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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Werloc

  1. We're edging closer to one of the most entertaining parts of this competition. For years, this man has been watching and analysing our votes. It's going to be the first official vote for @Quasit
  2. Thanks @mrv86 for a beautiful medal and being 1/4th of our delegation's points. Glad you liked the song
  3. @Bohemia used the "France would like to get some medals" magic to get medals!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Croatia trying to increase their influence over in Venezuela with this power move.
  5. Thanks @dcro for the point. This session already looks like it's gonna be better than the last one
  6. I can't say that I disagree Just wanted to clap back at the statement that it was a joke entry, which it wasn't.
  7. Nah, it's not a joke song. It's a song about very serious problems in the United States, delivered by a very talented artist and with top notch production. People that are fond of hip-hop would eat this right up. Edit: I should add that this might have not been the best choice for a song competition, since the video is the main driving point of the song.
  8. I'm honestly very surprised how some high quality songs can stay in 1 to 20 points territory when there are a lot of songs that I wouldn't consider as contenders slaying the competition. I guess it just shows how out of touch my music taste is compared with this forum's community
  9. Usually it's you that spoils me with points, so I'm a bit surprised as well then And thanks for the compliment
  10. I'm back. Doesn't seem like I missed much Just that Ireland is 40 points ahead of everyone now Thank you France for the points @Bohemia was that you?
  11. Thanks a bunch @Dolby, that was really unexpected You doubled my points
  12. Well, after getting votes from 3 juries, the rest of the day is going pretty much as expected
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