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Everything posted by Майкл

  1. Ovo izgleda mnogo bolje zasad. Servis mnogo bolji.
  2. Andrea se osilila, ovoga puta nema podršku saigračica. Ovo je možda i zbog pozivanja Kristine, sa kojom nije u dobrim odnosima. Istini za volju, na poslednjem takmičenju nam je Andrea više odmogla, nego pomogla.
  3. Da se osvrnem na rukomet... Mogli bismo da ugasimo svetlo.
  4. Na pragu je top100, a počela je da igra u aprilu, odlična sezona za nju - WTA polufinale, 2xČF, 2 titule na 60k ITF I na sve to WTA titula u dublu.
  5. Nina Stojanović u prvom WTA polufinalu
  6. To je bilo za očekivati, Stosur je samo bleda senka stare sebe
  7. Mislim da je problem sasvim drugačiji, ali dobro Mnogo je ljudi koji su besni zbog toga što su čuli na vestima svih televizija da smo favoriti za zlato, nekome je pao tiket, a neko jednostavno misli da su sportisti dužni da pobeđuju na svakom takmičenju ZBOG NACIJE I PATRIOTIZMA. Neretko se desi da gomila ljudi ima iskrivljenu sliku o sportu. Tek ove godine sam video pozitivne komentare o Ani i Jeleni, recimo, gde su tek sada ljudi svesni šta su one postigle kada smo spali na Ivanu u top 100 Previše ljudi voli uspeh, a premalo sport kao takav. Govorim uglavnom o ljudima koji posećuju mainstream portale, pošto verujem da pravi ljubitelji nemaju snage za glupe komentare po portalima nakon teških poraza
  8. Naravno da nije, ali je preduslov za borbu za medalju i mnogo manje stresno za sve
  9. E, sada je momenat kada bi svi skupa trebalo da sednu za sto i odluče šta dalje...
  10. Florida always fucks up the results, doesn't it? On a serious note - Trump turned out to be a very talented politician, luckily for the States he hadn't realised that earlier. 1) He's charismatic and a great leader; 2) He understands how social media work so well; 3) Most importantly, he can get under the skin of white plebs so easily thanks to his awareness of all shortcomings of American society... he exploits their inner insecurities and prejudicies and eventually makes them vote for him, making them believe that he is THE MAN that will solve their problems (amazing, right?). But, in the end, he still makes a lot of mistakes as a statesman. Mainly because he's never realised that one cannot lead a country the same way he runs the corporation.
  11. I just remembered that Gore had an idea to run for president too... AGAIN Someone probably advised him not to embarrass himself again haha
  12. Biden would be a horrible choice IMO. In my eyes, he's nothing more than a recrement of past regimes and many people probably see him as part of the problem, not the solution. One would think that Dems had learnt their lesson after Hilary's fiasco 3 years ago, but they still go for washed up faces over and over again. They needed relatively young and energetic candidate (like Castro or O'Rourke) to defeat Trump, who would inspire younger voters and minorities to cast their votes, who would represent a real opposition on the political continuum. Sanders and Biden had enough chances to run for POTUS, it's time for some younger and fresher faces. It's so obvious that it hurts... to everyone except Democrats' establishment
  13. Scottish people voted in favour of staying in the EU, which could pose a huge danger to GBR's stability in future. Also, there's a problem with NIR if no-deal Brexit happens, as Irish people do not want hard border between NIR and Republic of Ireland. It's really impossible to predict what's ahead of UK and it seems to me their political leaders have no idea what to do either.
  14. Mislim da je najveći problem ovog tima to što nema lidera - nekoga ko će u teškim trenucima da povuče celu ekipu, podigne klupu na noge itd, Bogdanović jeste fenomenalan košarkaš, ali nema crtu lidera, Jokić je, sa druge strane, previše flegmatičan, Bjelica je bio previše odsutan. Ostale ne mogu da vidim kao lidere ekipe, iako većini ne manjka košarkaškog znanja.
  15. Zašto? Pa zato što imaju kvalitet za to i trebalo bi da budu na OI po svim parametrima I odbojka je najmasovniji ženski sport na svetu, pa smo se kvalifikovali
  16. Svakako, ako je iole etičan trener trebalo bi da podnese ostavku ukoliko ostanemo bez kvote za OI.
  18. Sva trenerska magija se videla protiv Austrije (ako je bila AUT, nisam više siguran)
  19. Given the fact that we play without a real defense this is a great result
  20. Na šta li će da liči ta utakmica protiv ARG ....
  21. What a tramendous final Medved - better luck next time, I hope you'll win next time, you really deserve it! I knew he was going to do great things after seeing him play against Novak in DC two and a half years ago, but man, I never expected him to almost 'steal' victory from Nadal in a GS final. What a character he is + his game is really easy on the eye. I think I definitely have a new favorite player on the ATP side #19 for Nadal... Who could've guessed? He's a fucking legend.
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