Ok,first off Trash is just you being dramatic,she literally has a movie about being depressed,even before Rio happened,and then suicidal afterwards, sport was not on her mind whatsoever,and she took the third miss intentionally,intending to end her career that way,that changed after a few years,where she no longer felt all the insults Lithuanians piled on her for years,[calling her fat and much worse]she's stolen nothing,talent doesn't disappear because you take a break,and she did train a little before returning for the Lithuanian swimming championships in 2021,she never was banned for doping,so do not put her alongside Gaitlin and Efimova,that's just dumb. Athletes can actually miss drug tests for valid reasons,whether you believe them is your decision,but your idea would only cause a lot more Ponzio like problems and i guarantee that in that case there would be athletes you would defend and not brand ''dopers''.