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  • Favourite Olympic Games
    Summer Olympic Games
  • Favourite Sports
    athletics, tennis, volleyball
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  1. OMG!!! I’m so happy that despite all the injuries, they have won! It’s a dream come true
  2. Olympic QF is still a big accomplishment for this team, huge progress for them. Still, wished they showed more fight in this match, the USA wasn’t playing that spectacularly.
  3. Finally!!! They played the best in this Olympics during the most important match, so proud of them
  4. Ja staram się nie być pesymistą i cieszyć się tymi igrzyskami i tak, bo nie po to człowiek czeka te cztery (tym razem trzy) lata, żeby się od razu dołować. No ale raczej będzie gorzej niż w Tokio. Najważniejsze, żeby tradycja przynajmniej dziesięciu medali była podtrzymana. A jak będzie złoto siatkarzy to dla mnie igrzyska udane mimo wszystko
  5. Congrats Iga! She got a medal and it’s all that matters now. And tbh, I know silver is generally better than bronze, and being in the Olympic final is a big achievement but I think winning bronze instead of losing the final (and being so close to gold) might feel slightly better so there's that. Also happy for Alcaraz, win that gold please!
  6. Wczoraj pomyślałem, że te igrzyska się całkiem nieźle dla nas zaczęły, ale Iga dziś sprowadziła mnie szybko na ziemię. Szkoda, bo jej zależało i to chyba aż za bardzo, ale ma jeszcze szansę na medal. Ale nie powiem, najbardziej mnie wkurza przegrywanie medali z takimi potęgami jak Chiny co ich już mają dużo, a my musimy wyliczać, czy chociaż 10 będzie. Oby jak najmniej takich wpadek jak dziś
  7. Iga lost with herself and the pressure. And Zheng took that opportunity. Big disappointment but I hope she will forget this loss and take the bronze at least
  8. You’re missing the point. The whole hate is mostly because of him not suffering any real consequences of his actions as he was released from jail very quickly. And now after not serving any real sentence we’re supposed to cheer while he’s playing beach volleyball like nothing happened, in one of the biggest sporting events in the world? If he was truly remorseful, he would’ve pulled out of the Olympics after all that backlash. He didn't, so now he’s dealing with all the well-deserved hate while also bringing shame to the Netherlands for even allowing him to compete at all. I enjoy watching beach volleyball so I’m trying to look past it. But can’t blame people for acting this way toward him, I mean, we are talking about a literal child rapist. Just my 2 cents since I’m kinda shocked you’re bringing this up like this but I’m not gonna discuss it more
  9. That match was SPICY. Go Iga
  10. Phew, I already had low expectations but this was still scary to watch. Great match!
  11. 3-2 !!! I knew Germany would be the dark horse of these Olympics and they are confirming that. Group C is very entertaining so far (except you Argentina, but hopefully you’ll change that )
  12. Lowkey embarrassed for his competitors… congrats to
  13. Good win for against a very good defensive team! QF is within their reach
  14. Wasn’t expecting it to go this way tbh
  15. far from perfect but got the job done. Now a few days of rest
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