldn't have slided a few meters further, if it hadn't landed correctly and she even mentioned that the javelin was somewhere around 53 meters and that the judges started marking the javelin in a wrong place, but everything was declined and her final score was 45m. After all of this, she still decided to compete in 800m. to finish honourably in 7th-8th place, but after 150m. she felt a sting in her leg and said that the last thing she would want is to be carried out with a stretcher out of the stadium so she stopped running and limped away. Still, she was in good mood at the press conference, mentioned that a 2020 Olympics is physically impossible for her, but she would like to at least try and hang on for the 2017 season.